This Might Actually Work

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Takes place within the fist few weeks Lucy is working for Lockwood.
Lucy pov
     I was sitting in my room drawing.(I still felt kind of uncomfortable living in a house with two boys, so I spent most of my free time in my attic room.) When I heard a knock on my door, so I closed by book and got up, when I opended it I found Lockwood. "Hey Lockwood what's up?"
     "Well you've been up here for a while, and I was just making sure that you're ok." Wait, what!?!
     "Why wouldn't I be?"
     "Well I know that this is a really different set up then you're used do. So I was just making sure you weren't going mad up here. " Ok this is odd.
     "No, I'm fine, I just keep to myself a lot." I didn't want to bring up the fact that I was kind of home-sick, I didn't want to bother him with that.
     "Oh ok... although there's not much to do up here, not that I don't trust you, I just know from when it was my room."
     "I have my sketch book, and a window, that's enough for me."
     "You draw?" Shit! Shouldn't have mentioned that.
     "Yeah, it helps me clear my head after cases or just gives me something to do when I'm board." Ok maybe that'll get him to leave me to my drawing.
     "Cool, so what do you draw." Does he want to see them or something? Lets see.
     "Sometimes the Visitors, others just stuff I see."
     "Do you mind showing me." Wow, not sure why he wants to see, but he's the first person other then Mary to actually, at least act interested about my drawings.
     "Sure, why not,come in." He followed me into his old bedroom and sat on the bed. I opened the book to one of my finished and non-depressing drawings and showed it to him.
     "Wow Luce this is really good." Did he just call me 'Luce' people don't do that, other then my sisters. I think he caught onto my confused look. "What?"
     "What did you just call me?"
     "Oh I'm sorry I guess it just kinda slipped out, do you mind, me calling you 'Luce'?" He actually seemed a little nervous
     "Not really, it just kinda caught me off guard."
     "Ok, but any way you really have a gift when it comes to drawing."
     "Thanks," Though I didn't think I was verry good at drawing, it was always nice to hear someone say it was. That's when he decided to flip the page.
     Now if it had been anything normal, I really wouldn't have cared about this. But the picture was half done, and of my old team, and I started the night of our last case . Not exactly something I want people to see.
     "So what's this one going to be?"
     "Oh that's just something I started a while back, and never finished."
     "Well what you've got done is good, it looks like you spilt water on at some point though," I wasn't going to tell him otherwise, he just gave me an out.
     "I don't remember spilling anything on it, but one of my sisters might have."
     "That could make sence, well I better head down stairs and make sure George isn't making a mess with his experiments."
     "Ok, I'll be up here drawing," He closed my door behind him on his way out. As soon as I knew he was out of ear shot, I let my emotions out, I honestly hoped he believed that it was just water on the picture. I didn't want them to think that I've been up here crying, well I have a little but it's not like I'm crying the whole time.
     After a while of drawing, and getting my emotions in check, I hear another knock on my door. It's again  Lockwood, and this time he has a random pillow shaped like the back of a chair.
    "Hey Luce, you're a girl right?"
    "Last time I checked," I joked.
    "Well does that mean you can do normal girl stuff?"
     "Like I mannaged to rip this pillow a while back, and I don't know how to fix it,"
     "So you want me to sew up your pillow?"
     "Yeah, if you don't mind." I can tell he really is a little uncomfortable about asking.
     "Sure, where did you rip it." When he showed me I realized, that he didn't just rip it, he almost ripped off one of the arms. "Wow, that'll take me a little while to sew up if I have enough thread."
     "It's not that bad," I take it from him and look closely.
     "I can fit my whole arm in it,"
     "No you can't," He said smiling. So I decided to prove him wrong, and put my whole arm in it.
     "Yes, yes I can. Now like I said I can fix it IF I have enough thread, but it looks like you held this end while hitting someone with the other," He just fave me a cheesy grin, "That's exactly what you did, isn't it?,"
     "Yeah, insistently George has a similar problem," I couldn't help but grin at the thought of them having a pillow fight like a couple of little girls
     "What color is his."
     "So I can find thread that'll blend in, yours should be easy enough, its black, I use it to stitch up my sweaters and skirts all the time."
     "I think its dark blue,"
     "Ok, I don't have any of that, but it's not like he'll really care,"
     "Actually, oddly enough, he might,"
     "Well I'll need more black after this anyway, I'll go get some blue thread,"
     "Pick up a pillow like this one for yourself,"
     "So we all have one," Odd... but this sounds like it could end up fun.
     I came back after a little while with black, blue, and teal thread. Black for Lockwood's pillow, blue for George's, and teal for the chance that my new pillow is going to get ripped.
     When I get in I notice a ripped dark blue pillow on the table, and bring it upstairs with me. On my way to my room, I ran into Lockwood.
     "Hey, thanks again for doing this,"
     "It's no problem, I'm used to sewing stuff up for people."
     "Ok, did you pick up a pillow for yourself,"
     "Yeah, why did you want me to get one anyway?"
     "I told you, so we all have one. I didn't peg you for a teal kinda girl."
     "Yeah, not many people do. I guess it's because of how I dress and act."
     "Oh, sorry."
     "It's fine, really." I was used to people just assuming I was some wierd goth or emo girl just because I spend most of my time away from other people, and wear a lot of black. I head the rest of the way up the stairs to fix the pillows. After a while I finally got the pillows fixed, and brought them back to the boys.
     "Wait where's yours?"
     "On my bed where it belongs,"
     "Well go get it," George tells me as he hits me with his pillow. I run up the stairs and get mine and the pillow fight starts. After about an hour of hitting eachother with pillows we stop, laughing and out of breath.
     "You guy are worse then my sisters."
     "How so?"
     "I've never had that much fun in a pillow fight,"
     "Then why are we worse?"
     "Your more like little kids, I was basically raised by my sisters, we were only technally siblings."
     "Oh, ok" It felt good to actually tell them about how things were before I came here and let them get more about why I'm so out of place here.
     "So you've mentioned your sisters before, do you have any brothers?" George asked I think that he's starting to accept the fact that I live and work with them now, and that we need to get along.
     "No I have 6 older sisters, but no brothers."
     "Oh... bet you're dad loves that,"
     "That's why he was an alcoholic."
     "'Was' so he quit?"
     "Yeah, well you can't do much dead."
     "Oh, sorry,"
     "It's fine, I was 5 when he was killed."
     "Well I'm already this deep..."
     "It's fine George,  really. He worked at the train station. He was at work, probably drunk, and fell off the platform and right infront of a train."
     "Well thats unfortunate,"
     "Not really he would beat us when he was drunk because we were girls, he was either going to end up dead or in jail, and honestly I'd rather dead."
     "Why, I mean I wish mine were still around. Even if they were never actually around." Lockwood asked.
     "Because then I'd have to be like 'my dad's a criminal' and that sounds a lot worse then 'my dad's dead' because only people who really care ask about the dead part. Everyone would ask why he was in jail." Through out the night we kept talking about stuff less serious, wich let me get to know them a little better and them me. I wasn't sure about actually staying here for long but these guys are starting to grow on me. Pluse they apperently need a girl here to keep them strait... this might just work out well for all of us.


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