A Few Short Stories

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Little Mix Up

     Lockwood woke up to his alarm still exhausted, so he grabbed some cloths and headed to the bathroom for a shower to try to wake him up. When he was both clean and awake, he stepped out and went to get dressed. That was until he went to put his boxers on, they were clearly way to small, but they were Batman. With a sigh he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed back to his room to get some cloths that fit. "Hey Lock- woah. Why aren't you wearing pants?!?"
     "I was so tired that I totally forgot to grab my boxers." He lyed not wanting to tell her what really happended. Lucy gave him an odd look but let it pass.
     "Just get some cloths on." She said while she could still somewhat keep herself from staring at his wonderfully toned chest.
     "Will do." He said feeling quite akward and embarrassed. When he got down to the kitchen he found all of his friends. "Hey Holly?"
     "Hi, Lockwood, what's up?"
     "You did the laundry and put it in our rooms right?"
     "Yeah. Why?"
     "Because when I went to get dressed I found...um... how do I say this? Underwear that there is no way it'll fit me. It was like Batman, but deffinetly to small."
     "Wait, made kinda like boxers but the legs are really short?" Lucy asked.
     "Those are mine."
     "Yeah, they're comfy."
     "But why Batman?" George askes as if it was important.
     "Why not? They were on sale, and the other reason is a weird story."
     "I got time."
     "So I have a good friend back up north, who loves Batman- he actually threatened to burn my Superman shirt one day, while I was wearing it- anyway the whole friends group now wears a bunch of random Batman stuff or gives it to him. But sence they were girls underwear, I didn't send them to him, I kept them."
     "That's really weird."
     "I warned you. And before you say it as a joke, I do have a matching bra."
     "How did I know?"


     George was making breakfest when he heard a knock on the door. He just figerued that Holly couldn't find her key or couldn't be bothered to find it. When he answeres though, he found Inspector Barnes. "Cubbins, I need to talk to Lockwood."
     "Which one?"
     "Oh, I forgot they're married now. Probably one then the other."
     "I'll go wake them up. Com-" Before George could finish his sentence Barns was in the house and interrupting him.
     "I got it, it smells like you're burning breakfest anyway."
     "I don't think anyone is ok with you going up there."
     "No, but I'm a lot higher up in the totem pole." He went up and knocked on the Lockwoods' bedroom door before walking right in. The first thing he saw was Anthony's back, he started to worry that he walked into something he really didn't want to see, but then he saw his pant leg and relaxed. Barnes got closer to the sleeping couple and found that Lucy was sleeping in a hoodie that had to be her husband's, she was cuddled up with Anthony, his chest to her back, and he had his hand on her hip. "Lockwood wake up." He said shaking the younger man's shoulder.
     "Five more minutes George." He replied shifting his grip on Lucy.
     "Anthony get up now, we need to talk." That's when he finally turned his head.
     "Barnes? Why are you in my room?"
     "Because I need to talk to you."
     "Ok, but why are you in here, couldn't have George or anyone else that works or lives here have woken me?"
     "I made George burn part of your breakfest by comming, and I don't think anyone else has come in yet."
     "Ok, what do you need?"
     "We might want to talk about this in a normal place."
     "Ok, well sence someone took my hoodie last night, let me find a shirt or something." He shifted so he could get up without walking Lucy.
     "You're in pretty good shape for someone who can't work in the feild anymore."
     "I do the training, so I still get to play with a sword alot." Lockwood replied after putting a shirt on, and through a pair of Lucy's sweat pants  on the bed. They then headed downstairs.
     "Maybe you should let Lucy do some of that work. Between you and me she seems to be gaining some weight."
     "She's pregnant."
     "Oh, I didn't realize-"
     "Now that you've called my wife fat. Let's get on with what you wanted to tell me."
     "Sorry, I need your help on a case."
     "And you decided that showing up at the crack of dawn, going up to my room, waking me up, and insulting my wife, was the best time and way to tell me that."
     "He did what?" Holly asked, she had come in not long after Barnes headed up. "There is no way that he insulted her, and is still alive."
     "She's still asleep, and he atleast waited until he was out of the room. And I'm to tired to do more then telling him off for it." He turned to Barnes. "Can we plaese get on with it now?"

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