Locklyle Fluff

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Just after Lucy was hired
Lockwood pov

     We just got home from a case that went really well. Lucy is a great addition to my company, I just knew she would be. Because she both did amazing with the tests I gave her simply for her Talent, she also proved that she had fire in her. Behind that gental first impression is a girl who will not let you down.
     But this night was different, after she touched the floor board she just didn't seem right. When I asked her about it she claimed to be fine, but that didn't keep me from doubting that. When we got back home, she went strait to bed instead of having tea with George and myself like she normaly does. "Does Lucy seem alright to you?" I asked George.
    "I'm sure she's fine Lockwood, it's probably just your little crush messing with you."
     "But she never just goes to bed when we get home. Even if she's exhausted she still normally had a cup of tea."
     "Wow, your crush has gotten worse."
     "Not now George. We don't know what happened with her last team, she could have some sort of PTSD that got triggered tonight, and us not know."
     "If you're so worried about her, just go up there. She's a girl, she probably just needs to scream into a pillow, and pass out, she should be better by morning."
     "Is that what your sister does?"
     "Sometimes yeah, from what I've picked up with her is: girls have best friends purly to vent to."
     "I'm gunna go check on her." When I got up to her room I knocked on her door, no response. "Hey Lucy are you ok? You seem a bit off tonight." Still nothing.
     With a sigh he opended her door. She was curled around one of her pillows with her head on the other with her back to the door. I could tell from her breathing that she wasn't ok it was shaky. "Luce, what's wrong?" She just buried her face in her pillows.
     "I'm fine Lockwood, just let me be."
     "You sure? You seem upset."
     "Yes, now just leave me alone." She snapped, she never goes off on me, maybe I should just let her be. As I went to leave I hear her sigh. "Look I'm sorry, it's just that... what I heard when I touched the floor board really messed with my head."
     That's when I noticed the stuffed animal she was hugging, and I remembered that she was just barely 14. I think, she said she was almost 14 when she first joined 4 months ago, so she probably is now.  Although that would mean that we did celebrate her birthday. But she was both the youngest and the only girl here, she probably felt like she didn't have anyone she could talk to. The amazing, strong, bad ass that was ready to fight George during her interview is still a teenage girl who-from what I've heard- had an odd childhood.
     "It's fine Luce. Do you want to talk about it?"
     "I guess, if you don't mind." She sat up on her bed.
     "Of course not." I sat down on the other end of my old bed.
     "It just hit way to close to home for me. I could feel the little girl's fear as her dad hit her, and then the pain once he did. And then finally the sence of- I'm not sure how to put it- just the feeling that nobody even cares about how she's been treated." That of all things hit to close to home for her? I guess she did have a messed up childhood too.
     "Wow Luce, I'm so sorry. For both putting you through that and that that of all things was like your childhood."
     "It's not like you can control either, but hey, I don't have to put up with the family portion this far away from them and it's not like most cases make me deal with it."
     "Also about how uncomfortable this bed it. Wow! I don't remember it being this bad." This atleast got a small smile out of her.
     "It doesn't really bother me much."
     "How? I can feel spring under my leg."
     "Well I'm to short, I rarely even feel that end of the bed and I also slept in a crib 'till I was like 7 because we didn't have enough beds, but mom refused to by another one, and just waited for one of my sisters to move out. So atleast this is a big enough bed."
     "Is that why you're so small? When you out grew the crib, but didn't get to have a bigger bed you just stopped growing?" She laughed and thought for a minute.
     "You might be right. I didn't grow much between the ages of 5 and 7, but once I got a real bed I did grow. "
     "5 year olds should still be in cribs Luce."
     "Yeah, but that's when I got to big for it, I've always been really small."
     "Being tall can be annoying, I'm actuall almost too tall for this bed, wich is part of why I moved into the master bedroom."
     "But there's a meduim between dwarf and giant. It would be nice to be able to reach the top shelf."
     "Can you really not reach the top shelf." I couldn't help but laugh.
     "But that's where we keep the tea bags."
     "I know, if I really want tea I have to get on a chair."
     "I'll move them down so you can reach then. You do know that if have any problems you can tell me right?"
     "Yeah, but I'm just not that kind of person- to really complain about or ask for stuff- I've learned to just work around my problem."
     "Ok, well I should probably head to bed. Good night."
     "Good night Lockwood." I headed back down to the kitchen.
     "She picked up on some strange echo of the past with her Touch that reminded her of her messed up childhood."
     "But it was a ghost of a little girl who's dad beat her to death." I gave him a minute. "Oooohhhh, I guess it makes sence that she hasn't talked to or about her family then."
     "Yeah, that had been confusing me too, but now that I know why she doesn't talk to them, I more then kind of feel bad."
     "Really? Because what I've picked up on you had a messes up childhood too."
     "Yeah, but that's part of it! I know how it feels to have a messed up childhood, and that she needs someone there on the hard days."
     "Wow, Lockwood I've never seen you like this."
     "I know I don't let it out verry much, especially around other people, but I get really... passionate about this kind of stuff. And maybe you're right- maybe it's just my crush getting in they way- but I really hate seeing her like this."
     "Then do something about it pretty boy."
     "Don't call me that, but I'll think about ways to make her feel better."
     "You know she'll probably be fine in the morning, like I said she probably just needs to get all of her emotions out and she'll be fine."
     "Well I want to have something I can do in the morning, just in case she's isn't."
     "What ever pretty boy."
     "I'm going to bed."
     "Night." I went up to my room stripped down to my boxers and passed out on my bed.
Lucy's pov

     The next morning I wasn't nearly as effected by what I had picked up on the case. It was nice to have Lockwood to talk to though, that's the one thing that I really miss about my family- having someone to talk to about girl problems. I could always go to Mary when I needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to, and living with two guys is a really new and different. I just hope Lockwood doesn't think less of me because of last night, I was hugging a stuffed animal and crying infront of my boss. That's more then embarrassing.
      When I got down to the kitchen George was already making breakfast. "Morning George." I got a grunt for a response. (Again still trying to adjust to living with guys.)
     "Water's hot if you want to make some tea."
     "Wait you're shorter then me, how can you reach the box with the bags."
     "You can't?"
     "Go get the broom, and use the handel to knock the box down." I did as he suggested and it worked, but I almost spilled the bags every where. "You can figure it out, grow, or talk Lockwood into moving them down."
     "Mabey I can just keep a small box on a lower shelf."
     "Sounds like a good idea." Right as I tyed the string around the handel Lockwood came down.
     "Morning Luce, feeling better?"
     "Yeah, I guess that I just needed to talk about it. Normally I just kinda scream into a pillow and pass out." I caught him glance at George.
     "Nothing," They said way to fast.
     "Oooookkkk." I eyeing them suspiciously.
     "Why did you tie the string to the cup?" Lockwood asked trying to change the subject.
     "It's just what I do, and it's a good guarantee that nobody will think my cup is theirs."
     "True, but it still seems odd." I couldn't deny it, I did it back home for the same reason. "But it does make sence, I don't want to think about the number of times George and I got ours mixed up."
     "See it makes sence to be weird."
     "That's a first." George chuckled.
     "What is?" Lockwood asked him.
     "Someone actually defending being weird, and it makeing sence. Though when you take the bag out, you have to untie it."
     "That's why the 'knot' is just a loop with the string going back through."
     "Oh, that makes more sence."
     "It's not like I'd use some complex knot on something like this."
      "How'd you even get the tea down, I thought you were to short."
      "So do I need to move it down for you short people?" 
      "That'd be a good idea, she almost spilt them when she got them down." George said.
     "It wasn't my idea to use a broom, I asked you how you got them down because you're shorter then me."
      "You didn't have to take my advice,  you could have gotten a chair."
      "Ok, stop fighting, we can just move them down a shelf."
      "Thanks," I say before taking a sip of my now cold tea.
      "Cold now?"
      "Sounds about right."
      "So you are back to your normal self again this morning?" George asked.
      "Good, we don't need any emotionally unstable girls hanging around here."
      "Well there's no guarantee that it won't happen again, part of being a teenage girl is having fucked up emotions and hormones."
      "Oh yeah, real fun. One week every month I can just have a complete break down for absolutely no reason."
     "So we don't need to worry about you when you're acting weird?" Lockwood asked.
     "As long as its like the last or first week of  the month, no. Other times maybe."
     "Good to know.... Sorry about us not understanding some things, it's been a while sence either of us has lived with a girl in the house."
     "It's fine, I'm not used to having guys around all the time either."

A/n no sure how to end this one. So here is a little bonus.

Just after Holly was hired
Lockwood's pov 

    Ever sence I hired Holly, Lucy has been really off. I figured that she would like having another girl around, but she seems kind of mad about it. She stayes in her room a lot more, it was like when she first joined. I was really starting to miss having her always sitting in the library staring out the window drawing random stuff, and her constant fighting with George. Atleast when she did that she wasn't in her room ignoring us. Every time I tryed to ask her about it George or Holly walked in, and sence Lucy doesn't like to talk to people about stuff like that with just anyone, she never answered. After the Wintergarden case I went off on her and said several things that I didn't mean, and she really seemed like she was really upset with me. When I snuck out of my room to try to talk things over with her, she was talking to the damn skull. I didn't want to know about what I just knew that it felt like she was becoming best friends with the stupid thing and leaving me to go back to George. Now I have nothing against him, but it was just easier for me to talk to Lucy then to George. Lucy went through a lot more stuff then George did and so she understands me better. Both of George's are alive, and all of his siblings, and they all get along, pluse he hasn't lost many people he cared about. Hopefully I can patch things up at this carnival.

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