Love Sick part 2

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(Warning this really bashes Holly in the beginning)
3rd pov

     After about a week and a half Lucy was well enough to move back to London. When they got out of the cab, Lucy was met with a bone crushing hug from George. "Good to see you back Luce."
     "It's good to see you too George, but you need to loosen your grip."
     "Oh sorry."
     "It's fine, I'm just not back to normal yet."
     "Wow George, don't kill her." Lockwood said smiling at his best friend. "Now let's go in, I'm carrying several bags."
     "I told you I could carry my own."
     "You are carrying one."
     "My runsack doesn't count Anthony."
     "It is a bag though." She just rolled her eyes and walking into the house.
     "Hey Lucy, welcome back."
     "Hi Holly."
     "What made you to decide to come back?"
     "My boyfriend."
     "And who is that?"
     "Me." Lockwood said proudly wrapping an arm around Lucy.
     "You're dating Lockwood?"
     "Yep, we're practically engaged." Lockwood said kissing the top of Lucy's head.
     "She's got a rare disease that causes her to get extremely sick and eventually die, if she's away from me for a long period if time."
     "That's stupid."
     "But real, so we need to be together. Pluse I think that I'm persobally better of with her around."
     "That's the truth." George said from behind them.
     "Please don't tell me you got more reckless with me gone."
     "He did."
     "I left for your safety, you idiot."
     "Well that didn't work."
     "Well you're back now so he shouldn't be as bad." George said.
     "He better not."
     "Of course I won't be nearly as reckless Love, now I'm going to bring these bags upstairs."
     "You're still sleeping in seperate rooms." George said.
     "We know, we kinda figured you would be pissy about us sleeping in the same room." He said walking out of the room.
     "You got that right, you don't need yo be doing anything stupid."
     "The whole time we were up north we slept in the same room." Lucy said.
     "I don't really care how you slept there, you're here now."
     "We slept in my twin sized bed. Although I do get your point of us eventually doing something stupid if we did stay in the same room here."
     "Well at least you know that you're just stupid teens, and will do stupid stuff."
     "You act like you're older then me and Lockwood.... Or are you speaking from experience?"
     "Oh come on Lucy, you know I'm not speaking from experience."
     "Yeah, but I've been around my sisters a lot these last few months so I'm still used to just assuming crap like that as a joke."
     "Teenage girls are weird."
     "Especially in large groups, that have been around eachother for a long time." That's when they heard Lockwood yell, not in terror, but in pain. Lucy was the first one to react and found him the bed in her room caved in and landed on his foot.
     "Damn, are you ok?"
     "Not sure, it hurts like hell to put pressure on though."
     "Ok. Hurry up George!"
     "I'm right here, I just had to grab the first-aid kit."
     "Well help me get this bed off of his foot." They moved the mattress first then they were able to pick it up a few inches for him to get his foot out.
     "It hurts so bad!"
     "I know, just take a deep breath. I'm going to take your shoe off." Once his shoe is off she can see the blood seeping through his sock. "Yeesh, I doubt you broke the bone, but you mannaged to cut it pretty bad."
"I don't know, but you did."
"Here, let's try to get you down stairs."
"Ok, I think it'll take both of you to help me up."
"Probably." George said comming over and getting under one arm, and Lucy got under the other.
"1...2...3."  He was up. "Careful on the stairs."
"Hey Holly, can you help us out here?"
"What's wrong?" She said as if she didn't hear his cry of pain.
"Lockwood had a broken bed land on his foot, and now it's bleeding really bad."
"What do you need me to do?"
"Go get some ice, and a couple of raggs."
"Ok." Lucy and Goerge helped Lockwood get onto his bed.
"Why is it bleeding so much?"
"I'm not sure, just try to stay calm and sit still."
"Ok." Lucy wiped some of the blood away with her sweater, to reveal some odd shaped cuts.
"Did you tuck your aglets into your shoe."
"My what?"
"The plastic tip if your shoelaces."
"Oh, then yes."
"Then my guess is that they went into your foot when the bed landed on it."
"You think?" George asked.
"Yeah- screw it this sweater is old any way." She says taking it off and wrapped it around his foot.
"Holly hurry up!"
"Im comming, just give me a minute." When Holly finally got in Lucy had the bleeding almost stopped, and was starting to wrap up his foot.
"Why did you need rags?"
"For the blood that is now all over my sweater."
"Oh, well I guess you don't need them anymore."
"Well give me one to wrap around the ice pack." She says stealing one of them. "If only we could elevate it better."
"I'll go get some pillows off the couch." George said walking out.
"Thanks George."
"So what do you need me to do?" Holly asked.
"Just go downstairs and clean, or wait for a client to call or somthing." Lockwood said. She gave a small sad smile and left. "Ok, now I see why you don't like her." With a sigh Lucy lays down next to Lockwood.
"Well looks like we don't have enogh beds for all of us."
"Nope, guess you're stuck with me." He said wrapping an arm around her.
"I guess it could be worse. It's a good thing you have a big bed, it's hard to share a twin bed."
"Yeah, this is to big for just me anyway."
"You two are rediculous." George said walking in.
"You're just jealous."
"Sure." George said thowing the pillow at them and heading back downstairs. He knew Holly was acting weird and that he wanted to know why. He found her in the library straiting up the book case. "Ok, what's wrong."
"What do you mean?"
"You're one of the most efficient people I know, and yet it took you for ever to get a bag of ice and two rags. I know it has somthing to do with Lockwood and Lucy, so what's wrong." She sighed.
"Can you keep a secret?"
"This is like huge."
"Just say it Holly." He calmly promted.
"So I have a huge crush on..." she hesitated.
"Which one of them?"
"You're not just going to assume I'm strait?"
"I don't assume stuff about people like that."
"Lucy... I have a huge crush on Lucy." She says letting her tears out, ever sence Lucy said her boyfriend convinced her to come back she had been upset. Then she found out it was Lockwood and that they were practically engaged, and she was heart broken, she knew Lockwood was hot, even if she wasn't into him. "I don't even know what it is that I see in her, but I just like her." She says sitting down. George sits down next to her and puts an arm around her sholders.
"You'll be ok Holly. And while it might be a little to soon for this, if you really do love her you'll be happy with her being happy. And hey, there's other people out there."
"Thanks George." She said wiping a few tears away sniffling. "You're oddly good at that."
"My little sister has been through a few boys."
"I didn't know you had siblings."
"A little sister and an older brother."
"But even then you didn't even hesitate when it came to me being a lesbian."
"Lets just say my brother has also gone through a few boys."
"Oh, I guess that's why you didn't assume."
"Yeah. Want me to try to give them an explination?"
"I thought you said you could keep a secret?"
"I can, I didn't say I was going up there and telling them that you like her. I was thinking sonething more like you just went through a break-up."
"Ok, that's better then just going up there and telling them the truth."
"I'd never do something like that, I knew that both of those dorks liked eachother but Lockwood told me not to tell her and I don't think Lucy even know that she likes him until she left." With that he headed up to give an explination that would hopefully help Holly. When he got to Lockwood's door he knocked, when he heard a movie playing instead of a responce he braved going in not knowing what he was about to witness. Luckily, hr jusy found them half asleep cuddled up on the bed watching the movie. "I figured out why Holly's being useless."
"Why?" Lockwood asked sounding half asleep.
"She just went through a break up and seeing happy couples just make her upset again." 
"I guess that makes some sence." Lucy says finally glancing twords George sitting up a little. "It's not like I have room to be mad at her though, I was a total bitch to her."
"Wow, didn't expect you to admit that."
"Well it's true." She said laying back down.
"Neither of you are going to go talk to her?"
"I think we all need some time to just cool off and leave it alone." Lockwood said.
"Well you need to talk to her."
"Why? She was the one who was acting weird." He retorted.
"Really Lockwood, you need to atleast make sure she's ok."
"Ok, I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but I'm honestly not sure why I should go to her."
"Anth, just lay down, I got it."
"I'm still not sure why though, Luce."
"You'll figure out over time." She kissed his cheek, then headed down to talk to Holly.
"You're the one that sugested it George, why should I go talk to her." He sighed.
"All those times you woke up from a nightmare after Robin died, you just needed someone who would either understand or to just sit this and listen right?"
"Well Holly is a girl, and girls have a different way of doing that. Some of them approch it the same way you did for that, but others handel it like you have your sister. She doesn't want to talk to people that weren't around for it, even though they're probably the best for that."
"And how did Luce know that?"
"She's a girl, Lockwood. She also has a bunch of sisters, she's probably seen enough heart-broken girls that she knows how to help take care of it."
"But she doesn't even get along with most other girls."
"Which still makes me wonder why you hired another girl while away, but that's off topic. She has sympathy for Holly she knows how it feels, that's part of the reason she's back."
"I guess I didn't think about that."
"Well it seems Lucy has this under control,  you can go back to your movie."
"I gotta wait for Luce before I do that."
"I guess that's smart." George said walking out and into his room to escape the drama.  Lucy sat on the couch next to Holly amd handes her a cup of tea.
"George told us why you're acting a little off."
"It's not like I have room to be upset with you, I was a total bitch to you when we first met just becasue I thought Lockwood liked you."
"Really? That's why you seemed to hate me."
"Yeah, I was so jealous that I just kinda hated you because of what I thought you had."
"Well that was pointless."
"I see that now. -I'll make sure that we don't do anything super cupple-y around you while you're going through your break-up o.k.?"
"That would probably help a lot thanks Luce."
"No problem Hol, I'm sure Lockwood wouldn't really mind if you feel like you need to go home and just get your mind off of all of the madness."
"Okay, I probably will once I get myself calmed down." With one last hug Lucy headed back up to Lockwood.
"Hey babe, all fixed?"
"For the most part. I told her she cpould go home if she felt like she needed to and that we would make sure to not act super couple-y around her for a little while."
"Ok, I can work with that."
"Back to our movie?"
"Back to our movie."

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