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Lucy's pov

I woke up to a freezing room, my heater must have broken part way through the night, it was working just fine when I fell asleep. It would have been ok if it hadn't the middle of winter. I tryes to just hide under the blankets until I smelt bacon, and started to get hungry. I got up with my blankets around me and got to my dresser to find my socks so I could try to save some of the heat in my body.
Once I got into the hall, I was able to ditch the blanket, and walk into the warm kitchen. "Morning Luce."
"Mornong guys." That's when I notice Lockwood was getting ready to leave. "Oh, hey Lockwood-"
"I'd love to talk Luce but I need to leave for a meeting with Barnes."
"Oh ok, I can just tell you later." With that he gave me one of his smiles and left. We hadn't told the others about our relationship yet, so he couldn't kiss me goodbye.
"What were you going to ask him Luce? I can probably help." Holly offered.
"It's fine Holly, it can wait till he gets back."
"You sure?" George chimed in.
"Yeah." After I was officially awake I braved going into my room to get some clean cloths, and changed in the boys' bathroom, then chucked my pjs into my room. Throughout the day I practiced, did some drawing, and reading. By the time dinner came around Lockwood still wasn't home, I wasn't worried, he's done this before, I was dreading having to go back to my room for the night.
When I fianlly went to bed I got into my thickest cloths, (not even pyjamas) and curled into a tight ball trying to keep the heat in my body. After what felt like hours, I fell asleep.
Lockwood's pov

I really didn't think I'd be gone all day or else I would have let Lucy tell me what she needed to. When I finally got home George told me that she had already gone to bed. Knowing Lucy, I figured she was just up there drawing and told him that so she wouldn't be bothered, so I went up to see what she needed. I knocked on the door.
"Hey Luce, can I come in?" Nothing. I knocked again, and made sure nobody was comming up behind me.
"Lucy, sweetheart are you ok?" Still nothing, I guess I'll just go on in. When I opended the door I was hit with a wall of cold, it wasn't just chilly in her room, no, it was full out cold. I went over to her. "Babe, wake up." I say shaking her shoulder. I get a small grone from her, and she rolled over.
"What?" She asked in groggy voice.
"Why is it so cold in here?" She flipped down the blanket. When she did so, I realized she was in my(?) hoodie and sweat pants, not normal pyjamas.
"Get and I'll explain." I did what she said and she cuddled up to me so we both fit and to steal my warmth.
"I was going to tell you this morning that the heater when out up here."
"Why didn't you just pass out in my bed then?" It's not like it would have been the first time she slept in my room.
"It just kinda seemed odd with you not there."
"And the spare bedroom?"
"I keep forgetting we have that." Sounds like the girl I love.
"Well let's go down to my room, you can't stay in this freezing room all night, Luce, you'll get sick"
"Your room it is then, let's go." I got up and stole the top blanket off her bed and out it over my sholders . I held it open for her when she got out of the bed. We huddled together and shuffled over to the door, once out in the hallway I was able to take off the blanket, but we didn't let go of eachother.
Before we could get in my room George stopped us. "What's going on here?" He sounded honsestly confused.
"The heat went out in her room so we're going to mine."
"Why were you in hers?" I could tell my his face, he was starting to read into this.
"I went to see what she needed this morning before I left."
"By why your room, we have a spare bedroom now." Her raised an eyebrow.
"She's like frozen George, ok. Just let us be."
"Just seems odd to me-"
"Look you two can fight bet I'm going to bed, well Lockwood's bed." Lucy broke in.
"I'll be in, in a mintute."
"Ok," She went into my room and closed the door behind her.
"Uh, look we haven't decided to tell you guys this yet, but it clearly needs to be said now. Lucy and I are low key dating."
"Well that explains why you two have been a lot closer. How long has this been."
"About a month."
"Really? You two have been like rediculously close ever sence she came back."
"Yeah, but then we were threatened by Fitts and I didn't really want to start dating her then one of us die."
"That makes sence, but you're going to have to explain this to the others soon."
"I know, but for now I need to go to bed." I turn around and go into my room. I find Lucy passed out on her side, (both on her of her body and the bed) I just smile at my girlfriend passed out in my bed and walk to the other side. I lay down next to her and gently pull her closer to me, I put my arm around her waist and fall asleep.
Lucy's pov

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