9- You Make Me Happy

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Everything felt like a movie. A cheesy, romantic movie. Demi never thought she'd feel this way over anyone because she thought she'd never love again. But she was wrong.

It's been two days since the night Selena went over to Demi's and they haven't spoken to each other because it's a weekend and Miley is staying over at Selena's.

Demi leaned against the wooden rails of her front porch. She looked over at Selena's house and frowned. She wanted to see Selena, talk to her, kiss her. But she can't, because of her so called girlfriend.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped. "What?" She gasped and whipped her head around to look at the person who touched her. The color from her face drained. There stood Miley, smirking. "W-What are you doing over here?" Demi stuttered. "Look. I know you're like madly in love with Selena but she doesn't love you. She never has and she never will. So stay away from her. She doesn't like you and I hope you get that through your big head because if I see you around her again I will make your life a living hell". Demi nodded and Miley laughed while walking off.

Demi didn't know if Miley was lying or not. Selena admitted to liking her and she's kissed her. Did that mean anything to Selena? Why hasn't Selena broken up with Miley yet, she said she was going to.

Demi threw her bag over her shoulder, a frown on her face. "What's your problem?" Liz questioned and put her hands on her hips. "Nothing.. I'm fine" Demi lied. Liz didn't believe her. "You can talk to me, you know that right?" "Yes, I knnow" Demi snapped. Liz put her hands up in defense and stepped back. "I'm sorry for snapping" Demi appologized and hugged Liz quickly. "It's fine. Do you want me to drive you to school today?" Demi shook her head and slipped on her sneakers. "Nope. I'll be fine" 'Okay, be careful" Demi rolled her eyes. "Liz this isn't my first day of kindergarten" Liz laughed. "I know"

Demi stopped before she entered her school. She didn't want to come today. Not after she ditched Friday. She's going to be in trouble with everyone. But why skip when you're in trouble for skipping? But she's going to have to put up with so much shit today. Everyone thinks she's a lesbian, but she is right?

"Ms. Lovato come in" Mr. Palsky, the principle, said. Demi obliged and went into his office. "Sit" He ordered. She sat in the chair in front of his desk. "So why did you skip?" He asked. Demi's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. "You kissed that girl... Um what's her name? Selena.." Demi thought about ratting her out. But she couldn't. "Yes" He pursed his lips and nodded. "I'm going to have to call your dad" Demi mentally slapped herself in the face and she cursed under her breath. "Okay" She said simply. "And call her in to talk" "What why?" Demi panicked. "Because" He glared at her.

Everyone came in at once. Demi looked at her lap. "Mr. Lovato please sit down" Demi didn't even bother looking up at her dad, or Selena and her mom. "Mr. Lovato your daughter.. She kissed Selena. That is against the school rules" John's jaw dropped. "You kissed her during school?" He whispered at Demi. Demi glanced up at Selena but she wasn't looking so Demi looked away. "And Selena didn't like it so she pushed Demi away and called her a "Lesbian freak" That's right, isn't it Ms. Gomez?" Selena nodded and looked at Demi, she quickly looked away when she saw tears rolling down Demi's cheeks. She felt bad but didn't do anything.

"Mr. Lovato there is therapy for Demi.. She could use some help, we can help her through this phase" John furrowed his eyebrows and was about to speak but Demi beat him to it. "Help?! I don't need fucking help! No therapy is going to help me okay? This is who I am! What are you going to do? Shove pictures of naked men in my face hoping I go straight?! You're the one who needs help" Demi spat and wiped her tears.She ran out of the room and into the closest bathroom.

Selena glared at Mr. Palsky before she exited the room and followed Demi into the bathroom. "Demi?" Demi's sobs broke Selena's heart. "Demi open the door" "Selena you have to stay away from me" Demi choked out. "Just go, please" "Open the door. I'm not leaving" Demi sighed loudly and opened the door.

She looked at Selena's concerned face and cried harder. "I do need help" Selena spoke before Demi could say anymore. "You don't need help okay? I'm so sorry I didn't tell the truth in there but I have never gotten a suspention before. I am sorry" "It's okay, I wasn't expecting you to but you can't be here with me. You can't be around me" Selena frowned. "Why?" "Because. Just go-" She was cut off by the sound of laughter. Selena and Demi looked towards the door way. Miley stood there. "You really listened to me" Demi wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "Selena why can't you just stay away from her?" Selena got in Miley's face. Miley looked scared. "Listen here Miley. It has been a very very long day. I am not going to put up with your pathetic little game okay? You can never ever tell me what to do or who I can hang around with. You do not own me. We are fucking done. I do not love you anymore. You're at my house 24/7 but you are too lazy to take me out to the movies or out to dinner. Or is it that you're ashamed of me?" Miley stayed quiet so Selena slapped her, the sound echoing.

Demi watched as Selena yelled at Miley. It was actually heartbreaking. "You're ashamed of me?" Selena cried. "Sel, baby no i'm not" "Then what is it?" "Okay fine! I don't want anyone to know we're together OK?" Selena grabbed Demi's hand and dragged her out of the bathroom. "Where are we going?" Demi spoke up. They exited the building. "To my house" Demi smiled but it faded when she saw how sad Selena looked. They both got in Selena's car. "What about my car?" Demi asked quietly. "We can get it later" Demi nodded and looked out the window.

When they got inside Selena's house, Selena pushed Demi into her room. Once she shut her door she fell to her knees and started crying loudly. Demi was shocked at first but then picked her up and set her on her bed. Demi wrapped her arms around Selena's waist. "It's okay. She doesn't deserve you" Selena nodded and laid her head on Demi's shoulder. "She didn't make you happy. You deserve someone who does. Someone who does take you on dates and shows the world that you're their girlfriend. You deserve someone who loves you" Demi knew she was talking about herself, but did Selena?

After Selena stopped crying she lifted her head off of Demi's shoulder to look at Demi. Demi was smiling down at her. Selena smiled back. "Someone who loves me.." Selena said softly and stared into Demi's eyes. Demi nodded. "Someone who makes me happy" Her eyes flickered to Demi's lips. "You make me happy" Selena said. "So kiss me" They both grinned and crashed their lips together.

Selena and Demi lay on Selena's bed, Demi's arm around Selena. Selena laid her head on Demi's chest and listened to her heart beat. It's soothing. Demi never thought that she would find the one for her. But this time, she's positive. Her mom would be proud of her.

"Sel" Demi said. "Yeah?" "I wanna take you somewhere" Selena grinned and pecked Demi's lips. "Really?" "Yeah.. Friday night. Let's go see a movie. I'll pick you up and everything" "You're amazing" Selena kissed Demi again until she heard the door open. Selena rolled her eyes. "What mom-" Her eyes widen at the man in the doorway. "Daddy!" She ran to him. He picked her up and swung her around. Demi watched in awe. She wishes her dad was like that. "I missed you" "I missed you too daddy" "And whose this?" He smiled at Demi. "This is Demi" Demi shook his hand. "I'm Ricardo.. Selena's father" Demi nodded. "So Sel is this your girlfriend?" Is that what she is to Selena? Are they even dating yet? "Dad" She pouted. "Ok fine but I did walk in on you kissing. I think she's the right one for you, unlike that Miley girl. When did you two break up?" "Today.. She broke my heart" She stared at him with puppy dog eyes. "Well i'd have to kill her for breaking my baby girls heart. You're okay though right?" "Yes" Selena sat back down by Demi. "Ok well try not to have too much fun, I have to surprise your mother" Then he left.

Selena and Demi stared at each other before laughing. "Your dad seems really nice" "He is" "So where were we?" Demi kinked her eyebrows and kissed Selena again. Selena giggled and pushed Demi down so she was lying on the bed. Then Selena straddled her waist, pinning her arms down.

The sound of Demi's phone ringing interupted them. Selena sighed and rolled over so she wasn't on top of Demi anymore. Demi grabbed her phone and put it to her ear. Hello?" She said into the speaker. Selena tried listening to the other end but failing as she couldn't hear what they were saying.

"I'm at Selena's house" Demi mumbled. "Fine. I'll be home in five minutes" Demi rolled her eyes and hung up. "You have to leave?" Selena wined. "Yeah, Liz wants me home to help her clean and shit" "Oh okay. Well i'll call you later" "Okay" Demi sighed and kissed Selena's cheek.

Selena watched her walk out of her house, loneliness rushed through her. She didn't know why she felt so needy but she wanted Demi. She wants Demi to stay with her and hold her. Does she love her?

Love Of Hell {Demi Lovato}Where stories live. Discover now