Love Sick

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3rd pov

It had been a few months sence Lucy quit Lockwood and co. She had moved back to her home town and moved in with a couple of her sisters, she thought she was going to be ok. That was untill she saw the front page of a magazine with Lockwood and Holly kissing, it had the caption 'Small Agency Leader: In Love With Employee'. That's when she felt her heart offically shatter.
She had realized her feelings for Lockwood when she was in the basement of Aikmir's. She also realized why she didn't like Holly, she was jealous, she knew Lockwood would never love her back especially with girls like Holly around. This realization made it a little easier for her to leave, but now that her thoughts have become true... she was heart broken.
"Hey Luce, what's wrong? You seem upset." Her sister Tara asked. Lucy bit her lip not wanting to admit it.
"I'm fine." She said about to cry.
"I doubt that, I can tell your about to cry. Now tell what's up?" Without words Lucy just hands Tara the magazine and walks off to her room. On her way there she ran into Mary and again wouldn't answer the questions, so Mary went to ask around.
"Hey Tara, do you know what's wrong with Luce?"
"No, all she did was hand me this." She said holding out the magazine.
"Do you think...?" She flipped to the artice and found that it was the same place Lucy used to work.
"No way, she wouldn't be stupid enough to fall for her boss."
"Tara look at the boy, he's hot and he's not much older then her."
Lockwood sat at his desk with the latest copy of his favorite magazine, frowning at the cover. Holly had kissed him after a case and some nosie little twit had taken a picture. Now he was just sitting there hoping the wrong person didn't see it. She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him.
"Holly for the 16th time, I don't like you like that, you're a great friend, but I don't love you." He said moving her arms and getting up.
"Oh come on, you can't say you didn't feel anything by that kiss, and just look at how cute we are together."
"All that kiss did was comfirm my lack of feelings for you, and mess up my image."
"You say that like you haven't destroyed buildings."
"Well yeah, but that's not the image that I'm worried about this time."
"Holly, I've had a bit of a thing for Lucy for a while now, and if she sees this it'll make the small chance I had with her even smaller."
"Small chance?"
"She's been kinda upset with me ever sence I hired you."
"She was always cold to me, so I guess I never noticed the difference."
"We were really close, then I hired you while she was gone and she got mad at me. Then she almost got herself killed and I got mad at her, and right as I thought that we could fix things, she quit 'for our safety' or something like that."
"And now she has a reason to think you have feelings for me."
Lucy was curlled into a ball, quietly sobbing when Mary tryed to talk to her again. "Hey Luce, I think I figured out what you're upset about." She said calmly. Lucy just cuddled deeper into her pillow. "You have a crush on the guy in the picture, don't you?" All Lucy could do was nod. Mary hugged her little sister even though she was balled up on a bed. "You'll be ok baby girl, it'll just take some time."
"Thanks Mary, but I don't think I'll be ok ever again."
"Sure you will, you'll meet another guy and forget all about that Lockwood boy."
"Unlikely. I mean I knew he liked her, but this is even worse."
"Wow, you really did like this guy." Mary said with a sad smile.
"I didn't even realize it until he hired her while I was gone and found him fawning over her when I got back. But when I did, I realized it was to late, he even started to ignore me."
"You know what you need to do is? You need to get rid of everything that reminds you of him."
"I can't to that!"
"Yes you can, just-"
"He gave me my rapier, he gave me that beautiful silver necklace-that has saved my life-"
"Ok I get the point. I'll go get you some of your favorite tea, and a blanket." As soon as Mary got into the hall she rounded up Natalie and Tara. "Ok so we are in break up mode, they were never actually together, but she had a huge crush on this guy."

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