2- The Neighbor

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Demi tossed and turned in her bed, unable to fall asleep. The rain from the storm hitting her window like big balls of hail. It's loud, it's irritating. Demi groaned and shoved her face into her pillow. She's been awake for a couple hours because of the storm and she has school tomorrow. Meaning she has to get up early. Too early for Demi's liking. 5:30. She has to get up at 5:30 for a shower, she has to straighten her long hair which will take an hour. And she has to stop by the post office to get her dad's check for the house insurance.

"Get up" Demi's eyes opened once she heard the low, rude voice. "What time is it?" Demi asked lazily. For the alarm clock is right next to her head. "It's 6:00. Can't straighten your hair this morning princess" Dad mocked and closed her door. Demi cursed under her breath and hit her fist on her nightstand. She winced and brought her hand to her chest.

Demi is an only child so she doesn't have to worry about getting her siblings up in the morning or pouring them their cereal. She just has to worry about herself and she thanks god for that.

"Bye" Demi waves to Liz and Eddie. They wave back and then they whisper something to each other with a giggle. Demi knows it's about her. She closes the door and clutches her phone in her hand. It makes her angry, she doesn't know what they're saying about her. It could be anything. It could be that she looks over weight, it could be that she has something on her face or her clothes look too baggy. She clenches her jaw and slams her truck door shut.

When she pulls out of the long driveway and onto the pavement of the road she notices a moving truck in front of the house across the street from hers. The family who lived there moved out almost three months ago so someone new must be moving in.

Demi sees almost twenty people but none her age. But to Demi it doesn't matter because nobody else likes her so why would they.

When Demi heads inside the school she sees kids with their friends, boyfriends, girlfriends. But she doesn't have anyone to talk to about how her weekend went or if she talked to any boys. Well, besides one person. Mia. The class clown. The girl everyone laughs at or throws food at during lunch. Maybe that's why they get along so well. They both get picked on.

Demi pushes up her glasses and looks around. She spots Mia sitting alone at a table so she rushes over to her. "Hi" Demi says quietly. "Oh hi" Mia smiles and waves at Demi. "You can sit, if you want" Mia says nervously. Demi laughs and sits down. "So how did it go?" Demi knew what she was talking about. Visiting her mom. "It felt like I was actually talking to her, except she wasn't really there and she wasn't listening" "I bet she was" "Was what?" "Listening" "Oh" Demi looked down at her hands and sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth. "Are you OK?" Mia put her hand on Demi's shoulder but she flinched away. "Yeah i'm fine. I have to get to first period" Demi says quickly and stands up. "OK?" Mia furrows her eyebrows and opens her mouth slightly. "OK'" Demi runs past the groups of kids. She can feel everyone's eyes on her but she ignores it. She runs to her first period class and shuts the door behind her. "Good morning Demi" Mrs. Hopkins says sweetly. Demi slumps in her seat and looks around the chemistry classroom. "Good morning" Demi says. "Are you OK?" Demi nods and closes her eyes so none of the tears she's holding back escape. "Are you sure?" Demi looks at the teacher. Demi finds her pretty. Her eyes like puddles of water, so clear you could see into her soul. The deep blue reminded Demi of a daytime sky. Her dark hair was as creamy as a chocolate bar, rich to full intent. The locks that fell down her shoulders looked silky and soft. Demi wishes she could run her fingers through her hair. It looked that good. Mrs. Hopkins body was tanned and her legs are toned and she has curves in all the right places. "Yes" Demi shrugged and looked back down at her hands. "OK" Mrs. Hopkins sounds unconvinced. "Yeah.." Demi rolles her eyes and placed her chin in the crook of her elbow on the desk. "How was your weekend?" Demi groaned and pressed her lips together in a straight line. "Why do you care?" "Because no one else does" Mrs. Hopkins snaps. Demi looks down. There's an aching pain in her chest. Demi didn't like to admit she doesn't have any friends but it seems it's obvious she doesn't. She slumps in her chair, her vision becoming blurry. Demi want's to cry and open up to someone but she can't bring herself to do it. She doesn't want to come of as weak. She remembers her mom once telling her when she was a child "That strong mother doesn't tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in". She remembers that quote well but she also remembers her mom telling her that it is OK and healthy to cry and open up and talk about your problems.

Mrs. Hopkins suddenly feels bad. But Demi doesn't care. Saying sorry doesn't mean anything, Not to Demi. She can't go back in the past and take back those words. A sorry isn't going to do that. She said it. There's no going back.

"Demi i'm sorry" "No you're not. If you really cared you wouldn't of said anything. So just save your breath for some other girl who doesn't have anyone who cares" Demi says harshly and walks out of the classroom. She's not going back. What's the point? Mrs. Hopkins is right. Nobody cares.

Once Demi closes the door to her truck she puts her face in her clammy hands. She kicks her feet against the bottom of the steering wheel. She needs to break something, smash something. But she doesn't know what.

She wipes her eyes, her mascara smearing slightly. She clutches the steering wheel and steps on the gas. She doesn't care that she's going over the speed limit. Sure, John, her dad will but not her. She speeds past cars in front of her. Cars honking and slamming on their breaks because of her. This makes her feel good.

She pulled into her driveway, Liz is home but her dad is gone. Demi looks across the street and squints her eyes so she can see better. She pushes up her black glasses and she notices a girl who looks about Demi's age. She sees that the girl has straight, honey-brown hair. She can't see her eyes but Demi just knows they're perfect. Her figure is beautiful. She has on a flower printed sundress and flipflops. Demi can't make out the color of them. The girl looks so happy. Demi smiles to herself. All the thoughts of nobody caring and breaking something leaves her fuzzy mind. Demi wants to hold that girls hand, she wants to hold her in her arms. Yet she doesn't know anything about her.

Demi thinks about her mom. How she left her. She thought about how stupid love is and she shook the thoughts about the girl out of her mind. But when she saw another girl wrap her arms around the girls small frame a wave of jealousy washed over her. Her face grew red and she began to sweat. She watched as their lips connected. Demi thought "I bet there's electricty". They both looked so happy.. So in love. Maybe love isn't a bad thing? Demi questioned herself. Then she laughed and shook her head. "Nope" She whispered to herself. But her heart was saying something else. Something oh so different than her mind.

3rd part to my story and I hoped all of you liked it. Please leave comments on what you thought of it and if you liked it please vote :) Next update is tomorrow or Sunday :)

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