An Angel

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3rd pov

Lockwood woke up when he felt someone kicking him. He then heard Lucy mumbling like she was scared. He pulled her close to him and kissed her head, that normally worked when she had nightmares, with their job they were fairly common, especially with her having both Listening and Touch. When just cuddling her didn't help he tryed saying nice things to her and reassured her that she was ok, when that still didn't help he decided he needed to wake her up.
"Babe wake up, it's just a bad dream everything is ok." He said gently shaking her. When she woke up she immediately started to cry. He pulled her close into his lap and cradled her and kissed her head until she calmed down. "Want to talk about that dream?" She took a shaky breath.
"It wasn't just a dream, it was a bad memory made worse."
"What? Like the Fetch that made you leave me for four months."
"Worse then that, we all survived that." He thought for a minute
"Oh, the one that made you decide to move to London." He felt her nod.
"I don't know why all of my friends had to die and me live."
"Luce, it was an angel. An angel saved your life that night and sent you here to save me. Think of all the times you've had to save my life, if it wasn't for you, I'd be long dead."
"Maybe you're right." She moved so she was laying next to him, with her head on his chest. "But it still hurts sometimes, especially when that time of year comes around. All I can think of is how I could have saved them."
"Luce, from what you've told me about that night, it sounds like it was your supervisor's falt not yours....But I do understand what it feels like, to think you could have done something. I still feel that way about Jess some times. It's ok to miss them, but without any of the bad things that have happended to us, we wouldn't be here." When she didn't say anything the thought she might have fallen asleep, but then she wrapped her arms around his neck and barried her head in the crook of his neck.
     "I love you, Anthony, you are the best thing to ever happen to me." She said about to cry again.
     "I love you too Luce," He hugged her waist, and kissed her forehead. "I always will, you are the reason I'm alive." With sleep finally taking back over, she kissed his jaw and fell asleep.
     Lockwood started to think Where would I be if Luce never came, or if my family never died? Would I have ever  met her? Would be still be friends if I did? All of this clouded his mind as he also fell back asleep.
     The next morning when Lucy woke up Lockwood was already gone, so she got up and got dressed and also headed down stairs. When she got there she only found George.
     "Where's Lockwood?"
     "Not sure, he left earlyer but didn't say where he was going."
     "Yep." The day went on as normal, Lockwood came home and told Lucy that they needed a date night, which she gladly agreed to. He was acting weird all day, but she figured he was thinking about Jessica after she fell asleep and that it was making him just feel off. That night they had dinner at a small restaurant, then went for a walk in the park. When they were under the same tree Lockwood started to be more serious.
     "Luce, the conversation we had late last night early this morning made me think about what my life would have been without you. And I realized how much I would hate not having you around," He got down on one knee and took out a small box, she knew exactly what was going on. "So I decided that need to ask you, Lucy Joan Carlyle. Will you marry me?" He opended the box to reviel a beautiful hart shaped dimond ring.
     "Oh my God, Anthony! Yes!" She said hugging him, although sence he was on his knee his head ended up in her breast. He stood up, put the ring in her finger and kissed her.
     "I love you."
     "I love you too, now I'm really going to have to call you by your first name."
     "Yep, you'll be a Lockwood in dew time, my love."
     "We should probably tell the others."
     "I think thats what you said last time we came here."
     "Well yeah, we became an offical couple last time, and this time we're comming home engaged."
     "I love the sound of that."
     "What they I'm your fiance?"
     "It really does sound good." Lockwood put an arm around her waist, she leaned into him, and they walked home. By the time they got there it was late but George was still up, Holly and Quill had gone to their homes.
     "You two are back late."
     "We had our rapeirs." Lucy steals Lockwood's with her left hand to prove that he had one.
     "Is that a dimond ring Luce?"
     "Yep, and don't tell the others, it's our realationship you don't get to tell them that we're engaged before we do." Lockwood said taking his sword back from Lucy.
     "1) congrats 2)if your old enough to get engaged you shouldn't be able to see ghosts."
     "No, but I can, and Luce can still hear them. So we were safe out in the night. Now I don't know you two, but I'm headed off to bed."
     "Sleep sounds good." Lucy agreed
     "Your own rooms." George yelled behind them.
     "We know, dad!" They yelled both yelled back. The night before Lucy had waited until George was asleep to crawl in with Lockwood.
     "Well neither of you have one, so some one has to do it." He had a point there. Lockwood turned to Lucy when he got to his room.
     "Good night Love." He pulled her into a hug.
     "Good night Anth, I love you." She reached up and kisses his jaw.
     "I love you too baby, I can't wait until George can't complain about us sleeping in the same room."
     "Well he can still complain, he just won't be able to do much about it."
     "Yeah," He kisses her one last time. "I'll see you in the morning babe."
     "Ok," She broke out of the hug. "I'm just going to wear the ring and see if either of them catch on tomorrow before we tell them." She said walking to her room.
     "Sounds like fun, I'll wait for you to be with me when we tell them."
     "Good." They went into their rooms and slowly fell asleep wishing that the other was there.
      The next morning Lockwood woke up first, when he went down and found everyone but his fiancee he figured he would just let her sleep for a while. But then Inspector Barnes showed up.
     "I need to talk to all of you right now." Was the first thing when Lockwood opended the door.
     "The wrest are in the kitchen, I'll go wake Lucy."
      "It's almost 10. How is she still asleep?"
      "She didn't sleep well the other night and we spent most of last night talking. I'll be back in a few mintues, feel free to take a seat in the living room." He steped into the kitchen. "Barnes is in the living room, you know what to do, I'll go get Luce."
     He slowly opended her door and walked over to her. Sitting on the edge of her bed he rub her head and back. "Luce, it's time to get up."
     "Mmmmm, just give me a few more mintues."
     "I wish I could but Barnes just showed up, and he wants all of us down there."
      "Fine," She rolled over, "One kiss before you go though."
      "Well duh, why do you think I came up here?" He says smirking, then lean down and kiss her. "You should probably hurry up thought, he did seem like he was in a rush." He gets off the bed and heads down stairs. Lucy got up and changed into her normal skirt, legging, and swester, she also made sure to put on her ring. When she got down stairs Holly was carrying cups into the living room.
     "Hey Luce, can you help me with this."
     "Sure Hol, what do I need to grab?"
     "Here, just grab these three, and I can go back for the others, the kettle is already in there." Lucy put two in her left arm and hand and the third in her right. Holly caught the glimmer on her hand. "Luce, let me see your hand."
     "Later Hol, we need to get in there."
     "Fine but you're answering my questions when we're done."
     "I know." Turn out all Barnes wanted was for them to figure out another case up north. Part way through the explination Lucy proped her head on her hand.
     "Wait Lucy, what's with that ring." Quill interrupts.
     "Why does a girl wear a dimond ring Quill?"
     "Did I miss that?"
     "No, we'll talk about it later, now back to the other conversation."
     "Well now I'm intrigued too, Ms. Carlyle."
     "Oh she won't be a Carlyle for to much longer." Anthony said.
     "What will she be?"
     "A Lockwood."
     "Really, when did this happen?"
     "He proposed last night, and we've been dating for a couple years." Lucy answered.


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