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3rd pov

Lucy woke up after a hard case the way she normally does these days, in her boyfriend's arms. She waches his relaxed face as he is normally stressed or forcing a smile to help get more clients, she fixes his hair that had falled in his face and accidently woke him up. "Morning Love."
"Morning Anth."
"What time is it?"
"Does it matter?"
"Kind of." She sits up and check the clock on her nightstand.
"We should probably get up."
"Whyyyy?" She whined.
"We have stuff to get done, and didn't you rip your last pair of leggings last night?"
"Another reason for me to not want to actually get up, you know I hate going shopping."
"Why don't I get them for you?"
"There are so many different types of leggings, you would never know what you were look at."
"I'll come with you, then I'll know what to pick up and you won't have to go anymore atlest when it comes to leggings wich you seem to go through pretty fast."
"You're the best."
"I know." He said with a smirk
"Hey!" She playfully puched him.
"Well what else is there to say to that?"
"You've a got point but still."
"I love you."
"I love you too." She said right before he kissed her.
"We still need to get up."
"Fiiiine." She rolled off of him. When they both got dressed poor Lucy was missing her leggings.
"This feels so wrong."
"I know Love, let's go get you some new ones." They headed down stairs and ran into George.
"You two actually slept a normal amount of time for once."
"Well Luce needs more leggings."
"So you're both going?"
"So she doesn't have to anymore, atleast for leggings."
"You're in deep my friend."
"Nothing, have fun shopping for leggings." He said, Lucy just rolled her eyes and dragged Lockwood out the door.
Once they got to the store Lucy led Lockwood to the leggings and the look on his face was priceless. His eyes went big, and his jaw dropped slightly. "Why are there so many types?"
"Because different girls like different kinds of leggings."
"There are still way to many kinds."
"Not really, and sence its fall, they've started selling the ones with designs on them."
"So those aren't normal?"
"No, but they are comfy." She says grabbing some black fleece lined full length leggings.
"I can't say I've seen you wear anything other then black ones."
"Let's not bring up when I wore them the most."
"Why not?"
"4 months."
"Yeah, ok, lets not bring that up again." He said kissing her temple.
"Some of the worst 4 months of my life." They said in unison, then glanced at eachother and both started laughing.
"Excuse me, but you two are too adorble to not ask this." They heard a girl say from behind them, they turned to see who it was. She was just taller then Lucy and looked odly like her.
"Oh my God, Lulu?!" The girl shreaked pulling Lucy into a hug.
"Hey, what's up you weirdo?" She said hugging back.
"What am I missing here?" Lockwood askes awkwardly.
"She's one of my sisters. What brings you here?"
"Well you know how I've always liked jornalism right?"
"Well I finally got a decent job in it. I'm actually doing a peice on agents trying to make relationships work."
"No." Lucy said.
"Oh come on please?"
"You practically raised me you know fully well that I'm not going to agree to this." Her sister starts to pout.
"Come on babe, help your big sister out." Lockwood said, him always being one for publicity.
"I thought we were trying to keep this low key?"
"I think everyone should know were together."
"I can use an alias for you luce."
"Just don't use our last name." She said giving in.
"Awsome. I'll probably just end up following you two around for a few days then."
"Well I guess that'll give you two a chance to get caught up." Lockwood said putting his arm back around Lucy.
"You guys just go back to what you were doing."
"Babe look, these have skulls and cheesy ghosts on them. I don't really care what you say, you need them."
"You're making me rethink letting you get my legging for me."
"Oh come on, it's not like I expect you to wear them on cases, just around the house and stuff."
"How about these galaxy ones instead."
"Why not both?"
"Because I'd like never wear them."
"Lulu, he's trying to be a cute boyfriend, just let him buy them."
"He'd be paying even if we weren't together, he's kinda my boss too."
"Oh, this just more interesting."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
"You two get that a lot don't you?"
"People get ticked off about us for all sorts if reasons." Lockwood replied.
"Back to leggings. I only need black."
"Just let me get you two pairs of fun ones -you can even pick one of them- and the wrest can be black."
"Fine, put the cheesy ones in the basket.... You big dork."
"I love you too Luce."  He said placing them into the basket.
When they finally got home George was highly confused to why Becka had come with them.
"Look, she's one of my many sisters and she's a journalist."
"She's doing an artical about agents making relationships work."
"And she just happended to find her youngest sister and her boyfriend for it?"
"Pretty much."
"You do realize how weird that sounds right?"
"Yeah, but I finially get to see my baby sister!" Becka said hugging Lucy.
"Why were you looking for people for this at the store."
"I was just at the store when I saw an adorable couple with swords, and knew they would be about perfect. It just turned out to be my little sister."
"Ok that's a lot less weird."
"So if you're just going to stalk them for a few days am I going to have to put with another person around the house?"
"If there's space for me to stay here, it would probably be easier."
"We have space," Lockwood says then turns to Lucy. "Why don't you go show her where the spare bedroom is."
"Ok." The girls ran up the stairs and made it most of the way before she tripped on something and wacked her left knee hard on the ground.
"Woah, Luce thay was your bad knee wasn't it?"
"Yep. Ow, help."
"What was that thud?" Lockwood called up.
"I don't what I tripped on, but I just killed my knee."
"How bad?" She tryed to stand.
"It hurts to move, I can't even stand up." He ran up to her.
"Becka you can stay over there, I'm gunna get Luce in comfy and decide what to do about her knee."
"She's already jacked it up once."
"Yeah, I really sould have been waring a brace on cases, but they're just so annoying to wear."
"Ok, well then it sounds like I'm getting you some ice and taking you ti the doctor to see how bad it is this time."
"No, give me a few hours, then we'll see about doctors."

Time skip to the next time Lucy needs leggings

"Oh, come on!" Lucy yelled as she ripped her last pair of leggings.
"What did you do now?"
"George left his stupid books in the middle of the fucking hall and I tripped and almost fell down the fucking stairs." Lockwood bound up the stairs to his girlfriend.
"Well you're not too hurt." He said helping her up and hugging her.
"Well no, but I fell in my bad knee and ripped my last pair of leggings."
"As long as you're ok though."
"I said I almost fell down the stairs not that I did."
"Well with your history I was a little worried, last time you did that, you hurt your knee."
"I know." He glances down.
"Looks like you did scratch it this time though."
"That won't put me in a brace for a month though."
"Well I guess that's true. And now I get to hold up the end of my deal. Sence it's almost summer, do you just want normal black full length leggings this time?"
"That would probably be best."
"Well if your not to badly hurt I'll go get you some new leggings." He kissed her and then was off as she went to fix the cut on her knee. When he got to the store he found a guy looking in amazement trying to figure out which ones to get.
"Dude did your girlfriend send you to get her legging too?" Is the first thing he asks when he notices Lockwood.
"Yeah, but she brought me along last time she got some, so I'm not completely lost."
"Do you think you could help me then?"
"Sure I guess, are you agents?"
"Not exactly, but they bring her in as a sensitive sometimes."
"Then my help probably won't help much, me and my girl are both agents. She needs full lenght year round to keep her safe."
"I don't know what I need to pick up, so that will have to do."

"What ever man, I just told you what I know my girl needs." The rest of the shopping trip was quiet. When Lockwood got home he found Lucy in the basement practicing. "Hey baby." He said gaining her attention.
"I love you so much." She said comming over and taking the bag from him.
"There's a little suprise in there too." She gives him a confused and curious look as she opens the bag.
"Aaww, my favorite chocolate too?"
"Only the best for my girl." He says hugging her. "How's your knee?" He askes breaking away.
"It's fine, I can't get a band-aid to stay on so it looks worse then it really is."
"Wanna spar?" He asked taking a sword off of the rack.
"Let's go." After a while of playing around, Lockwood accidentally tripped Lucy.
"Oh my God babe, are you ok?" She held her mouth looking at him, he couldn't tell if it was because shenwas shocked or if she hit it when she fell. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling nauseous, she stood up and bearly made it to the trash can before she threw up. Lockwood ran over had held her hair back. "Why are you suddenly like this?"
"I don't know, I haven't felt well all day though."
"Do you think it could be because we..."
"No, you had it wrapped, and I've been on birth control for like ever to help with my period."
"Well that's good to know. Let's go get you some medicine." They go upstairs and find Holly. "Hey Hol, do we have anything for nausea."
"And fever." Lucy said before sneezing. Holly stops digging through the medicine cabnit and turn to her.
"Does your throat hurt?"
"Before you threw up?"
"You might just want to go to the walk-in Luce, it sounds like the Flu to me."

Time skip to after she goes to the doctor

"Well I'll be quarantined in my room, see you guys in a week." Lucy said walking in the house.
"Luce, your room is freezing this time of year, and witg your fever you've got to be feezing. Go lay down in my room."
"Then you're either stuck in my frozen room, or the guest room."
"Who said you were kicking me out od my room."
"Me, I'm contagious and it'll be a merical if you don't catch it if you're in there. Pluse my room makes the most sence, there's a bathroom up there, and I'm the only one that uses it."
"Well then you can help take care of me when I catch it from you, because I'm not letting you sleep in your own room and the guest room hasn't been used yet so it's still going to be colder then I want it to be for you right now."
"What ever I'm done fighting. I'll be in your room, if you need me." 

I will probably keep this one going in another story, but this is completely chaning on me

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