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3rd pov

     When Lucy first joined Lockwood and co, they never really celebrated any holiday, and she was fine with it. George would go visit his family and she would stay there with Lockwood. There was no gift exchange, or decorations, the first year it wasn't even a night off, she got a letter from Mary and that's about it. Again, she didn't really care. Growing up with her huge family, without a dad, meant that 'Santa' visited every other year. Then Holly came, Lucy left before Christmas that year and didn't get to enjoy her first real London Christmas. Instead, she was alone in her new appartment with the skull, she didn't even get her letter from Mary because she had Lockwood and co. for the address, and nobody knew her new address yet. But when she came back to Lockwood and co. she realized that Holly had corrupted the boys. She started to realize it when she got up and went down stairs to find all sorts if Christmas decorations littering the house. They said that Holly had convinced Lockwood to actually celebrate, so she gave it a chance. It actually turned out pretty well, they baked cookies, put up a tree, and decided to have a 'Secret Santa'. It felt odd to Lucy at first, but she quckly embraced it, she never knew what a real Christmas was and she figured it was time she did. George still visited his family, and Holly spent a good portion of the day with her's, but they found time to hang out and have their Christmas. This year though, was different, this year Lockwood and Lucy are dating and neither of them knew what to buy the other. Lockwood was sitting on the couch reading a magazine, mindlessly playing with Lucy's hair, she was laying down sketching with her head in her boyfriend's lap.
     "Hey babe?" Lockwood suddenly asked.
     "Yeah Anth?"
     "What do you want for Christmas?"
     "I don't know." She answered sitting up. He put his arm around her shoulders.
     "What are you drawing?"
     "The tree." She said showing him what she had done. "So what do you want for Christmas?"
     "To be honest I'm not sure either." She sighs.
     "You're really hard to buy for."
     "I know, I'm sorry babe, but you're not easy to buy for either." George walks in and rolls his eyes.
     "It's only hard for you guys because you're dating. Get her something artsy and him something... she's got a good point you are hard to buy for."
     "So what're you getting Flo?" Lockwood asks.
     "I don't know man..."
     "My point exactly."
     "Actually, it was my point." Lockwood shook his head and turned his attention back to the girl next to him.
     "It was his point." Lucy said. Lockwood dramatically flopped over the arm of the couch.
     "I've been betrayed, and by my own girlfriend." That's when Holly walked in.
     "Do I even want to know?" She asked, Lucy giggled and hugged Lockwood- who was still hanging off the couch- laying her head on his shoulder.
     "He's just salty that I agreed with George and not him."
     "About what?"
     "Litterly who said what in a conversation we just had."
     "So he's just being a big baby because he was wrong."
     "Yep." She said kissing his cheek and playing with his hair. With a sigh he gives in and hugs her back, he smiles when he feels the lacey band of her bra. Knowing that he's not going to get anywhere when it come to that with how things are going he kisses her back.
     "I'm done being salty if I can do somthing about that sexy bra." He wispered in her ear.
     "We're not even home alone, go take a cold shower."
     "It's gunna be pretty clear when I stand up."
     "Well it'll be even more clear what we're going to do then wouldn't it?"
     "I guess you right." He said a little disappointed.
     "I'll stay here and help you cover it until you can leave with out it being to obvious."
     "Thanks babe."
     "What're you two wispering about?" George asked.
     "Do you really want to know?"
     "Yeah, 'cause Lockwood clearly has a boner from it."
     "Well it's pointless now, I'm gunna go take a shower." He said leaving.
     "My question still stands."
     "We we're talking about ways for him to cover it."
     "But what gave him it?"
     "He felt lace on my bra."
     "That turned him on that much?"
     "Yeah, that and the fact that I was cuddled into him." 
     "Pluse he's a horny teenager." Quill added.
     "When did you even get here?"
     "About the time he went to fix himself."
     "Ok." Everyone went back to what they were doing, but now Lucy couldn't help but to struggle to figure out what to get her boyfriend. 
     While Lockwood was taking a cool shower he was thinking of ways to try to take away some of the stress of finding the perfect gift for Lucy. He thought that if they bought eachother something fun, along with an actual nice gift... no it wouldn't work. That was such a dumb idea. He got out of the shower, got re-dressed and headed back down stairs.
     "Hey Lockwood, we've been thinking." George says.
     "That's never good."
     "What if you and Luce buy eachother novelty stuff along with real presents. Y'know, to try to take some of the stress of finding the 'perfect gift' away."
     "I actually had the same idea and figured you guys would make fun of it."
     "So you wanna?" Lucy akses.
     "I say we all go to the mall and split into two groups - one boys and one girls- that way if you two run into eachother you can't tell wich bag is really theirs." Holly sugestes.
     "That's actually a really good plan."
     "So when do you wanna go?"
     "Not today Hol, I don't think I'm up for all that walking, my knee still hurts from last night's case." 
     "Tomorrow then?"
     "Sure, sounds like a plan."
     "Pluse we have a client comming, which why I'm even here." Quill added.
     "Do you wanna come with us?"
    "I'll be there, but it might not be the same time, I have to help my mom with her Christmas shopping."
     "Ok, well you can join if you want."

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