Other Friends

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This is longer than my normal ones (almost twice as long)
3rd pov

     Lucy and some of her friends from when she was freelancing all got tickets to an Ed Sheeran concert. "I didn't even know you made friends while you were gone." George said when Lucy told them she was going to a concert with some of her friends.
     "Screw off George."
     "I'm just saying, you never said anything about having friends from those few months."
     "We haven't hung out that much, but we all love Ed Sheeran, so when we heard he was comming to town we decided we had to go."
     "I just didn't figure they'd be girls, judging by the way you acted when I first hired Holly." Lockwood said trying to change the topic slightly.
     "They aren't girly-girls. They'd rather be playing with a sword then shopping, they just so happen to be listening to Ed Sheeran while practicing. Also you say that like guys can't like his music." 
     "It's less likely for guys to like his music. I've heard it before, and it's deffinetly geard twords girls."
     "True, but if girls like Lucy can like him then guys can." Holly said.
     "Wow thanks Hol, totally needed that to boost my confidence."
     "Yeah sorry, that came out a lot worse then I thought."
     "Whatever, I'm gunna go get changed."
     "Why, you go out in public like that all the time?" George asked.
     "I'm going to a concert with a group of other girls, I need to wear normal cloths, you have to keep in mind that I won't even be able to have my rapier."
     "Why not? I thought agents could bring their swords everywhere."
     "It's a weapon, I can't even have a backpack unless it clear, but I can have a small bag that isn't."
     "Wow that's odd."
     "Not really it's a safety thing." Lucy said walking away. She really needed to change, she was meeting her friends in about an hour at a restraunt downtown.
     "I feel like I ticked her off." George said once she was gone.
     "You think? You only told her that you didn't think that she has other friends."
     "Well I didn't know, I honestly thought that it was just her and the skull for four months."
     "Me either, but you didn't need to just blert it out like that."
     "Little late now." Holly rolled her eyes at the boys.
     "Did you two nitwits not pick up that she was going upstairs to get 'normal' cloths on."
     "What does that have to do with anything?"
     "You'll see when she comes back down." Not even two minutes later, they figured it out. Lucy came back down in short-shorts and a tight black tank top, with her hair in a ponytail but her bangs were down on one side, she had also put on a little make up. She was carrying a pair of black hightops and what appeared to be another shirt.
     "Woah, I didn't even know she had cloths like that." Lockwood quietly said to George.
     "You say that like I did."
     "Well no but- wow she's hot."
     "That's what you said when she finally let her hair grow."
     "You guys good?"
     "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine."
     "You sure, you spaced out." She said sitting down to put on her shoes.
     "Yeah, I'm good. I guess I just got lost in thought."
     "Ok... well I'm gunna head out. I'll probably be back really late."
     "Really? Without your rapier?"
     "Yeah, we'll be fine."
     "Ok, just be careful."
     "I will be." With that she headed out to be with some of her other friends.
     "You seem a little over protective tonight." Holly said.
     "She's leaving without her sword, yeah, I'm a little worried about her."
     "You do realize that she'll take a night cab home, and that they have a lot of defences at stuff like that." Lockwood ran a hand through his hair.
     "I'm more worried about people then ghosts."
     "Why?" George asked knowing exactly why. He just wanted Lockwood to admit it to Holly.
     "You did see how she was dressed, right?"
     "Yeah, booty shorts and a tight black tanktop that showed off her form."
     "That's why I'm worried about people, she's wearing like nothing! That's like begging for her to get molested."
     "That is a fair point, but what I'm getting out of this is that Lockwood has a crush on Lucy."
     "You're so dead!" Lockwood yelled jumping at George.
     "Calm down, she figured it out regaurdless!" He said jumping out of the way.
     "You did?" He said slightly panting.
     "Jeez Lockwood, take a deep breath. And yes, honestly the first time I saw you and Luce have a normal interaction, I thought you were dating."
     "Yeah, I actually asked George how long you two had been together."
     Lucy wasn't really shocked or offended by her closest friends not thinking she had others. She was a little hurt that they assumed that they were guys, but that still wasn't what was bugging her. It was Lockwood, he was acting so weird, it was almost like he was being protective of her.
     Lockwood always made sure she was safe when they were out on cases but this was diffirent. This was as if he saw her as more than a friend. But she knew that that would never happen and just tryed to forget what happended and have some fun.
     "You good Luce?" Her friend Cass asked.
     "Yeah, just lost in though, I guess."
     "What about?"
     "You don't get lost in thought about nothing."
     "It's nothing, it's just that one of my other friends was acting weird."
     "Aren't your work friends guys?"
     "Well we have Holly, but it was one of the guys."
     "Could it be that he likes you."
     "No, he could have litterly any girl he wants. Why would he choose me?" She was quiet for a moment.
     "Probably because you're really pretty, and not a bitch. That's a rare combination."
     "I'm not pretty though. My nose looks like Panocheo has been telling lies." Lucy atleast got a laugh out of her with this.
     "Have you ever dressed like this around them?"
     "Hell no."
     "Well then maybe he was just taken back by your hotness." 
      "We'll see."
      "What're we talking about?" One of her other friends ask as they walk up. 
     "Lucy's love life."
     "More like lack there of." Lucy corrected, making them laugh.

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