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Between THB and TCS (or technally in TCS)
Lucy's pov

      I had messed up my leg, and working was out of the question with me not being able to walk correctly. Due to this, I was actually sleeping at night, that was until I heard banging on my door. I got up, and onto my crutches and made my way over to the door, to my suprise it was Lockwood there. His cloths and hair were messed, this along with the blood going down his face immediately woke me up.
"Lockwood?! What happended?"
"I messed up big Luce."
"Well come on in, you can tell me as I fix that cut on your face." He followed me in.
"Why are you on crutches?"
"Your story first. How did this happen?" I got a rag and started to clean off his face.
"So I was going undercover to get some info, like I normaly do."
"Ok. Here hold this cloth on your cut, and apply pressure, we need that to stop bleeding." I go and get my first-aid kit.
"So you remember that 6foot Irish dock worker with the speach impediment?"
"Well it's kind of like that situation, I ticked off someone with my non-perfected accent, and apperently they have ties with the Winkmans."
"Wonderful. How did you even get my adress?" I ask taking the rag away from him.
"I was going to stop by to ask for your help on a case later this week, so I asked around."
"Ok, does George know what you've gotten yourself into?" With the bleeding stopped I started cleaning the cut.
"No, probably not- ow!"
"You big baby. You should probably call him."
"I will when you're done cleaning the cut. So can I ask about your leg yet?"
"Not quite, this almost looks like a blade cut you, what happended?"
"Yeah, they tryed to cut my throat, but I was able to get free enough and they only cut my forehead."
"Well that explains that." I muttered
"So about my question..."
"Well sence I'm a freelancer, I'm the one that they don't really care about injuring, so I was pushed down a small flight of stairs so that one of them didn't have to throw a salt bomb, because the owner didn't want their rug messed up."
"Yeah, they're now paying my medical bills." I put a bandage over the now clean cut. "Now go call George, we both know he'll start having kittens if you don't atleast check in soon. And if you need to, you can crash here"
"Thanks Luce."
"It's not a problem Lockwood although I'm not sure where you'd sleep."
"I can just sleep in the floor or something."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. It's your place not mine."
"Ok, well the phone is over by the stove, for some reason. I'm gunna lay back down."
"Ok sleep well, and thanks again for helping me out."
"What are friends for?" I ask laying back down facing the wall and cuddling back into my blankets. I heard Lockwood's conversation with George and it sounded like it was a good thing I made him call, right as I was falling back into a deep sleep I couldn't help but think that I felt Lockwood kiss my temple.


Lockwood watched as Lucy cuddled into her blankets, he had never watched Lucy sleep or layed down in bed before. That would be really creepy. But now that the only other places he can go are the bathroom or out of her apartment, he couldn't help but take notice how cute she was all curled up in a bundle of blankets. He decided that Lucy was right and that he needed to call George.
George was starting to get worried about Lockwood, he knew that what he was doing was dangerous. So when the phone rang in 35 Portland Row, he knew something was wrong.
"Hey George, I got myself into a bit of trouble-"
"I swear to God if you're in jail-"
"No calm down, I'm at Lucy's. Why would you just assume I was in jail!?"
"You do stupid stuff."
"Whatever, I'll probably be back some time tomarrow afternoon. I just want to make sure that it's safe when I do."
"More like you want more time with Luce to help you figure out how to ask her out."
"Totally George, that's the absolute reason." Lockwood said with extremely high levels of sarcasm.
"Well now that I know you're not dead or in jail, I'm going to bed, don't do anythink else stupid."
"I won't, I'll atleast call and give you an idea of what's going on tomorrow."
"Ok, night."
"Night." Lockwood said hanging up the phone. He then went over to Lucy's bed to check for spare blankets under it, when he found a couple of blankets he set up a little place for him to sleep. He's still not sure why he did what he did next, but he did. He looked at Lucy all cuddled up in her blankets with some hair falling in her beautiful face, be brushed it away and kissed her temple. He then layed down in his make-shift bed next to her real one.
Lucy woke up a few hours later,  but when she reached for her crutches she doesnt feel the familiar feeling of metal, she felt something soft. She sat up a little and realized it was Lockwood. "Hey, Lockwood, wake up." She said shaking his sholder.   "What." He asked groggily waking up.
"I need to get up, I gotsta pee, and I can't get my crutches with you there."
"Ok." He slowly got up and handed her her crutches.
"Thanks." She said crutching away.  With her gone Lockwood basically said screw it and layed down in her bed. When Lucy got back and found him in her bed, she gave up and layed down next to him.
The next morning when they woke up they were both really confused. Lucy was cuddled into Lockwood, and he prospectively had an arm around her."Why are you in my bed?" Lucy asked.
"I'm gunna be honest Luce, it took me a hot minute to even know where I am."
"I probably ended up stealing it when you got up to pee, and you probably just layed back down when you got back."
"Ok well at this point I don't even care any more, stay here or don't, I'm going back to sleep."  
"You really don't care?"
"Nope, too tired. Plus we've clearly spent several hours sleeping like this."
"To be honest, this is the best I've slept in a while." He said.
"That's probably because you were exhausted." He didn't believe that was the reason, but he could go with it.
"Maybe." He said getting more comfortable by steal her pillow .
"Ok look pillow hog-" He laughed.
"Just use my chest again."
"Or just give me back my pillow."
"Come on Luce, I don't feel like fighting."
"Dude, you can't even give the 'my house' excuse, this is my apartment." He just gave her the puppy dog eyes. "Fine..." She layed her head back down on his chest in defeat.
"I would say that we should go get breakfast or something, but that would probably be hard on crutches."
"I have a brace for when I actually need to walk, I just can't run with it yet, thus I can't work. Though, I'm not sure if its exaxtly safe for you to leave right now."
"It should be fine."
"Where they on your tail when you ran into the building?"
"A block or so back."
"So yes, then it's probably not wise to leave just yet. I'll head out here in a little bit amd check of anyone or anything odd... that is when I wake back up." She said laying her head back down in the crook of his neck. Right as they were getting comfortable again, Holly walked in.
"Hey Luce, how's the- what's happening here?" She stopped dead when she saw them.
"Ok, right now, get what ever you think's happening here out of your head." Lucy said.
"Ok, so what is happening?"
"Well you see..." After the explination, she was a lot less confused about the situation, and about the why Lucy was so cold to her. She also had a new ship.
"Ok, well with your knee and your stupidity I'll go out and get you guys some food. It's not like you'll care if I'm late to work now."
"Thanks Holly." They said in unison. With that she walked out.
"So why can Holly just walk into your appartment?" 
"She lives down the hall with her girlfriend, we ran into eachother a few weeks ago and-"
"Wait, girlfriend?"
"Yeah, Holly's a lesbian."
"I didn't peg her for that."
"Why, because she's pretty?"
"No- ok well kinda- but I was going with she's such a flirt."
"They've been dating for a while now."
"Cool.... so if you two are on good terms why haven't you come back."
"Because she isn't the reason I quit."
"Then why did you?"
"I told you, you guys are safer without me."
"We're really not. We're down a person, and I can't make myself find anyone to take your place."
"There are so many Listeners out there, it can't be hard to find one."
"It took me forever to find you, I need one that's got really good Talent, will work hard, and is strong, but also can get along with us, and is still a good person. You fit all of that."
"Lockwood, I really do miss being with you guys, but I just can't go back. Especially right now, it's really hard to take stairs and I wouldn't be able to even get to my room."
"Well it can wait until you can take stairs, but we need you back. I-I need you back... with me."
"I'll think about it, it'll be atleast two more weeks before I'll be able to take stairs."
"Promice?" He asked pulling her closer. 
"Yes. Now let me go back to sleep. You have to be exhausted yourself." She said getting used to him as a pillow.
When Holly walkes back in she finds the sleeping pair. She smiles finally understanding why Lucy didn't like her. She knew things had changed when Lucy found out she was gay and they she had little interests in guys. She sets the biscuits on the counter, makes sure Lucy's brace hasn't gone missing, and writes a little note and places it on the box. She then headed out to work to explain things to George. When she walked into 35 Portland Row she found George with his feet on the table eating bacon.
"So you that Lockwood isn't home."
"Dumd ass got himself caught snooping around and is camping out at Lucy's. How'd you find out?"
"Luce is my neighbor, I stopped by to check on her because she messed up her leg, and found him in there with her." She decided to leave out the cuddeling part.
"Cool, did he say when he was comming home?"
"No, I saw some shaddy looking guys outside the building, so it's probably not safe for him to leave yet."
"Great. So what do you think about those two?"
"As a couple." She thought back to them cuddled up together in Lucy's  bed.
"They'd probably make a good couple, they'd look cute together. Although they're both really reckless, and over protective."
"See I was thinking that they always spent alot of time together before you came. He's full out told me that he likes her, and judging by how she acted when she got home and a litterly found you in her seat, she likes him back."
Back at the appartment when they woke up, Lockwood kisses Lucy's forehead, this time while Lucy is awake and looking at him. "I really like you Luce, I'm not sure if I can call it love, but you're deffinetly more then a close friend in my heart."

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