The walk

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Lockwood's pov

I really hoped that she would see the necklace and get the message. When she met me at the front door with it on, I couldn't help but smile. "Hey Luce, glad you got the message, I'm not good at talking about that kind of stuff."
"We can work on that." She gave me her Carlyle grin.
"Let's go before we get caught." I take her hand and we almost get out rhe door before-
"Where are you two going?" George caught us.
"Really Tony just help us- is that the necklace I think it is?" Not sure how to answer I just said.
"Go, I'll help Cubbins out, just don't be to long."
"Thanks Quill." With that we left while we could. "Sorry about that."
"You act like I'm not used to it by now, I honestly figured we wouldn't get out the door wothout someone bugging us." She took my hand again.
"I guess I should have seen it comming too." I laced our fingers. Her hand was a lot smaller then mine but they fit perfectly, I know she would kill me if I told her this, but she's so small, it's adorible. She must have caught that I was lost in thought because the next thing I know she's medolicly saying my name.
"Loooockwooood... you ok there."
"Huh? Yeah I'm fine, guess I was just lost I thought. Sorry."
"You seem a bit off, you sure you're good?"
"Yeah, I've just never done anything like this before." She gave me a quizical look.
"Neither have I, Lockwood just relax. I know that isn't in your vocabulary, but try."
"Wanna go to the park?"
"Sure sounds good, we can find a nice quiet place to relax." We walked to the park hand in hand, when we got there we found a big tree on the top of a hill. We sat under the tree and watches as the sun went down. "Sunsets are so beautiful." She said laying her head on my sholder.
"Not as beautiful as you." I said resting me head against hers.
"Your so cheesy. " She said giggling.
"It's not my fault, it's just something you do to me. The sun's almost down, we should probably head back soon."
"Yeah, but first give me a boost up in the tree then follow me." I put my hand on her forehead. She giggled again.
"What are you doing?"
"Just making sure you're feeling alright, you just asked for help into a tree."
"Ha-ha-ha climbing trees is fun, and we can get on last good look at the sunset." I picked her up she could reach the branch, and followed her up. After a minute of climbing Lucy found the perfect spot for us to both sit and see the last bit of sun.
"You know, this seems like the perfect place to offically ask you to be my girlfriend."
"Only if you'll be my boyfriend."
"Well how could I say no to dating you of all people." She kissed my cheek.
"Then let's go tell our friends we're dating."
"Sounds good to me." Once out of the tree we startes heading back to the house when I decided that while I was on a role that I should introduce her to my parents. Yes, I have brought her their grave before, but I didn't introduce her to them. "I know this sounds kinda weird, but I want to introduce you to my parents. Some times I just go there and talk to my family about what's going on in my life, and this is pretty big."
"I get it, my sisters and I have done that several times with our dad, tell him things that we think might have made him proud."
"I thought your dad was always drinking because he was constantly dissapointed ny the fact that he only had daughters."
"Yeah, we would go if one of us got a job, or accomplished something that supposedly olny guys should be able to do."
"Sounds more like you, a mix of 'look at me now' and 'as my dad you should know about this because it would have made you proud'."
"You're about right. " The rest of the way there was consumed in a companionable silence, neither of us needed to say anything we were just comfortable knowing that we had eachother. When we got to the cemetery I helped her up the wall and we walked to my normal spot and sat down on the tombstone.
     "Hey mom, dad, Jess... I brought my girlfriend. Thought you guys might want to meet her. I really love her and thought I should introduce her to you." I felt her hug me knowing how hard this kind of thing is for me, especially around other people. "She's one of the few people I let use my actual name."
     "I love you too Anth." That's when I saw my family again. "Do they normaly come back, when you talk to them?"
     "No, are they saying anything?"
     "Unfortunately they're type ones, and if they are you'll need to be quiet so I can hear them." I went silent so she could hear. After a few minutes she startes to take off the necklace.
     "Ssshhh," She helf the necklace to my mom, "Hear do you want the necklace back?" My dad's ghost took it from her, and gave it to me, I then put it back on Lucy.
     "I guess they just wanted to see me give it to you."
     "Yeah, can't blame them."
     "Nope." Silence.
     "I think Jessica is trying to tell you something."
     "She knew what my Talent is. Can you make it out?" She closed her eyes and tryed to focus on the voice.
     "Basically what I'm getting is, is that she knows you blame yourself for what happended, and that you shouldn't"
     "She said that?"
     "Well I mean I had to peice it together, but I think so." I couldn't believe that this was happening, I've wanted this for so long. Now on the same day I asked Lucy out, I also got to (some what) communicate with my family. I grabbed Lucy's face and kissed her, at first she didn't kiss back, but then she wrapped her arms around my neck and melted into it.
     "I love you Lucy."
     "I love you too Anthony."
     "We should probably get home before the others get worried."
     "Yeah, Quill did said to not be to long."
     "Yeah, gotta make sure he hasn't killed George."
     "We better hurry." I joked, helping her back over the wall. "You need to grow a few inches shorty."
     "Or you could shrink giraffe boy."
     "'Giraffe boy'?! You do realize you're dating the giraffe right?"
     "Yep, I know."
     "Maybe are kids will be somewhere in between tiny and giraffe." I say wrapping my arm around her waist.
     "Hopefully, if they get your size they'll be a C. Section there's no way they'd be able to actually be birthed." The immage popped into my head.
     "Oh! I did not want to imagine that." She started laighing at me.
     "You're the one that brought it up! And it's not like I told you to."
     "Well too bad, I did and now I'm offically mentally scared."
     "It's not like you've even seen it."
     "Don't care it's there now."
     "Come here you big baby." She reached up and kissed my cheek. When we get home we open the door to an irritated Quill with paint on his face.
     "You are so lucky I got the meaning of that necklace."
     "Thanks Quill I'm guessing you're heading home now."
     "Yep." Once he slamed the door behind him, we desolved into laughter.
     "What's so funny guys?" Holly asked.
     "Did you not see Quill?!?!" I asked still laughing.
     "Oh yeah, he's been like that for a while."
     "That's even better!"
     "So where have you two been."
     "We went on a walk to talk things over."
     "Yes Hol, and before you ask you already know." Lucy said.
     "What?" I asked but she left before answering me.
     "Not long after you first shown me the necklace Holly and I had conversation." She said then started walking away.
     "No-no-no-no you can't just say that and walk away."
     "It's nothing."
     "Isn't it."
     "It's just one of those stereotypical girly conversations." I raised an eyebrow at her and she sighed. "She basically said that she shipped us."
     "That's it?"
     "Yep." I could tell that she was lying, but figured she'd tell me when she was ready.
     "We better go find George before he says that we're leaving him out."
     "How did you know that's what I was gunna claim?" He said from behind us.
     "I've known you long enough George."
     "So what sre you telling me."
     "Luce and I are dating."
     "Good for you two, I figured you'd eventually start dating." I turned to Lucy.
     "Am I the only one that didn't know we were being shipped?"
     "I guess so."
     "Who told you?" George asked her.
     "Ok." He said walking off.
     "That went better then I expected." We said at the same time.
     "I guess we are perfect together." I said letting go of her hand to take off my coat.
     "I should probably go sign those papers."
     "Yeah, we don't need Barnes on our backs about that."
      "I'll be back in a few." She kissed my cheek and headed upstairs. I went downstairs to the office to get all of the forms together for Barnes. Just as Lucy came down with her set of them there was a knock on the door, she tossed them onto my desk to organize and went back up to get it. About a mintute later she called back down.
     "Hey Lockwood, Barnes is here for the papers."
     "Ok, I'll be right up." I call back grabbing the folder and heading up. "Hello Inspector, here are the papers all signed."
     "Thanks, you seem in good spirits."
     "It's just how I am." I knew that we need to keep our realationship out of work as much as possible. He gave me a weird look, but let it go.
     "Well now that I have what I need, I'll be in my way." He said leaving the house. I turn to her, after we hear the door close.
     "I love you." I say as I pull her closer to me.
     "I love you too." She said laying her head against my chest.
     "Ok guys I'm headed home." Lucy looked up, but didn't break away from me.
     "Ok, see you later Hol, good luck with your little problem."
     "Thanks Luce." She gave her a hopeful smile, and left.
     "You two seem to be getting along better too."
     "Yeah, it just took me a while to get uses to her being around, and set aside our differences. Don't think that we're gunna get along perfectly though, we're still really different."
     "Yeah, but you're friends now."
     "Yeah... I'm headed to bed."
     "Ok, goodnight Love." I say before kissing her.
     "Night." She head up leaving just me and George on the main floor of the house. I go ever to the fridge and grab some yogurt.
     "I've never seen you so genuinely happy." George said smirking.
     "Not even when Luce came back after she quit?"
     "No, not even then. Yeah I could tell you were extremely happy about it, but now you like... giddy"
     "I just can't stop it, I've had feelings for her for a long time now, and now that I've asked her out, and she said yes, I just can't help but smile."
     "It's good to see you like this, I figured out you liked her after she left, you were acting like my sister when she got dumped."
     "Wow thanks for that analogy."
     "I'm only saying it now that you're happy again."
     "So did you figure out that she liked me back or was it only me?"
     "Oh I figered her out when you hired Holly, she was jealous of her."
     "I'm sorry what?"
     "Yeah, Luce was gone for a week, and when she got back the first thing she saw was you fawning over some pretty girl sitting in her place."
     "I wasn't fawning over her."
     "But that's what she saw, even if it wasn't true."
     "Like when she left and you went over to her flat to ask her to help with the cannibal case, you just saw how bad her apartment was at that time, you didn't see how it worked for her."
     "Ok that makes some sence. Well I  think it's about time for me to get some sleep, night George."
     "Night." I went up and get on some shorts and tryed tongo to sleep. But after a few mintues of tossing and turning, I decided that I wasn't going to a fall asleep any time soon. So i decided to go upstairs and be with Lucy, when I got up there she was already sleeping peacefully. I got under the blankets with her and turned so her back was to my chest and I help her waist and finally fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, she was still asleep with a smile on her face, and her head nuzzled into my collarbone. I wrapped my arm around her and placed my hand on her waist again.

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