SuperFly • II

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Nastassia Rowe

"Stass you've been working your ass off for the past 9 months. Take a month off, you deserve it. Go out of town get away from your asshole boyfriend." My boss Elaine said as we sat in my office. I chuckled.

"Where am I gonna go? And Aaron isn't that bad."

"Who you trying to convince? Me or yourself cause neither one of use are convinced."

I rolled my eyes. "Leave it alone Elaine."

"Fine.. what about that guy you met at the party? How's that going?"

"Surprisingly he calls, FaceTimes, & texts me all the time for the past 3 months. He keeps begging me to come to Atlanta or wherever I wanna go, he claims he'll fly me out."

"BITCH GO! I will cover for you." Elaine said with her eyes big. "You need some dick cause we both know Aaron can't keep it up."

I covered her mouth and closed my door. "I told you that in confidence E."

"My bad girl, but that's depressing. Like you can't be an asshole with bad dick & on top of having bad dick you can't even keep the dick up for more than 5 minutes. Plus didn't you say it's small, you need real dick."

I chuckled. Yes, Aaron doesn't please me in the sexual department. It's been this way since we started having sex last year. I've just been remaining abstinent since I'm not satisfied. Maybe I should consider going to see Priest. Soon as I thought of his name a knock was on my door. My assistant Carresha came in with a bouquet of white calla-lilies. I looked at it in shock as she placed it on my desk.

"Boss lady you got a special delivery. Wish I had my hoes doing that." I laughed as Carresha walked out.

I smelled the flowers and saw a card in between. I read the note and was surprised by who sent them.

Can't seem to get you off my mind. I'll be at the W tonight room 1050, come see me.
- P

I smiled brightly after reading the note. Elaine looked at me smirking. "It's from Priest ain't it?" I nodded. "Girl at least let him eat you out damn. You're gonna take that month off, no questions asked. Matter of fact make it two, don't worry you'll be getting paid."

I chuckled and got back to work. Once I was done I got a FaceTime from Priest of course. I smiled and answered the phone to see him on the screen shirtless. I blinked several times to get myself together.

"What's up Stass?" He said smiling.

"Nothing much, just finishing up some work since apparently I have a paid 2 month vacation that I'm forced to take."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh so you're free?" I nodded. "You got my flowers?"

"I did, they're beautiful. How'd you know calla-lilies were my favorite?"

"I have my ways of finding out things."

"Oh I see."

"So you gonna come see me or nah? I mean I'm here for the weekend."

I thought about it, maybe I should live a little. "Okay, but we aren't doing anything but hanging out as friends."

He smirked. "Whatever makes you feel good beautiful. I'll see you soon."

He hung up and I let out a big breath. I packed up my stuff and headed to my condo. I called Penny & Elaine on the way to have them cover for me. They gladly obliged with no questions asked. I got to my door and saw Aaron.

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