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3rd pov

It was a boring day off at Lockwood and co, Holly and Kipps where both off doing whatever it is they do, when they started tell stories about times that the poeple taking care of them completely failed. George started of the story telling. He started when Lockwood tryed to cook. "Look, I get that you might want to learn to cook, but I know that it's verry possible to set a kitchen on fire."
"When I was like 11 my mom was at work, and it was just me, my little sister, and my dad at home. I went to make some lunch and the oven caught fire, dad didn't even believe me when I told him it was on fire."
"Oh my God that's priceless, I never would have thought that you of all people would set a kitchen on fire." Lockwood said laughing at him.
"Did you just say George set a kitchen on fire?" Lucy said walking tino the room.
"Yes, I did." He turns to Lockwood. "But you act like you've never done anything stupid like that."
"I'm not saying that, I'm just suprized that you of all people did that." After a small pause, Lockwood continued. "Actually one day Jessica and I were out back climbing trees, when the branch broke, and I went down with it. I landed right on a root and broke my arm, the nanny didn't believe me or Jess that I was actually injured. That was until she caught that it wasn't my wrist, or elbow bending, and that I wasn't just being a cry baby about falling out of a tree."
"Which one did you break?" Lucy asked.
"Left, it was like the middle of my tricep was completely detached from the wrest of my arm."
"Ew!" George and Lucy both said.
"Yeah, after the surgery, I was in a cast for like 6 months."
"How old were you?"
"7? -ish."
"I can actually show you the exact spot it happended too."
"Lets go." Geirge said."
"Y'know if you'd been a few years older when it happended, I think we could search for death glows where you landed."
"The death of my pride, really Luce?"
"So do you have any stories about when the adult in charge didn't believe you Luce?"
"Probably, but the only ones I can think of is rediculously depressing." She gets onto a low branch of the tree.
"Like what?"
"My last case up north."
"Oh, sorry Luce." She just shrugged it off.
"Really no others?"
"Well yeah, but they involve my dad."
"Thought he wasn't around long."
"No but when he was he beat me, my sister, and sometimes our mom. Nobody ever believed me or my sisters other then our mom, and she was to scared to go the the authorties."
"Geez Luce..." Lockwood jumped up on the branch with her, and put an arm over her. "I never thought that someone I know could have gone through somthing like that."
"It's fine, most of the physical  and emotional scars have healed."
"Only most?"
"There's one across my back that's to so deep it'll never completely heal." "Don't you mean on your back not across?"
"No, it when I was still little it was from one sholder blade to the other. With how small I am, it still reaches most if the way between them."
"How did he do that?"
"Belts, his ring, sticks, basically anything he could get his hands on."
"So he hit the same place several times."
"Yeah, he only hit us where people wouldn't be able to see. That way it would be harder to get people to believe us."
"Geez Luce-" crack "Did you hear that too?" Crack.
"Yep, lets get down." As soon as Lucy jumps off the branch falls, with Lockwood still on it. He fell hard on the ground right on his left arm.
"Shit, I think I broke it again."
"Good going." George said sarcastically, while hold out a hold to help him up.
"I can't look. Is it bad?"
"Let's just say that you need to get to a doctor."

           Time skip to the hospital

The doctor said that it was only a fracture, but that he would still have to have a cast, and he will lose his ablilty to use his left hand for a while. They also had him on some pretty strong pain killers, and he was almost completley out of it.
"Why is my arm wrapped up?"
"You broke it bud." George laughed.
"You fell out of a tree."
"Yes, again." This made him sad, and sence he was on some serious drugs he was saying his thoughts.
"I wanna hug." He held out both arm waiting for one of them to come over. George pushed Lucy twords him. She shook her head at how weird the boys were, and hugged Lockwood. But he wouldn't let go.
"Lockwood, let go."
"Because this hug is ridiculously long." She finally got free of his grip.
"But I wanna hug!"
"At this point you wanna cuddle bud." George said.
"Luuuuucccyyyy I wannaa cuddle." He held his arms out again.
"Really?" He nods, while giving her puppy eyes, not understanding that is was twords George and his stupid comments. With a sigh, she gave in.
"Fine, scooch over." He moved so that they could both fit as long as she was on her side. She layed with her head on the verry edge of his chest.
"Come here" he pulled her closer. George was laughing so hard at this point he had to leave.
"I'll go get you guys some food."  On his way to the vending mechine he ran into Holly.
"Holly? What are you doing here?"
"My mom is a nurse and she foregot her dinner, so I'm bringing her some. Which one got hurt?"
"Lockwood has a broken arm."
"There wasn't even a case tonight!"
"Yeah, but he fell out of a tree. He's on some stong pain killers that are making him kinda loopy, he's currently making Lucy cuddle with him."
"I'll stop by after I get my mom her dinner." During this Lockwood was still being annoying.
"Yoouu'rrree prettyy."
"You're loopy."
"I mean it you'rree prettyyyy."
"I mean it you're on some pretty strong drugs."
"That doesn't change how you look."
"It kinda does."
"How can I convince you that you're prettyy yoouu aaarree."
"Tell me when your not drugged up."
"Fine, get me my phone so I can remind myself."
"Can you even work your phone?"
"Are you sure, your left hand is bandages, and you're left handed."
"I am?" She couldn't help but laugh at him this time.
"Yes, yes you are."
"Well that's a problem."
"Can you put it in my phone for me?"
"If you can remember your password."
"I just use my thumb."
"You can't use your thumb."
"Why not?"
"Look at it." He looks at this thumb and grones.
"How am I susposed to remember to tell you that you're pretty then."
"Oh, I think I have enough recorded to help with that." George said finally making his presence known. He had been in there sence he asked her to get his phone. "Also Lucy your voice went up about an octive when you were talking to him."
"That's because I'm treating him like the 7 year old he is insted of the 17 year old he looks like."
"Why does your voice go up when your talking to kids."
"Motherly instinct?- I don't know, it just happens."
"What'd she do?" Holly asks walking in.
"My voice went up an octive because I was talking to him like he's a little boy. How are you already here?"
"I was bringing my mom some food, she's a nurse, but she can't leave to get food. I ran into George on my way in." She sat down in the chair next to George. "How ya feeling Lockwood."
"Then let Lucy up and go to sleep."
"But I wanna cuddle." Holly had a hard time holding back her laughter, this moment was priceless.
"Screw it, just go to sleep. I'll be fine." Lucy said.
"You sure Luce?" George asked.
"Yeah, I can just get up once he's out."
"Really Lockwood." He just tightened his grip on Lucy
"This is why I was treating him like a 7 year old. George can you go see if there's a stuffed giraffe in the gift shop."
"Its a hospital."
"Yeah, but it has a gift shop with stuff people can get kids to make them feel better without having to actually leave so they can keep close to the kid."
"Why a giraffe?"
"He like them, don't you Lockwood." He nods.
"He is a giraffe."
"That's why I like them. I've been taller them a lot of people my age  sence I was still fairly young."
"You're only 17."
"Just try." After Lockwood got his stuffed giraffe, he went to sleep, but wouldn't let go of Lucy.

10 years later

Lockwood's pov

I was sleeping peacefully with my wife, her back to my chest and my hand on her enlarged belly, she was pregnant for the second time, and they would be our 3rd child. We were asleep until...
"Mommy, daddy wake up!" In came the twins. I quickly check the time.
"Guys it's just barely six."
"But daddy it's Christmas!" They said happily. That's when Lucy decided to wake up.
"Yeah, daddy, it's Christmas, they can be excited."
"See mommy gets it." Lilly said crawling over to her mom.
"Wanna go see what Santa left you?" Both the little ones cheered. "Common." After about an hour of opening presents I could finally just realx with Lucy and wach our kids play with their new toys.
"I love you baby, merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas Anth, and I can tell." I quickly yet discretely glans tword myself, I didn't think I was hard. "I ment were about to have 3 kids together, not get your pants in check." She laughed at me.
"Sorry, that's just what I assumed. I mean looking at you, you couldn't blame me if I was up."
"Every day."
"Yep, ever sence that broken arm." We heard a knock on the door. "It's probably George or Holly, I got it." I go over and sure enough it's George. "Hey George, hey Flo." I hugged them as they came in. "Luce is in the living room with the kids. Oh George come here a minute."
"What's up?"
"Two things 1) you know that you can still walk right in and 2) is Flo...?"
"Same as Luce, and it just seems odd to walk right in anymore."
"Ok, we should probably get in there."
"You good?"
"Flo's just been stressing me out with the whole being pregnant thing."
"It'll all work out, you staying calm will help her stay clam."
"Thanks Lockwood."
"Trust me nothing as bad as when it's twins."
"Good to know." We walked back in.
"Hey Luce how you doing?"
"Hey George, I'm doing as well as I can, how about you?"
"I'm doing pretty good."
"Ow! Daddyyy! A.J. hit me."
"Come here Lilly." She came over and sat on my lap cuddling into me, just like her mother would.  "You're ok big girl. A.J. you need to be more careful, Lilly's smaller then you."
"But I didn't do it."
"Even if the ball just bounced away, you still nees to be more careful."
"But I didn't do it."
"Come here big guy." Lucy said holding out her arms for him. He walks over and she puts him next to her. "I know you didn't mean to hit her, but-"
"I didn't-"
"Anthony, you're about to have another little brother or sister and you need to be just a little more careful."
"I also think you both need a nap."
"But I'm not sleepy!" The said in unison.
"Did they practice that one?" Flo asked.
"Seems so, they've been able to do it sence they've learned how to say it." Lucy answered her.
"Why don't you just sit here with mommy and daddy for a little bit, then we'll decide if you're sleepy or not." After a few minutes they were both out. Lilly had a hold of the back of my shirt, and her head over my sholder.
"She really is just a little Lucy." George commented.
"Yeah, and A.J. is basically a little me." We looked over to Lucy to find the he really is jusy a little me. He had his legs out and his head on her boobs, he would have been able to lay more comfortable if it weren't fot the fact that Lucy is only a few months out until the baby comes. "George can you help me with the kids?"
"Get A.J. off of Luce's lap and bring him up to your old room. He's a little heavier then I want her carrying."
"Sure." With some help from Luce he was able to pick up the kid and follow me back to his old room. Once I got Lilly comfy in her bed, I went to see if George was able to get A.J. to bed. He was struggling.
"You're making this harder then it is." I take A.J. from him, my little boy clings onto me. I reach down and get his stuffed animal which he changes to gripping onto. Then I slowly lay him in his bed and cover him with his blanket.
"He's my kid, and he's practically a little me with Lucy's eyes."
"It's stuff like this that scares me."
"What? When Flo has your kid? You'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, you'll figure out how they are, and I'm sure you'll be a great dad. I mean I am, and I barely had one."
"Thanks Lockwood."
"It's no problem George, I know it's nerve wracking."
"I think I hear Holly and Tara down there."
"You know your way around, you lived here for over 4 years."
"Yeah, but I like dragging you around your own house."
"Sounds like you, let's go."
"Hey guys." Holly said as we walked in.
"Hey Hol." We both said.
"I heard you just layed the little ones down."
"Yeah, well they were sleeping on us."
"That's so sweet." I sat down with my arm around Lucy. And at some point between then and when the kids got up we realized that this might not have been, with out me breaking an arm.

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