24- Everything's A Mess

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The words that just left Liz's mouth could haunt Demi forever. Liz couldn't take them back; they've already been said.

The grip Selena had on Demi's hand loosened and finally, she let go. Her mouth was agape and her face grew red; along with Demi's.

Demi's eyes darted between Liz and John. She could feel the tears resurface. "What do you mean? Why?" Demi stuttered. Selena looked down at Demi's small body lying on the hospital bed. She could also feel tears come to her eyes.

"You have to chose. To live with Liz, or to have Selena" Both Demi and Selena looked at them in disbelief. "That makes no sense! Why do I have to chose? This is so wrong. You can't make me do that" Demi cried. "I can though. That's what makes it fun" Demi shook her head and narrowed her eyes at her father, who she doesn't even know anymore. "Who are you?" Demi whispered. "Your father" He smirked. "No you're not. The John I know would never do this" Her eyes shifted to Dianna. "It's her. She's changed you" Demi paused for a second before ordering everyone out of the room. One by one, the all left. Liz kissed Demi on the forehead before leaving the room. John and Dianna left without saying anything.

Demi finally turned to face Selena. "Sel..." Demi whispered. "Dems" Selena said in the same tone as Demi, but a lower whisper. "I'm not leaving you" Selena smiled widely and her eyes widened in surprise. "Really?" "Yes. But you have to promise me one thing" "Okay" Selena nodded her head; signalling for Demi to carry on. "Once we graduate you'll come with me, away from here" "To where?" "I don't know, New York, maybe. Anywhere" Selena smiled and nodded. "I promise" "Just one more month" Demi whispered in relief before pulling Selena onto the bed with her. Selena wrapped her arm tightly around Demi's waist. "I love you" Selena mumbled before taking a deep breath and exhailing with a huge smile on her face. "I love you more" Demi placed her hand on her stomach and looked up at the white ceiling. "Sel, why does nobody like me? I mean, I don't know what I did to them. I've lost everyone but you" Selena's smile faded and a frown replaced it. "People like you-" Demi cut her off. "Don't lie to me Sel. Just tell me. Is it because i'm ugly? Fat? Nobody wants to be seen with me?" Selena's heart broke at Demi's words. "God no Demi. You're not any of those things" "Then what is it?" "You just don't get out there" Selena said while trying to figure out what to say. "What do you mean?" Demi asked softly. "You're quiet.. You don't put yourself out there" Demi sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Okay" "Are you okay?" "I guess" They were interrupted by the doctor, John, Liz, and Dianna coming in the room. "We need to talk" Selena felt Demi's body tense up, so she tightened her grip on Demi's waist. She avoided everyones eye contact but Demi's. "About what?" Demi asked; scared of the answer she was going to get. "Why there are cuts all over your body" Dianna said angrily and stepped closer to Demi and Selena. Demi's eyes darted to Selena and she silently asked for help but Selena shook her head.

Dianna raised her eyebrows, waiting for an answer. Demi's jaw fell open and her eyes stayed wide. She stared at Selena, hoping she would say something but Selena looked at her sadly and shook her head once more. Demi whimpered and tears pricked at her eyes. "I-I" Demi stuttered but she couldn't form any words. Dianna narrowed her eyes at Selena. "Did you know about this?" Dianna growled. Demi dropped her gaze to her and Selena's interwinded fingers. "Yes. I promised Demi I wouldn't tell anyone because I didn't want to lose her. I didn't want her to hate me. I know I should of told someone, but I couldn't. I'm sorry" Selena cried out and stood up from the bed.

Demi whimpered when Selena let go of her hand. Demi reached out to grab ahold of Selena's hand once more but before she could touch her, someone held her hand back. That someone was Dianna. Suddenly Dianna pushed Selena back. "You knew? But you didn't tell anyone? What if she killed herself? It would be your fault!" Dianna screamed in Selena's face.

Selena suddenly felt her cheek sting and realized that Dianna had hit her; she hit her hard. It would surely leave a bruise. Demi gasped and yelled at her mother. "Don't touch her!"

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