Oh I Forgot That Happens

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3rd pov

Lucy woke up and immeditly knew that the day was going to suck. It started with the fact that she was already cramping, and that ment it was Shark Week. But she also knew that they had a case tonight. She slowly and painfully got up and went to the bathroom were she found that she had just started, which ment no cloths were ruined yet. She grabbed a pair of panties that had already been killed by the blood festival, lined them with a pad and put them on, along with a pair of sweatpants and one of Lockwood's old t-shirts She was lucky that they didn't have any new clients stopping by, so she could atleast dress comfortably.
When she got down stairs the cramps were really starting to get bad. "Morning Luce," Holly said as she walked into the kitchen, once she noticed how she was dressed, she grabbed the ibuprofen, and handed Lucy the bottle.
"Thanks Hol," Lucy gave a weak smile as she poured herself some tea and took 2 pills. She then felt a pair of strong arms wrap around waist from behind her. "Hey sweetheart," she said grabbling Lockwood's biseps and leaning into him.
"You feeling alright love?" He asked slightly concerned. He and Lucy had been dating for a few months now and this was the first time he'd seen her like this in a while.
"I'll be fine once the pills kick in."
"Yeah," She said getting out of his arms. "I'm gunna go lay back down." She grabbed her tea, kissed her boyfriend's cheek and went back upstairs.
"Is she ok?"
"She's fine Lockwood, nothing you need to worry about."
The day went on as usual from there, other then Lucy staying up in her room trying to rid the pain from her body. Despite what Holly told him, Lockwood was still worried about Lucy. He didn't know what was happening with her and he wanted to help, but he wasn't sure and didn't want to make things worse.
Lucy on the other hand wanted him to lay down next to her and just be there to make her feel better. Though the last thing she was going to do is go down there and ask him to come upstairs, he was probably practicing anyway. She ended up drifting off to sleep, when she woke up it was about time for her to start getting ready.
When she got down stairs, she grabbed the Ibuprofen and took two more, then went to find Lockwood, she found him stabbing Floating Joe in the practice room.
"Hey babe, sleep well?"
"Kinda, I feel a little better now."
"Good, wanna test that out?" He hands her a practice rapeir
"Sure let's go." She says with a smirk, taking the sword. After a while of sparring Lockwood finally had Lucy litterly cornered, and she had to admit her loss.
"You did good babe, next time just don't back youself into a corner."
"Thanks sweetheart-" She quickly disarms him, "next time don't let down your guard." He just laughed and picked up his sword.
"Well done," He said putting up his rapier. "Now for your prize." He walks over to her putting his hands on her waist.
"Is that so..." She wraps her arms around his neck pulling him down to her level. "Well I do belive that this would be the best prize I could get." And with that she closed the gab between them. I was just a quick peck though, and Lockwood both wanted and expected more.
"Well you could have that any time, I was thinking something more like." He kissed her passionately for a few seconds before she felt him biting her lip asking for more. She gladly gave it to him. They stayed like that until they heard a meaningful cough.
"What George?" Lucy said irritated, it was the first time in a while that they were alone long enough to actually act like a couple.
"If you two are done swapping spit in the practice room, we have a case to get ready for."
"Clearly we're not." Lockwood said just as pissed of as Lucy
"Well you'll have to be, I have all the research right here." He said holding up a folder. George knew perfectly well that they haven't had much time to be all lovey, but he needed to tell them what he found before they got to the house.
Throught the explanation Lucy's cramps got worse and worse, so she slowly curled into a ball. "Look this is so gruesome, even Lucy is starting to cring." Kipps said.
Truth be told, Lucy wasn't actually listening to his findings. "No I'm not, this is just more comfortable."
"How is that comfortable? Your knees are in your sholders?"
"I'm weird like that."
"Ok then, back to the story..."
Once they got to the site, they split into two groups George and Kipps in one, Lockwood, Lucy, and Holly in the other. "Holly keep them off eachother," Geroge said as they walked away.
"He walk into you guys actually acting like a couple again?"
"I swear he has someting that tells him when we kiss, just so he can ruin the moment."
"Unlikely, but I get your point."
"Shit!" Lucy said to herself, she immediately went over to her bag and started to look for a tampon.
"Are you ok Love? What are you looking for?"
"I'm fine, and I really think you don't want to know." Lockwood was now really confused, Lucy hadn't kept anything from him for a long time, and he was starting to get worried about her.
"I think I really do want to know."
"Not now Anthony, I'll explain later, when we're not working, and both well rested." She said starting to walk off.
"Where are you going?"
"Bathroom, I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Ok, stay safe. What's actually up with her?" He said turning to Holly as his girlfriend ealked away.
"It's just that time of the month Lockwood."
"Have you really not noticed whe she's on her period? You of all people should have."
"I haven't noticed when either of you are on your period to be honest."
"Mine aren't nearly as bad as Lucy's but, as her boyfriend, you really should have noticed some of her changes."
"I have picked up that she gets moodier, and wears sweatpants, but I didn't know that that's why."
"Well it is, so I suggest you go get some chocolate, and a movie that she'd like, oh and get the most comfortable blanket in the house and cuddle up with her tomorrow."
"Thanks Holly, but are you sure she'd want to do that, she seems pretty moody."
"Her hormones are all messed, it comes with Lucifer's Waterfall."
"With what?!?!" He said slightly laughing.
"It's just another term for her period."
"That's wierd."
"Only to guys."
"Ok let's get this over with." Lucy says walking back to them.
"Did you see or hear anything? 'Cause that would really help."
"There was a tapping noise, but I'm not hearing it anymore." Lockwood frowned slightly.
"Let's go where you can hear it then." He suggested, now that he knows what it up with Lucy, he knows that he needs to give her a little space when she gets a little moodier. But she still felt irritated by just the way he formed the sentence that and the cramps getting worse.
"What ever let's just go." She said rolling her eyes, and walkimg back the way she came.
"Ok so with how she's been acting, she might have a small break down."
"It'll dawn on her that she's been a bit of a bitch lately, and when she realises that it's you, of all people, that she's been treating like this... she's gunna feel like shit."
"Why is it so bad this month? She's never gotten this bad." Holly thought for a minute there were only a few things she could think of and with Lucy and Lockwood dating they were both possible.
"Ok so I know this is an odd question, but it might just help with your answer. Have you two done... anything?" He was confused at first but as the meaning hit him, his eyes widened, and the tips his ears turned red.
"That would effect her period?"
"So your answer is yes? And it can, it's either that, or she normally takes birth control to help regulate it and she ran out."
"Holly if I can't even kiss her without George ruining it, do you really think we could have done THAT!?!?"
"It was just a possibility, I don't know what you two do when you do have a day off."
Lucy knew that she was being bitch-y, but she was tired, in pain, and ready to be done with this case and in bed. She could just explain what was going on tomarrow and hope he understands. In the end the source was a bloody knife in the floor. And the dripping sound was the blood.
During the cab ride home, George was talling about different reasons the blood was dripping. Lucy was cuddling into Lockwood's side, and in turn Lockwood had his arm around her. Lucy was debating whether or not to try to explain everything to Lockwood when they get home or in the morning, she wasn't feeling so bitchy and he really does deserve an explanation to what's going on. Once she realized that he was half asleep, she knew it would have to wait untill morning.
Once home, they all parted ways, George and Lockwood to their room and Lucy to take a hot bath. Quill and Holly went to their apartments. On her way up to her room though Lucy was stoped by Lockwood wrapping his arms around her.
"Hey love, feeling any better."
"Babe I love that you're worried about me, but I'm fine it's just some cramps, I don't know why this month is so bad." She turns around so that she can look at him properly.
"Me neither, as long as you're ok though." He kisses her.
"I thought Lucy was going to take a shower, although it appears you both need one."
"George, why don't you just go jack off in your room." Lucy said getting tired of him always ruining the moment.
"What the hell!?!?"
"That was a little extreme, Luce." She just rolls her eyes and heads up to her room.
"What's with her?"
"From what I've heard and gathered, she's on her period, and it's worse then normal, so she's getting worse cramps, and her hormones are more off making her have slight mood swings."
"So that's why you're putting up with her attitude."
"Yeah, it's not like she's choosing to be this way, and it is more then annoying when you interrupt us every time we kiss."
"I do?"
"Yeah, almost every time I've kissed her you walk in and make some sort of comment."
"Well that's because I walk into a room and it's kinda aquard when that's what I see."
"So just leave the room and come back in a minute or two, if you walk in and I have her pinned to the couch, then yeah, you can yell at us to get a room. But it's not like we can kiss THAT long without running out of breath."
"Ok, I guess that is a better option." With that they both went into their own rooms and passed out. Lucy did what she said she was going to do and took a nice long bath, but she also had the break down like Holly said. She sat in the tub with her knees to her chest crying until she heard a knock on her door.
"Lucy, sweety, are you ok?"
"I'm fine babe."
"Are you sure? You're crying." Lockwood had gotten up for some water, when he heard her crying, he went into her bedroom without knocking, but she wasn't there. So now he's standing outside her bathroom door trying to get her to come out and talk to him. "You know I don't want to, but if I have to, I will come in there."
Lucy sighs, and gets out of the bath, she puts on sweat pants and Lockwood's shirt again. "Ok I'm here, and I'm fine. See?"
Lockwood goes over and pulls her into a hug,"I'm sorry I've beem so worried about you, I just hate seeing you in pain, or upset." Lucy just responds by wrapping her arms around him, and resting her head on his chest, getting his shirt wet.
"I'm sorry for worrying you babe, I promise it's nothing that bad, just my stupid period."
"Is it normaly this bad? Also now my shirt's wet," He takes it off.
"No it's- here lets go sit on the bed- it's not normaly this bad I'm not sure why this month is so bad." Now they are laying down on her twin sized bed. Lockwood has an arm around his girlfriend, and she is laying with her head on his collar.
"Is there anything I can do to help with the pain?"
"You're doing a good job just being here."
"Ok I can work with laying in bed with a beautiful girl." He said kissing her forehead.
"I don't deserve you." She closed her eyes, finally able to fall into a restful sleep. Lockwood tryed to tell her that she deserves better then him, but she was already out. He just brushed some hair out of her face and fell asleep with her.
The next morning they woke up to George yelling at them and banging on the door. "Open the door before I break it!" Lockwood groned in responce.
"Luce, I need you to either go shut him up or move so I can." She rolled off if him and curled into a ball. He smiled at how adorible she is when she's tired. He opened the door. "What do you need George."
"Why are you up here and not in your own room?"
"Luce and I fell asleep talking last night."
"That better be it all you did, if yoi get her preg-" Lockwood knew where he was going with this and didn't like it. Lucy was also highly uncomfortable with him impling that they would be that stupid.
"Jesus George! One it's THAT time of the month for her so if we wanted to, we can't and two if we did do anything I wouldn't be stupid enough to not put a condom on."
"You're acting like you're my protective old brother or something." Lucy chimed in from the other side of the room, still balled up in her bed trying to go back to sleep. "Also we could, but the blood would ruin the sheets."
"Good to know."
"I'm headed back down stairs now that I don't have to worry about this." He says motioning to them.
"I'm going for a shower, and change into real cloths, well I guess I should probably put on a shirt."
"Well if you're going down stairs yeah, and you're too tall for the one in here." She gets up and hands him his discarded shirt, and kisses his cheek.
"I'll see you in a little bit love." Lucy went back to sleep for about another hour, and in that hour Lockwood took a quick shower got dressed and ran to the store to get her some chocolate, got home found some movies and some blankets and Holly gave him an odd fabric bag filled with rice.
"Just spray it down with water and put it in the microwave, it really helps with cramps."
"Thanks so much Holly."
"It's not problem, I know Lucy doesn't normally talk about that kinda stuff, and you were completely lost."
"You're on yours too aren't you."
"I can't always hide my bitchyness, but yeah, that's part of how I knew she wasn't sick. Now go finish getting your stuff around, before she get down here." Right as she says this Lucy walks into the room.
"What am I walking into?"
"Good morning Luce."
"Hey Hol. So... are you going to answer my queatuon?" He goes over and puts an arm over Lucy sholders.
"I have chocolate, some blankets, and movies set up in the library, just for us. No body around to ruin it."
"Sounds great, how ya guuna keep them out?"
"Well I could just put a note on the door with a thret on it-"
"Sounds good, lets go." After they put the sign on the door, Lockwood put in the movie and opended the bag of chocolate. They cuddled under a blanket on the couch and just relaxed. "Hey Anth?"
"What's up babe?"
"I love you." He didn't expect her to say that, neither if them had directly said it yet.
"I love you too." They kiss passionately, and go back to just cuddling on the couch, but now it was more of a date then Lockwood just trying to make her feel better.

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