Valentine's day

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3 pov

     Anthony Lockwood could do many things; he could hold off a type two with a broken rapier, he could calm down hysteric clients, and he could get away with all sorts of things behind DEPRAC's back. But one thing he could not do is find the guts to ask out Lucy Carlyle. He had thought of many clever ways to do it, but was worried that he would ruin their friendship. If he did that she would probably leave again.
      With Valentine's Day comming up though, he was starting to pick up on other guys flirting with her. When ever they were at the furnaces guys would try to talk to her. What was even worse was the fact that she didn't even seem to be trying to get them to leave her alone, she even seemed a little happier. He had seen her giggling at their jokes, adorably but shyly pushing her hair out of her face, and even let one breifly hold her hand.
     Lucy knew that the guys were flirting with her, she liked knowing that there were guys out there who would at least act like they like her. She didn't really believe a thing they said, but it still felt good. Sometimes she would go home and just lay on her bed thinking about if it had been Lockwood saying of those flirtatious things.
     As Valentine's day came closer she started letting the guys talk to her longer and one exceptionally smooth guy briefly hold her hand. She hated being alone on the 'lovey' holidays, her sisters would send the rest of the family pictures of them and their boyfriends/families all cuddled up or kissing, sometimes it would just be pictures of something they were gaven with the caption 'blessed.' She just wanted someone to do that with- she really specifically wanted to do it with Lockwood, but any hope of that left the day before she left the company. It was restored a little when he held her hand when they were watching the creeping shadow, but other than that he showed no interest in her.
     She also figured that she needed to, start talking to other guys, if she wanted someone to love on she would need to find guys who actually showed some interest in her. So obviously she let the guys from other agencies flirt with her. There was no way in hell she was going to let her standards fall low enough to date someone like George.
     George knew that Lucy and Lockwood liked each other. He figured out that Lucy liked Lockwood when she got pissed about Holly. He didn't know that Lockwood liked her back until she left and he was moping around the house. If he had known before, he could have set them up before she quit, sence she had been back things just seemed off and he was worried her feelings had changed.
     Holly had no idea about Lockwood's feelings but she knew that Lucy liked Lockwood. She figured that that was part of Lucy's random hatered tword her. She did seem to like Holly better after her little four month 'break'. Holly figured it was the fact that Lockwood was treating her as a normal person, she even admitted that he was treating her as if she was special when she first joined.
     They were currently at the fernesses after a successful case and Lucy was, again, talking to a guys from another agency. It had been the same guy the past several times and this time he brought up the fact that it was February 10th and that he didn't have a girlfriend.
     "So I was thinking that if you're free, we could hang out on the 14th." He said with a smile.
     "Well I'm not sure if we'll have a case or not-"
     "Cutie the 14th is Valentine's day."
     "Doesn't mean I'll have it off, Lockwood doesn't have a girlfriend and will probably just see it as another day. That's what we normally do, we didn't even have any sort of celabration until Holly came joined."
     "Well that's sad, just tell the loser you have a date and walk out."
     "That's not happening."
     "Oh come on sweetheart, if you want a good time, you'll have tonget away from those losers."
     "Ok, wow, you're really pissing me off."
     "They're not losers, and I'm not just looking for a hook up, I actually have feelings and want an actual relationship, not some douche wanting to use me."
     "Calm down babygirl-"
     "And stop with the nicknames!"
     "Gees, calm the fuck down. I'm sorry, I won't do it again and I want a real relationship too. Although fucking does sound good, if you don't want to, we can just go get dinner and walk around town."
     "That sounds much better, I still need to make sure I actually have the night off."
     "Hey Luce, we need to head home." Lockwood said comming up from behind her.
     "Ok," She told him and turned back to the other guy. "See you around."
     "Definitely." He said with a wink as they walked off.
     Lockwood felt the jealousy bubbling up inside him. He figured this was going to happen if he didn't man up and ask her out, but he didn't expect her to actually go with it. For some reason he thought that she would turn down other guys, he now realized how stupid and selfish that really was.
     Lucy knew something was wrong with Lockwood from the second that he said that they needed to head home. There was something in his voice and just his general manner that seemed... upset(?) she wasn't sure what it was.
     "So who was that guy you were talking to?"
     "His name's John, he was a Rotwell agent, but you know what happened with that."
     "What was with him winking at the end."
     "He thinks he's being smooth, he even tryed to ask me out." Lockwood's anger was rising even more.
     "What did you say."
     "I told him I'll think about it, but it's not happening."
     "Why not?"
     "He's gay, you can tell because he's such a dick, and you are what you eat." Lockwood couldn't help but laugh at her blunt and crude remark. "Pluse when I told him I wasn't sure if I would have the exact night off the told me-and I quote- 'Just tell the losers you have a date and walk out.'"
     "So what if he wasn't a total doushe?"
     "Then I might give him a chance. Why?"
     "I don't know, just interested I guess." He shrugged. We walked in silence for a little bit, it was a nice night.
     "I know this is odd... but-" He trailed off.
     "But what?" She promts.
     "What if someone like me asked you out."
     "Someone like you?" She wanted to ask if he ment himself, but didn't want to give away her crush on him.
     "How so?"
      "I don't know, just someone like me."
     "Then yeah, probably."
     "Cool." They walked in silence the rest of the trip home. Lockwood was comming up with a plan, as long as she got the fact that he actually ment himself and not someone like him. What he currently was thinking of was either the right amount of cheesy or would get him slapped, there was no middle ground.
     "Hey George." He said when he walked into the kitchen to find his friend.
     "Did you finally man up?"
     "Kind of."
     "Dude, you're running out of time."
     "I know, but I've got a plan."
     "What is it then?" He asks leaning against the counter.
     "I'll tell you once I know she's not just gunna walk in while we're talking." Lucy heard the whole conversation, she could only hope that he ment her. But reality sunk in when she remembered Holly was staying a couple of nights because they were working on her appartment builing. Taking a deep breath, and swallowing the lump in her throat, Lucy headed up to her room.
     "Well, you better hope she hurries up, so we need to have this conversation."
     "Well it's not like I can control her."
     "I'm well aware that you can't control Lucy,-"
     "Why are you trying to control Lucy?" Holly asks walking in.
     "Lockwood loves Lucy and won't man up and and her out." George says before Lockwood can weasel out of it.
     "See, this is why I wanted to make sure Lucy is in the shower or something. She probably would have tryed to kill me." He whined.
     "Well then run partway up the stairs and listen for running water." He does as told and comes right back.
     "Ok. It sounds like she's in the shower."
     "The spill the plan."
     "Well now that Holly's here, I can try bouncing ideas off of you two."
     "Ok, shoot."
     "Do you think I should go cheesy?"
     "No." George said the same time as Holly said 'yes.'
     "I need you to agree on your answer." He groaned.
     "Lucy seems like she'd just be one to roll her eyes at something cheesy." George defends.
     "Only if it's not for her, even girls like Lucy like it when someone does the right kind of cheesy thing for her."
    "George, I've seen a girl-who is so lez she practically identifies as a guy-in tears of joy because of something a guy got and did for her."
     "Ok, so what can he do that'll get a girl like Lucy to actually yes."
     "I don't know, you two have known her the longest."
     "But you're a girl." George tryed.
     "...and? That doesn't mean I know everything she likes."
     "Just any ideas?" Lockwood asks, being much more level headed then George (thats a first) .
     "Well, I think she left a sketch book in the library. I could probably flip through it and see if there are any clues to something she would like."
     "We can just go throu-"
     "Do you want to die?! If we get caught that will be our future!" Lockwood exclaimed.
     "Yeah, she's already told me that she likes you. If you go through and find something that obviously says it, she'll just think that you saw and are humoring her. "
     "Fine, then go grab it, I'm running out of time."
      The next day Lockwood started to put their plan into action. He ran to the store and found the closest things to Holly's suggestion. He got some confused and odd looks from people who know who he was. He knew that people would be talking about the fact that we was clearly asking a girl out and that they would be waiting for the 14th to find put who it was. Nobody cared about their cases, but the second the head of the agency looked like he was getting a girlfriend, all hell broke loose.
     When he got home he made sure that Lucy didn't see any of what he boughr, it was hard because parts of it were about her height. Once everything was safely in his room he went into the basement for some practice and found Lucy had already beat him to the idea.
     "Hey Lucy, mind if I joing?"
     "Not really. I was about to head up anyway." She answered without looking at him. She knew that if she made eye contact with him, she would want to tell him everything.
     "Well I don't wanna run you off, there are two dummies for a reason."
     "It's fine, I've been down here of a while." She said setting her sword back into the rack and headed back up stairs. She had finally decided that he needed to know about her crush, but still couldn't think of a way to tell him. But after hearing them talk about him planning something for someone she decided it was best took keep it to herself until she officially found out it was Holly. No matter who it was. She didn't want to mess up his relationship with them by telling him that she likes him. She also didn't want to mess up her own friendship with him, if she told him that she likes him and he doesn't feel the same it would be awkward for her. Then she thought about if it made him uncomfortable knowing that someone like her liked him.
     "Hey Luce," She turned around to see Holly holding one of her full-er sketch books "I found your sketch book in the living room, I figured you'd want it back."
     "Thanks Hol, I'd been wondering where it ended up."
      "Well it's found now." She opended the cover to see which one it was, and found the first picture was a rose, meaning that it was her obsession books.
     "Nobody looked through it right? Because this is one of my personal ones."
     "I don't think so, is it really rhat bad if they did?"
     "If it were you, no. One of the boys though, I'd be mortified."
     "Oh, that's your girly, flowery one."
     "I doubt either of them looked though it. You have like eight, they probably thought it was filled with ghosts and stuff from cases and didn't want to look at them again."
     "Hopefully." Lucy said walking up to her room. Holly smiled and walked down to the basement.
     "Good thing I didn't let you two look at her sketch book last night, she said it would have been mortifying if you had."
     "You told her!?" He said almost dropping his sword.
     "No, I'm not stupid Lockwood."
     "Sorry, I just don't wanna mess this up."
     "Did you get the stuff?"
     "Yeah, most of it, I couldn't find all of it, but I similar stuff."
     "Like I couldn't find strawberry filled chocolate so I got chocolate covered strawberries and have them in a cooler in my room."
     "She might actually kike the strawberries better anyway. So you need to ask her soon with those and the rose and give her the other stuff on Valentine's day."
     "Thanks Hol." He put up his sword and went up to his room to get the stuff. Once he had it he went up to her room and knocked.
     "Who is it?" Lucy answered.
     "It's Lockwood, can I come in?"
     "Sure." He walked in. "The only reason I asked who it was, is if it was Holly I was going to hit her with a pillow."
     "I thought you two were along."
     "We are, I've got other reasons right now."
     "What are they?"
     "Nothing too bad, which is why she's only going to get hit by a pillow unles new info comes up."
     "Ok then."
     "So what did you come up for?"
     "Oh yeah, I came to ask you something."
     "Ok shoot."
     "Don't take this weird or anytjong but...I was wondering..." He said sliding outside and grabbing the chocolate covered strawberries and a fake rose about the same height as her. "If maybe you'd like to go on... a date."
     "Really?" She asked carefully.
     "Yeah, I know it's kinda weird since I'm your bo-"
     "Of course I'll go out with you." She cut him off and hugged him.
     "Why wouldn't I?"
     "I just thought there was a chance of it seeming weird."
     "No, I actually figured you'd be weirded out by me liking you."
     "Nope... here these are for you." He said giving her the box of strawberries and the huge flower. "They were kind if a back up for if yiu seemed hesitant, but you still get them.
     "Oh my God, where did you find a flower as big as me?" She laughs.
     "Well it's not real, and I'm not telling. Though I figured you'd be more excited about the fruit."
     "Well duh, but there's a million places to get them. I've never seen one of these before."
     "I need to take you to a botanical garden this summer, they won't have anything like giant flowers, but I think you'd love'd it."
     "Sounds fun."
     "So us going out... Valentine's day and everything?"
     "Of course Lockwood. Only because knowing you, I know that you don't mean anything dirty."
     "Is that what you figured that douch would want?"
     "His intent was clear."
    "Well next week we can go on a real date, the most involving that might be a kiss."
     "Hell I would give you that now."
     "You would?"
     "Yeah, just shrink a foot so I can reach your face." He laughed and squatted down a little. She giggles at how big of a show he's making and gives him a quick peck on the lips.
     "I could have stolen that." He said before he kissed her more passionately. "That was more like what I was thinking."
     "I think I like yours better."
     "Great," He smiled. "Now I'll let you be- just don't kill Holly for what ever reason you have now." He said somewhat sternly
     "Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me."
     "Did you really forget?"
     "More like I am not 100% sure why I'm pissed at her anymore."
     "Good, I don't have to worrie about another person being killed in the house now."
     "Again, I wouldn't have killed her, the plan was just to wack her with a pillow."
     "Ok, well I'll be downstairs." He said smiling again.
     "Ok." She said closing the door as he left. She then flopped down on her bed, hid her face in a pillow and squeeled in pure joy.
     Lockwood was still beaming when George found him reading a magazine in the library.
     "Do you finally did it."
     "'Bout damn time."
     "Have you gone under the bridge yet?"
     "Do you think she was serious?"
     "Flo wouldn't say something like that if she didn't mean it."
     "I might have to go find her then..."
     "You're only saying that because you finally maned up and asked a girl out."

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