25- Patrick...

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Demi never wanted to see him again. She never wanted to hear his voice again. But she thought he was dead in the first place, so she wouldn't have been able to see or hear him again, right?

The grip Patrick had on Demi's waist tightened as he told everyone he was her father. Demi bit her lip to stop herself from crying at the thought of her birth father. He's actually here, holding her with a gun pointed at her girlfriend. He's here threatening the people she loves. He's here to take her away to god knows where.

So many thoughts were running through her mind. She didn't know how to react, how is she supposed to react? Is she supposed to scream and try to fight him? Or is she supposed to let him have her because she knows he will always get his way.

As he kept tightning his grip on her waist, it became harder for her to breathe. She struggled for air but he was ignoring her.

"How are you her father?" Selena whispered and shook her head, confused. "I fucked her mother" He snickered. Demi whimpered and Selena's mouth fell open. "Now.. I am going to take her and if any of you try to stop me, I will shoot you" Selena looked at Demi sympethetically as the tears became harder to control. Selena's father stepped closer to them and Demi quickly panicked. "No" She whimpered. He stepped back again. "Bye" Patrick smirked and dragged Demi out of the room.

Once Selena heard the door close she rushed downstairs, ignoring her father, who was screaming for her. She ignored her moms questions about who was taking Demi and she ran over to Demi's house. Instead of knocking, she ran right inside. "Dianna?" Selena screamed. Someone grabbed her arm causing her to scream again. "John you scared me! Where's Dianna?" "She's in the living room, why?" "Dianna" Selena shouted and ran into the family room. Dianna rolled her eyes and slowly turned her head to look at Selena. "What?" She snapped. "Demi's dad! He took her" Selena cried. Dianna shot up. "What do you mean? John?" "No! Some old dude he took her and he had a gun" Dianna's hand went to her mouth and a cry escaped her. "Oh no" "I thought you said he was dead" "I thought he was. They must have thought he was or just lied to me. I don't know, oh my god. Where did he go?" "I'm not sure. He was driving a white truck though" Dianna nodded and grabbed Selena's hand. "We need to go. Now" Selena looked at her confused but nodded anyways. "What about school?" "Your girlfriend got kidnapped and you're worried about school?" Dianna asked in disbelief. Selena shook her head. "No.. Let's go"

John stopped them at the door. "Where's Demi?" He asked, obviously scared. Dianna opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Selena answered for him. "Someone took her. Are you coming?" He nodded even though he didn't know where they were going.

"Where's Liz?" Selena asked as everyone got in John's car. "Work" John replied and sat in the passenger side His voice shook, but he tried controlling it. Selena leaned her head against the warm window and she looked out at her house with tears glistening in her eyes. "What if he hurts her?" Selena croaked out, obviously nervous of the answer she was gonna get."He won't. He better not" Dianna started. "She hasn't seen him for almost fifteen years, she's probably so scared" Dianna said, barely a whisper. Selena shudders at the thought of him hurting her or her being hurt at all. "Why does he want to take her?" Selena asked. Dianna turned the corner of the street they were on. "I don't know. I guess we'll find out"

They followed the car all the way to an abandoned house out in the country. Dianna didn't know where they were, but that's where the car went.

Selena slammed the car door and walked over to Patricks car. She saw Patrick get out and open the door for Demi. Demi had tears running down her face. "Demi" Selena choked. Demi's head snapped towards Selena, her jaw fell open. "Sel!" Demi screamed and tried running towards her but Patrick pulled her back. "Nu-uh" He shook his head.

Dianna and John came running over to them. When Patrick saw Dianna, he let go of Demi. He blinked back his tears and he stared deep into Dianna's chocolate orbs. "Dianna.." He whispered. Dianna's eyes filled with tears. "Patrick" She whispered back.

Demi ran over to Selena, wrapping her arms tightly around Selena's neck. "Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" Selena rushed out, pulling Demi away and examining her face and body. Selena noticed a bruise on the back of Demi's neck. Her eyes widened and she grabbed Demi's face. "Did he do that?" Demi didn't reply, so Selena took that as a yes. "What did he do to you? Tell me Demi.. Please" "He told me not to scream.. I did so he hit me. That's all" Demi whispered softly so her voice didn't crack. "You promise that's all he did? I swear I'll kill him Demi" "Don't do anything Sel. That's all he did.. I swear" "Did he say why he took you?" Demi looked over at Dianna and Patrick. "You know how my mom went into hiding because my real dad wanted to kill her? He never wanted to kill her, he wasn't even chasing her.. He just wanted to apologize for everything" Selena's face fell. Demi wrapped her arms around Selena's waist and buried her face in her chest. "So he took me to find me mom"

"I never wanted to kill you" "I thought you were dead" They said in unison. "I never died.. I just stopped trying to find you" "Why did you want to find me?" Dianna asked calmly. "I wanted to apologize" "Then why didn't you tell me that?" "You never listened to me!" He shouted. Dianna flinched and backed away. "I'm sorry" He said. "I was scared..." "I just wanted to apologize" He said again, with a shake of his head. "So why did you take my daughter?" Dianna asked. "Our daughter" He corrected her. She squinted her eyes at him. "You are not her father. You lost that title fifteen years ago" "Dianna I am her father. It doesn't matter if you want me to be or not, I am" "Well if you want that title you shouldn't of treated us like shit and then just dumped us off on the street" Dianna growled. 

Demi couldn't stand to listen to her birth parents fight, so she pulled away from Selena and walked in the middle of them. "Stop" Demi shouted. They both stopped and looked at her. "What?" They both snapped. "Stop" She repeated. "Just stop" Their face softened and they dropped their shoulders. "I thought both of my parents were dead. I find out they're not. Their is a baby on the way, Liz is stressing. I am graduating soon and when I do, I am moving away from here, with my girlfriend. I can't stand living with you guys! I am too stressed out!" Demi covered her face as she started to sob. 

"Demi calm down" Dianna said and pulled Demi's hands away from her face. "I'm sorry. We can go home.." "It isn't your home" Demi snapped. She turned to John. "Dad can we go home?" John nodded and grabbed Demi's hand. "Yeah.. Everything will be back to normal soon" Demi nodded and gripped his hand. 


Liz lifted her head when she heard the front door opened. "Where have you guys-" Liz was interrupted by Demi choking her with a hug. "Uh" Liz giggled. "Where were you guys? Are you okay? Why aren't you at school?" Liz asked. Demi rested her head on Liz's shoulder. John sat down by them. "I'll talk to you later" He whispered in her ear. 

"I love you Liz" Demi cried and clung onto her. Liz rubbed her back. "What's gotten into you?" Liz asked and brushed the hair out of Demi's face. Selena cleared her throat and shuffled uncomfortably on her feet. "You can sit down" Liz said and patted the seat next to her. Selena smiled warmly at her and sat down. Demi sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing.. I just don't feel good I guess" Demi said. Liz nodded and kissed Demi's forehead. "Shouldn't you girls be in school?" "Something came up. We didn't have to go today" "Oh.. Well you two should go do something. I have to talk to John" Demi stood up and pulled Selena up with her. "Come on baby.. Let's take a nap. You look exahsted" Selena said and took Demi's hand in hers. "I am tired.. Shouldn't you tell your parents you're okay?" "Nah" Selena giggled. "Okay then, let's take a nap"

"Are you okay after everything that's happened today?" Selena whispered to Demi. "Yeah.. I guess. I just never thought i'd see him again.." Selena pulled Demi close. "I love you Dems" "I love you too Sel" Demi smiled and snuggled against Selena. 


Sorry it's been a long time for an update. I don't really like this chapter but I hope you guys do. Please vote and comment :) 

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