8- I Promise

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Demi wanted so badly to be Selena's girlfriend but she's still dating Miley, and Demi feels like everyone would hate Selena for dating her. Do people even know Selena's gay? Would Demi be able to hold Selena's hand in public? Demi has never seen Selena and Miley show affection towards each other anywhere but Selena's house meaning they haven't came out to the public yet. Would Selena but ashamed of dating Demi...

Demi runs her sweaty hand threw her knotted hair, panicking has these thoughts filled her mind. She looked around the dark room and turned on the light so she can see. She threw the covers off of her body and wiped her forehead.

Selena and Demi exchanged phone numbers but Demi hasn't had the strength to text Selena even though she wanted to.

Demi picked up her iPhone and went to Selena's number.

To: Selena

Hey, it's me Demi. Sorry i'm just now texting you but you probably don't care. Do you? I'm used to people leaving. But I can't sleep and I feel like shit...

Selena text back quickly.

From: Selena

I do care. I was starting to wonder if you decided you didn't want to be my friend :p

Demi waited five more minutes until she heard something hitting her window. She got scared but slowly approached it and opened it. The breeze immediately hitting her face.

Demi looked down and a smile appeared on her face when she saw Selena standing there with something in her hand a rock in the other. "Hi" Selena giggled. Demi looked around to see if there was any way for her to get up to her room from her window, but sadly no. "Wait right there". Selena nodded before Demi shut the window and tiptoed downstairs. She went past her living room where her dad was alseep on the couch. The TV is the only light in the house. Demi made sure not to trip over anything before she opened her front door and went around back to see Selena. "I didn't know if you had anything but I brought you some stuff to help you sleep". Selena grinned. Demi stared at her dumbfounded, In her hand was a cup of tea and two pills. "I promise it''s not drugs". They both laughed. "Thank you". "No problem". Even though it was dark they could see each other blushing.

"So is everything okay with you and your dad?" Demi nodded. "Yeah, he spent an hour telling me how sorry he is and he and Liz were argueing about it too" "Whose Liz?". Selena asked. "My step-mom" "Oh, the girl who was behind you when you opened the door?" "Yeah, that's her" Selena nodded, "I haven't seen your parents, do you live with them?" Selena sighed. "My dad goes on business trips and my mom rarely comes out of the house unless she has to go to work. You'd really like her I think. She's really nice". "Do your parents support you?". Demi hesitated. "Yeah... I came out a few years ago. They honestly didn't care". "I bet that' nice". Demi frowned. "It is". Selena whispered. "You can come inside.. Everyones sleeping and if they catch you I don't care.. If you want. You don't have to". "I'd love too". Demi grinned and took a sip of the tea Selena gave her.

They both quietly went up to Demi's room. They sat on her bed and Selena looked around, smiling at what she saw. "You like Paramore". "Yep". Demi giggled and smiled like an idiot.

Selena walked over to a picture hanging on the wall. "Is that your mom?". Demi walked over and stood next to her. "Yeah". "She's beautiful. You look just like her". "I get that a lot". Demi sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "Are you okay?". "Yeah i'm just getting really tired". "Okay". Selena brought Demi over to the bed and tucked her in, making sure the covers are over her chest. "Are you too hot?". "No, it's perfect".

Selena pecked Demi's lips and stared at her soft face as Demi drifted off to sleep. "Goodnight beautiful". Selena whispered and kissed her forehead.

Selena froze when she heard someone behind her. She didn't know what to do. "It's okay". The voice said. Selena relaxed at the female voice. She turned around. "Um". "That was adorable". Liz smiled. "I really like her". "She likes you a lot too. Take good care of her okay?". "I will, I promise"

Ok so this isn't a very long chapter but it's adorable. I hope you all enjoy and i'll update tomorrow :) Thank you for reading..

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