Meeting the Family

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Somewhat of a continuation of the last one

     "I still don't know why you want to do this" Lucy said walking up to her oldest sister's house.
    "Like I said, we've been together long enough, I want to meet you're family." Lockwood wasn't sure why she was so hesitent for him to meet them its not like it was going to change his opinion of her. He loves her regardless of her family.
     "I know but you're about to be immersed into total chaos." She wasn't exagerating, she knew that her oldest sister had 4 kids, and that they were a handfull. She also knew that Mary wasn't going to be much help sence she hasn't seen her, quite literal, other half in over a year.
     "It'll be fine babe," He says knocking on the door, before anybody could come Lucy just opened the door and walked right in. "Shouldn't we wait for someone to actually answer it?"
     "With this family, no" Then two little kids come around the corner.
     "Aunt Lucy!!!!" They scream as they run over and hug her.
     "Hey Emma, hey Ollie, where's your mama," She says hugging them back.
     "In the kitchen with Aunt Mary," Emma answered, then they noticed Lockwood.
     "Wow, you're a giant!" Ollie says amazed by Lockwood.
     "Olivier, what have I told you about being rude." A tall woman says comming into the front hall. She looks  a lot like Lucy but with longer and lighter hair, taller, and green eyes.
     "Sorry mom,"
     "Hey Lulu, how you been," Lockwood couldn't help but chuckle at Lucy nickname, it really didn't seem to fit her. "What you laughing at giraffe boy, " She says smirking.
     "Don't be a hypocrite, Lizzy!" Is yelled from the next room over, as a girl looking almost exactly like Lucy, but with longer hair appeirds. She has a small child on her hip who also starres at Lockwood in amazement.
      "Hey Mary, and to answer the question I've been good.'
      "Here let's go the living room, Noah is heavy," Marry offers, shifting the child to her other side.
     "Sounds good,"
     "Aunt Luc-" Before Emma could even finish what she was saying, Lucy picked her up. "Yay!"
     "You ask the same thing every time, Em." She just rests her heas on her aunt's sholder as she gets carried into to living room.
     At this point Lockwood was starting to realize why Lucy was hesitent about this, it appeared to him that he was just assumed as part of the family, there were no formalities or anything. Lucy just takes his hand with her open one, as they walk into another room.
      "Oh, crap I forgot the baby monitor I'll be back in a minute."
      "We haven't actually met have we," Mary said to Lockwood, "I'm Mary Carlyle."
      "Anthony Lockwood, it's nice to finally meet Luce's twin." He felt a tug on his sleeve, he then relized that it was Ollie, "What's up buddie?"
      "Can I sit in your lap?" Lockwood glanced at Lucy not sure if the kid ment it, then relized that his sister was on hers.
      "Sure come here," He says making sure he can actually get up. As he is getting in Lockwoods lap Elizabeth comes back into the room, and immeditly gives him a 'did you agree to this' look, he nods and she sits down.
      "I'm Elizabeth by the way, and judging by the way you act if I tell you my last name you'll try to call me 'Ms.' and that ain't happening." Placing the monitor on the coffee table.
     "I'm Anthony Lockwood, nice to meet you."
     "So how did you meet my baby sister?" Elizabeth asked.
     "She actully started off as just one of my employees and friends, but over time I knew that I wanted to be more."
      "That's a new one, leave it to Lucy to date her boss." Lockwood saw Lucy's jaw set. Then he relized that Lucy wasn't against him meeting her family, she didn't want to be around them again.
     "Well I asked her out after us almost dying, for like the 8th time, well I guess technally 7th, because we were preparing for 8."
     "Jesus, Lu what did you guys do." Lucy glanced at the three little ones sitting in the room.
     "Not exactly a story for the kids to hear, it's pretty messed up." She said kind of uncomfortable, her and Lockwood both knew that they weren't susposed to tell the true stories to anybody, including family, even if it's their own child.
     "Yeesh ok, I'd definitely appreciate you not giving my kids nightmares, John already doesn't get enough sleep at night."
     "Oh come on Aunt Lucy! We won't be scared!"
     "You're mom still has authority over me when it comes to stuff like that guy sorry."
     "Oooohhhh," They whined knowing that it wasn't worth it, to keep trying. Their mom was as stuborn as the rest of her sisters, and decided that if they weren't going to her any stories, that they were going to go play.
     "Ok more stories about you two getting together, not you dying, but just you two developing you're relationship."
    "They kinda go together," Lockwood says running a hand through is hair.
     "Wow, that's weird." Elizabeth says, as she want to comment again, but her youngest started crying and she had to go calm the baby.
     As she did this, more people showed up at the house this caught Lockwood off guard, he was told that he was going to be eased into Lucy's family, at first he wasn't sure why but now he completely understood that Lucy's family is so big that they just bring more people in and treat them as if they've always been there. And in this group was one verry important family member.
    "Oh good Lord," Lucy mumbles, Lockwood knew something was up.
     "Hi mom, I didn't know you were stopping by too," Mary says before Lucy is noticed and giving herself an out. None of the Carlyle daughters were verry fond of their mother.
     "Lucy I didn't know you were in town, why didn't you stop by." Lockwood made all the right connections.
     "We just got here Mrs. Carlyle and Lucy didn't know if you would be home, due to work, so we stopped by here first." She turned to him, giving him an eery look.
     "Who are you, and why are you speaking for my daughter?" She asked in a sharp tone.
     "I'm Anthony Lockwood, her boyfriend and-"
     "Lucy's throte is bugging her from the last case she worked on." Mary broke in. Lucy took a sip of tea and nodded.
     "Sorry about that mom, I was going to stop by when I knew you wouldn't be verry busy."
     "Ah, it's fine dear, and tell you're boss to get you a better way if telling eachother stuff other then screaming." Lucy jokingly hit her boyfriends arm.
     "You heard the woman,"
     "I know Luce, I'll get some walkies when we get back to London,"
     "You're also her boss?"
     "Yes, it's an odd situation, we have going but it works." He says side hugging Lucy.
     "For once the girl does something smart."
     "Mom stop being so mean to Lucy, you know exactly why she is the way she is." Lucy just gave Lockwood a 'I'll explain later' look. He nodes in response.
     That's also when Lockwood noticed exactly how many people were in the room, almost all of Lucy's sisters, with their husbands/boyfriends, and their kids were there and the room was suddenly verry small.
     "Ok who told," Lucy said slightly annoyed, she was going to slide him slowly into the family, not just dump him into it. He really didn't know what he was getting into and now Lucy can tell that he's overwhelmed.
     It makes sence if you think about it for him to be overwhelmed. His parents died when he was little, then Jessica dies when he was nine, he never exactly knew what a large family was. Even when his uncle was taking care of him those few years, it was just them and his wife. And if he was honest he was kind of overwhelmed.
     "Probably Lizzy," Says Stacy the 2nd oldest in the family. She had a small-ish child holding her hand and a toddler in her arm.
     "Snitch," Elizabeth said comming back into the room with a child that couldn't have been much older then 6 months. "Yeah, it was me, sorry Luce, but you cant just eas people into this family, they just need to be dumped into it."
     Lucy was  really pissed of now. "Yeah... I need a word with you," She says grabbing her oldest sister's arm. Once they were out of the room Lucy could say what she wanted. "You do relize that he's an orphan right? His parents were killed in a car wreck was he was 4 and his sister died of ghost touch going through their stuff when he was 9!"
     "Oh my God, I didn't know that, I'm so sorry Luce, if I had known-"
     "That's just it, it's not something that we talk about, just like nobody brings up the fact that our dad has been dead sence Mary and I were 5!"
     "Look I get it now, but at this point what can I do, they're already here."
     "I don't know..." Lucy knew that her family ment well but didn't know what was going on, on a deeper level. "Look I'm sorry I went off on you, I know you mean well."
     "It's fine I'd probably be pissed off if I was in your situation. Why don't you take him up to your room, and I'll try to explain the problem to the others."
     "Ok sounds good, but before that," Lucy looked at her new niece. "Hey Jamey, how are you sweetheart. She's really cute Liz."
     "Thanks Luce, you'll probably have some just as cute, when you and Anthony get married." Elizabeth said trying to see if Lucy saw her relationship as permanent.
     "Hopefully, he said that he does want kids though, so that's a good sign."
     "A guy at your age, and that cute admitting that he wants kids? Damn you hit the jackpot with this guy." Lucy couldn't help but to smile at this, she knew that fact already, but it was still wonderful to hear, and think about. She really does love him.
     "Pluse he has money,"
     "Not really,"
     "But he runs his own company,"           "That doesn't mean he has money,"
     "Well why not,"
     "He has bills to pay and its a small company, he as all of four employees, and two us of them live with him."
     "Wait I get why you would live with him but why-"
     "He runs his company out of his house, so I've stayed there the whole time beacuse with what he pays us is bearly enough to be able to afford a small flat, and I still have to send like 1/3 of it back to mom. And George stays there because he can, and neither Lockwood nor myself can cook verry well."
      "Wow, I really didn't understand did I?"
      "Apperently not, well I better go save him." She walks into the chaos again, "Hey guy we still haven't put our stuff in our rooms yet so if you'll excuse us..." She grabs Lockwood's hand, "We'll be back in a minute."
     "Thanks babe, I get it now."
     "You get what?"
     "Why you didn't want me to meet your family." He says sitting on the bed.
     "Babe, it wasn't that i didn't want you to meet them, I just didn't want to throw you into the chaos. And this family is chaos, as you can now tell." She said after sitting next to him.
     "Either way, why didn't that work properly?"
     "Big family, hard to keep secrets. You tell one person and they just pass it on, even when told not to."
     "Wow that sucks, I guess I never thought of how different it would be to have so many siblings," He said taking her hand.
     "When you grow up with it, it's really not that bad, once you learn who can keep a secret and who you need to duct-tape their mouths."
     "You say that like you've done it before," He says chuckling.
     "Well of course I have! I had Mary help me take her down, then taped her to a chair with her hands taped to the back legs, her feet to the front, and like five peices over her mouth." Lucy start laughing as she told the story.
     "And who, pry tell did you do this to?"
     "If I told you, you'd be next." He gave her a quizzical look. "Charlotte"
     "Ok I don't have names down wich one is she?"
     "3rd oldest, that's how we got away with it, middle child is always overlooked youngest it always the 'innocent' one."
     "Nice, Jess and I jumped Quill once."
     "Why, I mean not like it matters-"
     "They were dating at the time, and he ticked her off, so she wanted to have some fun with it, I was like 8 at the time."
    "You know age might have had another thing to do with us not getting in trouble, we were like 7, and she was 12."
     "A 12 year old beat by a couple of 7 year olds, wow!"
    "Yeah, I think mom had the same reaction when she found her a few hours later."
    "Mother of the year award." He mutters knowing how Lucy feels about her mother.
     "Yeah, after dad died she just worked, she had like nothing to do with Mary, Jenny, and myself." Lockwood could tell that this fact still kind of upsets her, so he releases her hand and puts the arm around her. He also kisses her head as she leans into him. "We should probably head downstairs, before they come after us."
     "Ok, but first..." He leans down and kisses her properly. "I love you, crazy family and all,"
     "I love you too." As they go down the stairs they hear laughter, then they run into a child coming up the stairs,
     "Cool, I was sent up here to get you guys,"
     "Ben, why would they send you and not one of your aunt or your mom, hell even your granmda would have made more sence."
     "You know this family, why would they ever make sence?"
     "True, well we're comming." All this time we've been walking back to the living room so, of course, we hear.
     "Huh, figured you'd be a lot louder," Lockwood didn't get the stupid joke, so Lucy just hit her brother-in-law in the chest.
     "Watch it boy, to many kids around." Even with Lucy's hint that it was inappropriate, Lockwood still wasn't sure what the joke ment, but really didn't want to know.
     Throughout day they all hung out, played some games with the kids, and Lockwood got what he wanted, to finally meet Lucy's family. As they crawled into bed late that night, Lucy had to know.
     "So, was my chaos everything you expected,"
     "No, I really thought that you were just traumatized by something with them, but it really is crazy."
     "Yeah," Lucy cuddled into Lockwood's side, and put her head on his chest, "But I wouldn't change any of them, including you."
     "I love you Luce,"
     "I love you too Anth, goodnight."
     "Night babe," With one last kiss they fall asleep.





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