1- Teardrops On Momma's Grave

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The only thing that could be heard was the sound of the wind whistling softly and the lake waters splashing against the rocks of the shore. Demi liked when it was like that. Everything was at peace. The birds silently but swiftly flew through the air. The yellow leaves from the oak tree she was leaning on fell to the ground. They made no sound. Everything was silent.
Demi knelt down on her right knee. Her light blue jeans softly hit the dirt. Little pebbles leaving marks in her skin, she'll notice later if they don't fade away. "Hi mom" She would say quietly. Every time she visits those two words are the first things she would say. She placed her hand gently on the stone before her. Written on it are the words "The past is history. The future, a mystery. But we will hold dear memories of her. Her smile, the sound of her laughter...forever." Then it would say her name "Dianna De La Garza".

She pictured what life would be like if her mom was still here. She would be happy. She wouldn't roll her eyes when her father told her he loved her because she would still believe it. She wouldn't be here, at the grave. She wouldn't be thinking about this. She wonders what she would be thinking.

"I brought you a flower" She says simply. Then she smiles. Her mom always loved red roses. She loved the smell, she loved the way the pedals twisted. Demi placed it down on the grave. "Dad told me I shouldn't of came here today" Demi says quietly and runs her hand over the top of the garvestone. "But I wanted to visit you. It's been a while" She shivers from the sudden gust of wind. "I love you"
Demi smiled down at the grave. She smiles although she's confusing herself. She doesn't believe in love but she loves her mom. She has to love her mom. No matter what she believes in, her mom is her mom. She's the person who gave birth to Demi. She carried her around for 9 months and then went through all that pain just to bring her into this world. She loves her mom with everything she has. She's the only person Demi believes she should love. No one else deserves her love. Demi thinks. But what she doesn't know is that there are hundreds of people who truly love her. She just can't see it. She doesn't want to see it.

Demi closes her eyes and bites her bottom lip softly. She wishes she was dead, not her mom. Her mom deserved to live.

"I'm sorry" She falls on top of the gravestone and holds onto it tightly. Tears roll down her cheeks, she doesn't even care. She doesn't care that someone could be watching her at that moment. "I miss you" Demi cries. But her cries turn into whimpers and she soon runs out of tears.

She picks herself up and pats down her pants and dark red, almost brown hoodie she got one Christmas from her grandma. She was only fifteen but she hasn't grown much at all. Just like her mom. She stayed short her whole life.

Her phone was ringing. Without looking at the caller ID she put the phone to her ear. iPhone 5S, silver, with diamond studs on each end. Her dad got it for her on her 17th birthday. She wasn't too excited to have one. Just another reminder that she's not popular and she doesn't have any friends. The only people who would be calling her is her dad, step-mom, or grandma.

"Hello?" She mumbles into the speaker. "Where are you?" The voice on the other end is her dad. Of course.

She rolls her eyes and stuffs her free hand into the pocket of her hoodie. She looks up toward the sky. The clouds are darkening, signaling a storm. The wind is picking up. Demi's hair is flying evrywhere, so she throws her hood over her head. "I'm at the grave, why?" "There's a huge storm coming and you need to come home now" She huffed and kicked the ground. "Fine. I'll be home soon" "Hurry" He says firmly. She rolls her eyes once again and presses end on the screen.

Her dad used to be her hero. He is handsome. He has honey brown eyes just like her. His skin is nicely tanned, he has freckles sprinkled across his nose, he has wrinkles on the edge of his eyes when he smiles. His hair is thick and curly, a golden-blonde color with a tint of brown. It's not too short, but it's not too long either. His eyes are usually filled with joy but after Dianna's death something inside of him changed.

"I'm home" Demi says once she steps inside her two story house, The inside is painted a brownish-gold. The furniture is brown. Everything is brown. The couch, the chairs, the cupboards, table and chairs. Everything. Demi hates it. It was her step-moms idea.

Her name is Elizebeth. They call her Liz for short. She has long, wavy, blonde hair that goes down almost past her butt. Her eyes are turquise like the Miami ocean, Demi and Dianna visited on a vacation they took two years ago. The day Demi almost drowned because of a stupid boy that was flirting with her thought it would be funny to push her under water when a huge, dark wave was coming towards them. Dianna managed to bring her out of the water before she stopped breathing. Demi has never stepped foot in an ocean after that.

Demi's room is the only room in the house that isn't smothered by brown. She has white walls with Paramore posters hanging everywhere. Her VIP pass to one of their concerts hanging on a nail by her bed post. Picture frames of her and her mom are on her tv stand. Some of her and her dad. She has a specific picture of her and her mom hanging on her wall in a white, glossy picture frame. Her mom has no hair, due to chemo but they are hugging. You can see the sadness in both of their eyes but they both have a smile on their face. She was so happy to be with her Dianna. She just wants that back. But she can't have it back. Ever.

This is my 2nd part to my story. I hoped you liked it :) Please comment and vote if you like it and tell me what you thought :) Thank you for reading it... Next update tomorrow

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