15- The Jonas Brothers

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18 years old. 18 means you can move out. You're an adult. You can go out without your parents permission and do whatever you want. You can legally have sex, smoke, get into clubs if you're lucky. You're free. All you have to do is graduate high school.

Just one more week and Demi will finally be 18 years old. She dyed her hair blue two days ago, fun way to start being an adult, huh. Demi doesn't know if she wants to go out and have a party or go to a party or stay home with Selena and have a relaxed night. She doesn't even know if she could get into anybodys party. For all she knows, everyone hates her. 

Demi came jogging down the stairs, a smile plastered on her face. She ran over to Selena and Liz. "Hey what are you doing here Sel?" "Waiting for you to get up" Demi kissed her cheek. "Well I have to talk to you Demi" Liz pointed towards a stool. "Okay?" "I got a call from the school saying you skipped Monday. Same with Selena. So what were you two doing?" They both blushed feriously. "Well we just decided to skip and hang out" Demi lied. Selena stiffled back her laughter. "I don't see why this is so funny. Am I going to have to ground you Demi? Again?" "Ok look. My birthday is next week and you better not ruin it for me Liz. Because you are not my mom. You will never be my mom. You have no right to ground me" Liz's face fell and Demi stormed out of the room. Selena's eyes were wide with shock and she took off after Demi' "Babe wait" Selena grabbed Demi's arm. "What?" Demi turned around to face her. "I um.. Never mind" "Just say it Selena" Demi sighed. "I'm moving" Her voice cracked. Demi shook her head. "What do you mean you're moving? You can't move Sel. Where?" "New York" Selena whispered. "What? That's too far. That's on the other side of the states! You can't" "I have to Demi.. I'm sorry. I'm moving next Wensday" Demi's eyes widen. "That's my birthday Selena!" Selena looked down as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Is this some kind of joke Selena? Because it's not fucking funny" "I'm not joking. My mom got a new job over there and we have to move" "On my birthday? Selena I wanted to spend it with you!" "I know Demi. Don't be mad at me, it's not my fault" Demi wrapped her arms around Selena's neck and started sobbing. "I'm sorry Demi. I don't want to leave you. I really don't" "Sel you're 18. Please don't go. Please don't" "I have to Demi. I am sorry but I have to go" Selena blinked back her tears. She has to be the strong one. She has to comfort Demi. "I tried to get them to let me stay" Demi cried harder. Selena hugged Demi tighter. "How long have you known?" "Since yesterday" "And you decide to tell me now?" "I'm sorry. I didn't know when to tell you" "It's fine" Demi pulled away from Selena and wiped her eyes. "I can't fucking believe this" Demi shook her head and Selena stared down at the floor. "I'm finally happy and now everythings getting taken away" "Demi we can still see each other" "When?! I don't have enough money to see you everytime I get lonely! I can't go visit you whenever I feel like it Selena!" Selena groaned. "I will visit you Demi. I promise I will. We're almost graduated and then I can see you anytime. I promise you that" "But what if something happens" "Like?" "Like you fall in love with someone else that's better than me, or prettier, skinnier-" Selena cut Demi off by smashing her lips against Demi's. Demi waited a moment before kissing her back. Selena pulled away to see Demi's puckered lips and closed eyes. 'Hey!" Demi giggled. "Sorry. But Dems I promise I will not fall in love with anyone else. You're perfect to me. You are so beautiful and you're mine. I would never do anything to hurt you or break your heart. Do you believe me?" Demi nods. "I love you so much Demi and we may be young but I know you're the one. You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Even if we have to go through shit like this. I will find my way back to you because I am head over heels for you and I couldn't live without you" A tear rolled down Demi's cheek and she's smiling widely. She wrapped her arms around Selena's neck and cried. "Baby why're you crying? Did I say something wrong?" Demi giggled and shook her head. "No, they're happy tears" "You scared me" Selena whispered and squeezed Demi's waist. "Shit we better go to school" Demi gasped. 

Everyone stared at Demi as she walked down the hallway. Everyone. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't scared or nervous. Her whole body is visibly shaking. She doesn't see why it's such a big deal. It's just blue hair. 

Someone caught her eye. A new kid. A boy. He has black shaggy hair that almost covers her eyes, light brown eyes that peirce into her soul. Demi doesn't find him attractive but he's different. Demi stares at him until his face turns red. Demi smiles and walks over to him. He starts panicking. "Hi" Demi whispered. "H-Hey" He stuttered. "I'm Demi" She leaned against his locker while he leaned against the one next to his. "I'm Joe. I'm kinda new here and I don't know anybody" "I noticed" Demi grinned. "So what's your first class?" "Um.." He looked at his schedule. "Science" "Oh. I have math" "You wanna-" He was cut off by Selena's voice. Selena wrapped her arm around Demi's waist to tell him she's hers. "Hey babe whose this?" Selena eyed him. "This is Joe" "B-Babe?" He stuttered. Selena smirked. "Yep" She said, popping the "P". "This is Selena. My girlfriend" He smirked slightly while staring at Demi's boobs. "Hey pervert, having a good look?" Selena growled. "Yeah, I am" He stepped closer. Demi looked down as Selena stepped in front of Demi. "Stay away from her. Don't try getting in her pants because I will kill you. She's not a toy okay? You don't get to play with her whenever you feel like it" He bit his lip and his eyes traveled down Selena's body. "Actually" He pushed a piece of Selena's hair behind her ear. "You have more of a body I want" Demi shook her head and ran off toward her first class. 

Selena's furious with this Joe guy. Beyond pissed. He thinks he can flirt with her girlfriend and then say something about her body that makes her insecure. 

Selena raises her palm and slaps him. All of the kids in the hallway looked at them. Selena went after Demi. She knows Demi didn't go to class. So she looks in all the bathrooms. She searches the last one and she finally heard whimpers. She knocked on the stall door. "Baby open the door" Selena said. 

Demi wiped her tears and stood up from the toilet seat. She opened the door for Selena. When she saw Selena's worried expression, she cried harder. "Demi don't cry. Please don't cry. He's an ass and you don't even know him. Don't let him bother you, okay?" Demi didn't respond. "I slapped him for you" "I know, I heard it" Demi giggled. "Thank you" "I'd do anything for you. You know that" "We should probably get to class. The bells about to ring. And by the way, Joe has your first class" Selena cursed under her breath and walked Demi out of the bathroom. "See you next hour okay?" "Bye Sel. I love you" "I love you too Dems" 

"Hey Lovato" Demi froze. The three boys circled her, all of them smirking.
Demi silently prayed Selena would get there faster because she can't fight three boys. 
Then she saw him. Joe. Her face fell and her hand twitched. "These are my brothers. Nick, and Kevin" Nick and Kevin cracked their knuckles and pushed Demi against the wall. "What do you want from me?" Demi whispered. Joe chuckled. "We want you to come to our party Wednesday" "Wednesday? What party?" "Your birthday party" He winked. "Um.. Okay?" "You better come. Or you'll regret it" "O-Okay" Demi nodded. "Good" They all laughed at her scared face. 

Demi hates boys. She hates how they act, she hates their looks, she hates how they think they're bigger and better than everyone else. Demi just hates everything about them. But nothing pisses her off more than when guys take advantage of girls. She knows what it's like. She was terrified. She felt disgusting. But she couldn't do anything about it. 

Demi leaned against the car and started searching for Selena. She tried to act like nothing happened, and she succeeded. Selena skipped to her and gave her a quick hug. "Sorry. I got in trouble in my last class so he forced me to stay" 'It's fine" Demi forced a smile. Selena didn't notice like she usually does and for the first time, she actually wished Selena saw passed it. She wants to tell her about the party but then she woould have to say something about the boys. And she couldn't have that. Selena would kill them. But then Demi wouldn't have to worry about the party and what they're planning. Demi internally groans as her mind fought over what she should do. She then decided she should just keep her mouth shut. And that's exactly what she did. 

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