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(This gets a little sexual, but not super graphic.)
3rd pov

     It had been a whole year and half sence Lucy came back to the company and they had celebrated everybody's birthday. Other then hers, not that she really cared, she hated her birthday. She could care less if her friends even knew that her birthday was the comming up.
     The problem was that her sister was planning on surprising her, and she didn't know that Lucy was perfectly happy without bring up her birthday. She figured that they celebrated it just like every one else in the world celebrates theirs.
     The day before her birthday, they had a hard and late case, it wasn't a suprise it was early-mid October. When they got home, Lucy and Lockwood passed out of the couch together, both to tired to go up their their rooms. And sence they had been dating for a while, nobody questioned it and it was normal for both of them. George just threw a blanket over them and went to his room.
     The next morning Holly came in, and found them still passed out, she fixed the blanket and went on with her day. At almost 11 Holly heard a knock on the door. She hoped it was someone she could just ask to come back a little later, or that she could just get the info she needed without them wanting to talk to Lockwood.
     "Hi, I'm Mary, is Lucy here?"
     "I'm guessing you're her sister?"
     "I think she's still asleep, but come on in."
     "It's like 11, how is she still asleep?"
     "It's October, cases are just starting to get hard, and they probably got home really late last night."
     "That makes sence."
     "So why are you randomly suprising Lucy?"
     "Don't you know what today it is?"
     "October 12th."
     "How long have you known Lucy?"
     "Over a year and a half."
     "Then why don't you know it's her birthday?"
     "It's her birthday?!"
     "Yeah, she turns 17 today."
     "She never said anything about her birthday at all, we've celebrated everyone else's, but now that I think about it, never hers."
     "Well she never liked it verry much, so I guess it makes sence that she didn't bring it up." There was a short silence, but then George walked in.
     "Morning Lucy, morning Holly."
     "Hey George." Holly said.
     "Are we not going to..."
     "No, let's have some fun with it."
     "You've been around Lucy to much."
     "Probably. Hey George, can you check if Lockwood got up yet?"
     "Sure, one sec." He walks into the livingroom and finds Lockwood and Lucy passed out on the couch. "Wait..." He walks back into the kitchen. "Ok, I think I'm losing it. Where is Lucy?"
     "Probably still passed out with Lockwood."
     "And who is sitting next to you?"
     "Then why didn't you tell me that, I actually thought that she was Lucy."
     "Well we are sisters."
     "Still though not cool."
     "No, but it was funny."
     "Well that tells me you're deffinetly sister. So what brings you here, I don't think Luce said anything about you stopping by."
     "I'm surprising her, and you'll find out why in a little bit. Y'know once she wakes up. Wait did you say that she was passed out with him?"
    "Yeah, they've been together for a while now."
     "My little sister got a boyfriend and didn't tell me?"
     "Why didn't she tell me?"
     "Not sure."
     "I'm gunna go wake her up."
     "Living room is down the hall first door on the right." George said before Holly could interject.
     "Thanks." She walks in and opens the curtains on the window. This doesn't wake up Lucy, sence she had her head in the crook of Lockwood's neck facing the back of the couch but it woke up Lockwood, he used one arm to cover his face but left his other hand shamelessly on Lucy's butt.
     "There are so many better ways to wake people up George."
     "You're not even who I wanted to  wake up."  
     "Woah, wait what?" He had never heard that voice before.
     "Wow, you're cute, to bad your taken and by my sister of all people."
     "Who are you?"
     "Lucy's older sister Mary."
     "And why are you here, and waking me up?"
    "You'll find out, and I'm trying to get Luce up, not you."
     "Hey baby, get up." He said rubbing her back. He knew that she needed to be woken up gently, especially after a rough night.
     "Just a few more minutes."
     "But I need to pee, you're on my bladder, and we're on the couch so I can't just roll you off of me."
     "Fine..." He helps her sit up, she brushed some hair out of her face, that's when she notices Mary. "Mary!" She jumped up and hugged her big sister.
     "Hey baby sis, hap-" Lucy covered her sister's mouth. Mary licked her hand.
     "That's not as disgusting anymore." Lockwood laughed at his girl's comment.
     "I'm gunna go get cleaned up." He kissed Lucy's cheek and headed upstairs. With him gone, Lucy moved her hand.
     "Why the fuck did you do that?"
     "You know fully well that I hate my birthday."
     "Oh come on Luce!"
     "No, I've done amazingly well at not letting that info get out, and you're not messing it up."
     "Well to late for that, I already told one of your friends."
     "Which one?"
     "I don't think I caught her name."
     "Dang why did you have to tell Holly."
     "I just told you I didn't catch her name."
     "Yeah, but we're the only girls here."
     "Oh, only two girls in the whole company?"
     "There's only 5 of us that are offically working here."
     "Then that's not as bad."
     "But she's gunna tell the others though!"
     "Maybe these guys can make you like your birthday again. I can't believe you never told them when it was."
     "I don't know Mare..."
     "It's not like you have an option, one of them already know, pluse that's something your boyfriend should know."
     "Anthony does know, but I gave him my reason for not really liking it, so he didn't tell the others knowing how I feel about it."
     "But he didn't know why I was surprising you."
     "We had a late case last night, and he just woke up. He probably doesn't even know what day of the week it is, let alone the date."
     "Ok, I guess that's fair."
     "Good, now that we have that cleared up, I need a shower."
     "Didn't he just say that he was going to go get cleaned up?"
     "Honey I've been offically dating him for like 6 months, we were a thing for a while before, and I have known him for over 3 years."
     "Wow, Lulu really?"
     "Yep." Lucy went upstairs amd jumped in the shower with her boyfriend.
     "Hey babe." Lockwood said holding her waist and pulling her into a hug.
     "Morning." She said hugging him back, loving the way it felt in his arms and the feeling of the warm water hitting her skin.
     "I'm guessing your sister is here because of your birthday?"
     "Yeah... do we atleast have a case tonight so I have some sort of excuse."
     "Sorry babe, I was planning on taking you out tonight, so I made sure to keep today open." Lucy just groaned in responce. "Keep that sound up and they'll have reason to think we're more then just showering."
     "More like I'll make you hard."
     "That too." He said kissing her. "But if-and when-you do, you'll need to help me out."
     "Of course I would babe."
     "Well then..." Lucy felt something prodding into her lower stomach and realized that he was verry hard and then proceesed to get on her knees.
     "I could use some breakfast."
     Meanwhile in the kitchen Mary was getting questioned about her little sister. "So why did Luce not tell us when her birthday is?" George asked.
     "She never exactly liked it, so I guess she was trying to keep it from ever comming back up."
     "Why doesn't she like it?"
     "She shares a birthday with our dad, he also died on their birthday. Even before he died it was just treated as a normal day for her, but not him. I'm sure Luce has told you how bad of a guy he was."
     "Yeah, she has. I guess that would be a reason to not like your birthday."
     "Well maybe we can make it better!" Holly said cheerfully.
     "Hopefully. I mean it can't be worse then back home."
     "That's terrible."
     "Well when you share a birthday with and abusive dick-head, you tend not to like it."
     "Have any ideas on how to make it better for her?"
     "Not really, I was hoping that she told y'all."
     "'Y'all'?!" They asked laughing.
     "Does she really not talked like that around here?"
     "No, I can't say I've ever heard her talk like that."
     "That's how we talk at home. I guess I really didn't think that things would be different here."
     "Yeah, they are."
     Once Lockwood came and softened back down a little, the adorible couple finished their shower, got dressed in their room and headed down to the wrest of their friends.
     "Hey, I gotta idea, why don't we have french toast." Mary sugested.
     "Oh Luce has alr- ow!" Lockwood began to say before Lucy elbowed him in the ribs.
     "Why would you say that?!"
     "I knew you'd stop me."
     "Then why bother?" He hugged her from behind.
     "Wanted to have some fun."
     "You're lucky I really love you."
     "I'm well aware."
     "Oi! Lovebirds, there's still other people here." Quill said walking in.
     "Oh hush, I've never seen my little sister so happy, let alone on her birthday of all days."
     "Who even are you."
     "My favorite sister." Lucy answered for her.
     "Oh good Lord there are two of you."
     "Well if you're assuming all of us act the same there are 7."
     "Well I see why your dad was an alcoholic."
     "Jesus, Quill that's not somthing you joke about." Lockwood scolded
     "Oh, come on! It was a long time ago, they should be over it by now."
     "April 12, 9 years ago."
     "What the hell man, you didn't need to go there. "
     "It's basically the same thing." Mary leaned over to Lucy.
     "What's happening?"
     "That's when Anthony's sister / Quill's girlfriend was killed."
     "Yeah, which is why he used that as a comparison."
     "I thought his parents were dead too."
     "They are, but Quill knew her a lot better then their parents because they dyed when Anth and his sister were still really young."
     "I guess this makes sence."
     "So back to why you're even here..."
     "For Luce, it's her birthday. I really don't get why she didn't tell you guys."
     "One, yes you do, you explained it to us. And two, he's still new to the group."
     "So French toast?" George perked up, it has been a while since he had gotten to make it, he honestly figured nobody else liked it, so he never made it.
     "Sounds good!"
     "You guys don't have a case tonight right?" Mary askes.
     "No, I made sure to have tonight free so Luce and I could have a date night."
     "Well I don't want to ruin your plans."
     "It's not like we had reservations anywhere."
     "Are you sure?"
     "Yeah, it's fine."
     They end up hanging out for most of the day. This had been Lucy's best birthday ever, she was treated special, she got to be with the only family member that really loved her, and she got to end they day with a nice little date with her boyfriend. They were at a small restaurant sipping their tea waiting for their food.
     "So has today been better then all your other birthdays Love?"
     "Deffinetly." She sighs happily.
     "Good, and maybe when we get home I can make it even better." She said with a dirty smirk.
     "And how do you plan on doing that?" Lucy asked playing along and wrapping her feet around his ankel.
     "Oh, I think you know how."
     "Is that so?"
     "Yes, it is."
     "Do you think you can give me a hint?" He smiled his smile that's just for her, leaned across the tabel and gave her a quick peck.
     "Happy birthday baby girl."


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