5- Stay Away

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Demi hasn't spoken to Selena since the day she called her pretty, which was exactly two weeks and five days ago. Demi's waved at her, but Selena ignored her. Every time Demi waved or smiled, Selena would pretend like she's not even there. Demi knows she's probably only ignoring her because she has a girlfriend but what, they can't be friends?

Demi takes out her ear buds one at a time while John patiently waits. "Yeah dad?" Demi raised her eyebrows at him, waiting for him to talk . "Can I talk to you?" "That's why I took out my headphones" She says and rolls her eyes. "OK, well um" He awkwardly sits down next to Demi on her bed. "Me and Liz..." He looked at his hands. Demi started to get nervous. "We decided to have a baby" He spits out. Demi nearly choked. "What?" Her eyes widen and she stares at him. "Are you upset?" She shakes her head softly. "No, but don't you think it's a little too soon. You've only been married two years" "Liz wants a baby really bad Demi. And besides" He smiles. "She's already pregnant" Demi smiled. "Where is she?" Demi stands up and bounced on the tip of her toes. "Downstairs. Be careful, bad mood" He warns her and she runs downstairs and throws herself at Liz. Liz gasps and smiles. "Hey" Liz rubs Demi's back. "How far are you along?" Demi asks and giggles while staring at Liz's stomach even though she can't see anything yet. "Two weeks" "I'm so happy" Demi gushes and squeezes Liz. "Me too" Liz sighed.

Demi felt herself grow sad. She remembers when her mom tried having another baby but the doctors told her she couldn't have another one. Both Demi and Dianna wanted her to have a baby. Demi wants a little sister so they suggested adopting but Dianna lost her job so they couldn't afford it.

"You alright?" Liz whispers in Demi's ear. "My mom never got to have another baby" Demi whimpered against Liz's neck.

Liz and Demi suddenly became closer. Liz felt like Demi's mom. Demi's not there yet but she is like a mother figure to her.

"I know sweetie. I know" Liz kissed Demi's temple and held Demi closer. "Liz can I ask you something?" "Anything" "Do you hate homosexuals?" Liz stopped rubbing Demi's back and cleared her throat. "No, no I don't" Liz said honestly. "You don't?" "No, they're just people. So what if they like the same sex?" Demi sighed with relief. "Why does dad?" Liz leaned closer to Demi and whispered in her ear. "I don't know but just ignore him okay? He's an idiot for thinking they chose to be that way" Liz pulled away and looked Demi in they eyes. "Why're you asking?" Demi bit her bottom lip softly and gripped onto Liz's shirt. 'You can tell me anything" "I..." "Are you bi?" liz's face softened more and she smiled. "Yes" Demi shyly replied. "Me too babe. Me too" Demi's eyes widened. "Really?" "Yes. But do not tell your dad, do you promise?" "I promise" "Good" Liz smiled. "Do you have a girlfriend?" "No, but I like Selena" "The girl across the street?" "Yes. But she has a girlfriend and she keeps ignoring me" "Awe do you know why?" "No, after I ran away the other day because she called me pretty and she touched me" Liz laughed. "She touched you?" Demi blushed and nodded. "She pushed my hair behind my ear like guys do to girls in romantic movies" They both giggled. "There was electricity Liz. I don't know if she felt it but I did" "That's probably why she's not talking to you" Liz smirked and Demi blushed again. "Try talking to her" "Should I?" "Totally" "Talk to who?" Demi's head snapped up to her dad who has a cup of coffee in his right hand while his left hand is in his jean pocket, leaning against the doorway. "No one baby" Liz replied with a shrug of her shoulders. Demi forced a smile at her dad. "Aren't you supposed to be in school anyways?" John asked. Liz looked at her watch and gasped. "You need to go get ready" Liz pushed her up off her lap and Demi rushed up the stairs and into her room. She looked out her window to see if Selena skipped school or not and she sees Selena's truck gone so she knows she went to school.

"Selena?" Demi pulled on Selena's arm, making her stop by the bathrooms. "Why are you ignoring me?" Selena looked at her in disbelief, confusing Demi. Selena looked around and saw five kids standing at the lockers next to them. Selena kissed Demi and screamed, making the kids look over at them. Then Selena pushed Demi away. "Ewe stay away from me you lesbian freak!" Finally, Selena ran past the kids, without wiping her lips.

Demi felt the electricity. It was there. And she knows Selena felt it too because she saw Selena's arms full of goosbumps. But Demi was hurt, and screwed. She watched the group of five kids run off to tell their friends that Demi is a lesbian and it'ss find a way to her dad. But that's the last thing on her mind.

Her heart is aching. This is why Demi didn't want to get attached. Why did she take the cookie. Why did she flirt. Why did she ever lay eyes on Selena. She's a fake.

Demi runs into the bathroom and looks in the mirror to see her red, puffy eyes. Demi covers her rmouth before a sob can escape her. She hates Selena for what she did but the kiss made her fall more in love.

Demi called the one person she could talk to about this. She called Liz.

"Hello?" "Liz" Demi croaked out. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" "I need you to pick me up"

Sorry for the wait but i've been busy all day. Hope you all like it :) Took me a long time to figure out the plot for this chapter so please leave comments and vote and share :) Thank you to everyone who has been reading. It'll only get better

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