SuperFly • X

6K 271 32

Nastassia Rowe

"You still holding it too loose. You gotta grip it tight and only use one hand. This isn't a shotgun, it's a .38." Priest said stopping me in the middle of training.

He's been showing me how to protect myself if I'm ever in danger. I've done shooting lessons, self defense lessons, and kickboxing so far. I'm trying to get the hang of being assertive, but my whole life I've never had to physically fight someone. I've always been about my books and to myself. I didn't even start cursing till I turned 20.

"I'm trying P." I said sighing.

"I don't care for excuses, do what I said." He said with a stern voice. When we're training he doesn't care if I'm his girl, he's like a drill sergeant. I can't even workout with him because he starts yelling and when I'm working out I'm easily irritable.

I held the gun with a tight grip and shot at the can hitting it off the tree stump. I looked over at him and he nodded in approval. I did a dance in my head cause it's about damn time. One thing I've learned since being with Priest, if emotion is what you're looking for you aren't gonna get it. He keeps the same humorless expression at all times. Every now and then he might let out a chuckle or grin but not often. I'm fine with it, because he's actually very sweet all the time and affectionate when he wants to be. You will never feel as if your not his if he actually cares about you.

"Now what's the number one rule I taught you about shooting someone?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Never do it from behind: one because it's no longer self defense and two it's a cowardly move."

"Good. Give me the gun." I handed him the gun and he put it on safety putting it on a table near us. He started to circle me. "Now if you're alone walking and you notice a man has been following you, but you aren't sure so you keep going about your business, but then he does this." He grabbed me and put me into a full Nelson.

I almost panicked but I remembered what he told me. Take your right foot behind your attacker so that you are stood next to them. Pull your attackers knees forward and up to throw them backwards. You should place your right knee on the ground. You can now finish with a strike. I did just that and he got up from the ground with a smirk.

"Someone has actually been paying attention." I smiled and nodded. He stared at me for a while and then grabbed the things for us to go back inside the house.

After I took a nice warm bath I walked into the room seeing Cali laying on Priest's chest as he scrolled through his phone. I climbed on the bed and sat between his legs.

"What you doing?" I asked turning to face him.

"Answering emails & scheduling flights."

"Flights where?"

"Nowhere for you to know right now." He said still looking at his phone. I didn't wanna press the situation anymore.


"Yes Nastassia." He said putting his phone down looking me in my eyes.

"You ever think about quitting the drug game?"

He nodded. "Plenty of times. I've been doing this since 11, it's about time to retire."

"So why haven't you?"

He shrugged. "Every time I try, something happens before I get a chance. I plan to sooner than you think though."

"I hope so, you don't wanna bring a child into that type of stuff."

He chuckled. "Who said anything about children?"

I looked up at him with a pout. "You don't want kids?"

"I never thought of having kids. I've never been in love with a woman enough to want a child with her."

"What about me?"

"It'd be nice having little feet running around here. Right now is too dangerous though and I would murder everyone if you or my child is in danger."

I nodded. "Yeah, let's stick to Cali for now."

"Exactly. Plus, I would marry you before planting a seed in you. I know how much you value marriage, I wouldn't take that away from you."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "You are one sweet mystery Priest Winters."

"And you are a wonderful woman Nastassia Rowe and for that I love you."

I couldn't help but cheese. "I love you too."

He kissed my hand. "Alright Cali, let's take you to use the restroom little girl." Cali jumped up following behind Priest. I just smiled looking at my little family.


Thanks for the reads. By the way guys, I am a college student currently doing my sophomore year so I don't post everyday. I post when I have leisure time from my studies. Seeing as how classes start tomorrow, I'm letting you guys know in advance updates will most likely be slow. If I can do once a week then I'll try, but being a biology major, there's rarely any real downtime. But once again thank you guys so much for the reads, votes, and comments. I appreciate it. I literally just started this book and we're about to reach 2K reads. You guys are amazing.

God bless,

SuperFly (Trevor Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now