3- Cookies?

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The quietness of the room bothered Demi. She usually liked the quietness but this is awkward. The lady staring at her from across the table made her uncomfortable. The small room smelled like burnt pizza, it made Demi gag.

Demi is sat on a small, hard, red couch. It feels like she's sitting on a rock. She has her hands in her lap and her legs crossed. The lady stared at her intently. "So" Demi said as she looked around the room. "What's your name?" Demi questioned. "Dr. Loundy" "Loundy" Demi repeated. "Dr. Loundy" The lady glared at Demi and Demi rolled her eyes. "I heard you" "So why are you here?" Demi's head snapped over to her. "My step-mom made me come here" "For what?" "She said I need therapy. I don't know what for" Demi drew in a long breath and sighed. "Well she told me that you're having some problems with your mom" Dr. Loundy said. Demi's eyes stared at Dr. Loundy but avoided her dark brown eyes. They reminded Demi of the color of her furniture at home. "My mom's dead" Dr. Loundy frowned and let out a soft sigh. Demi yawned dramatically and looked at her bare wrist as if she was checking the time. "We have an hour" Demi cursed under her breath and slumped into her seat. "When did your mom pass away?" "A little over a year ago" Demi says softly. "March 13th at 6:18 p.m." "You remembered the time" "It's hard not to" "I know how you feel" "No you don't. You don't know how I feel!" Demi shouted. "Well, how do you feel?" "Do you really wanna know?" Demi raised her eyebrows. If she said yes than she would tell her but she probably doesn't care. "Yes" Demi wasn't really surprised, she's a therapist. She's supposed to ask those questions. "Depressed" "Depressed, hmm go on" "Nobody likes me. I'm not even just saying that. Nobody does. My dad and that bitch-" Dr. Loundy put her hand up for Demi to stop. "Don't talk about your family like that" "She's not my family. And i'm not coming back here. This is stupid! I don't need help!" Demi's face turned from pale to red in a matter of seconds. She was angry. She doesn't know why she's angry, but she is. "You can leave" Dr. Loundy whispered. "But I will tell Liz" "I don't care" Demi snapped and ran out of the small room. She ran as fast as she could, which is faster than most boys at her school. If she wanted to than she could be on the track team but she doesn't want to be around those kids. She'd rather go home and read stories, sing, or get on twitter and 'fangirl' about Paramores new song or picture. She didn't want to be with people from school. Demi finds all the girls bitchy and the guys are all dicks. Besides the kid next door of course.

Demi drives home. She knows she's going to get screamed at by Liz because she paid $50 for that session. Even though that's not much money, it went to waste.

"Why did you leave?" Liz questions when Demi opens the front door. "Gee were you waiting for me?" Demi forced a fake laugh. "Answer the question" Liz snarled. Demi looked for her dad's truck. Gone. So Liz could hit Demi if she wanted to. "I don't need help" Demi almost shouted. "Yes you do! Look at you, you're pathetic! All you do is mope around here and do nothing! You don't have a life!" The back of Liz's hand connects with Demi's cheekbone. Demi gasps and her hand flies up to her cheek. Her honey-brown eyes that were once filled with happiness and joy were now dark and tear filled. "I hate you" Demi spat and pushed past her, up the stairs, and into her room. She slammed her door shut and pushed her dresser in front of it.

Hours later, Demi awoke from her nap to her dads shouting. Then she heard Liz say "She hasn't come out since this afternoon and I think she out something in front of her door". "Dad" Demi breathed out. She's happy he's home. Finally she can tell him what Liz did, if she hasn't told him herself. She pushed her dresser out of the way and opened her door. Her dad's face is filled with panic and Liz looks sorry.

She didn't even hear her dad gasp when he saw her. "What?" She asked. "Who hit you?" He growled. Demi looked at Liz and his face whipped around so he's looking at Liz. "You hit her?" "I was angry, I didn't mean too. I didn't think I hit her that hard" She cried. "She called me pathetic" Demi whispered. Liz and John stared at each other for a minute until he sighed. "Demi i'm going to speak with Liz for a moment" Demi started down the stairs. "I'm going outside" She called out before leaving the house.

Demi watched the leaves from the big oak tree fall to the ground. They were all different colors. Green, orange, red, yellow, and the occasional brown. She watched carefully, how they swirl and dance in the air. Sometimes a gust of wind would pick them up when they're about to hit the ground.

She pushed her dorky glasses up the brige of her nose and smelled the air. It smelt like soil. Soil and freshly baked cookies? Demi looked around to find where the smell is coming from. Her eyes widened when she saw her. The girl. She's walking over to Demi with a plate of two cookies,

Demi's breath hitched and her hands shook slightly. Her heart beating faster than before. What could she want? Demi thought to herself. The girl saw Demi staring at her and she smiled. Demi tries to smile back but she's too nervous. Finally the girl reached her and she smiled again. "Hi" The girl said. "Hi" Demi breathed out. She looked the girl in the eyes. She was right. Her eyes are perfect and she looks even more beautiful up close. Her brown locks twist down her shoulders. Her brown orbs searched Demi's. The girl is wearing a black hoodie that says "Nike" on the front. She has on light blue skinny jeans and purple running shoes. "I'm Selena" The girl said sweetly. Demi hesitated before replying. "I'm Demi" Selena held out her hand and Demi shook it. Demi shivered at the touch and she smiled. It wasn't forced.

"My mom made me bring these cookies over to you. You don't have to eat them" Selena giggled. Demi's heart fluttered at the sound of her laugh. It's adorable. "I'll have one" Demi whispered and carefully took one cookie off the plate. Selena took a bite out of the other cookie. "I should probably get back but it was nice to meet you" "Thank you. You too" Demi called as Selena ran back over to her own house.

Does she go to school? How old is she? Did she feel the same shock Demi did when they shook hands? Demi's mind raced with questions. She just wants to get to know this girl. Selena. A beautiful name. Matches a beautiful person like Selena.

Chapter 3!!! Hope you guys like it. Please leave comments on what you thought :) Next update will be tomorrow Thank you guys :)

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