SuperFly • IV

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Nastassia Rowe

Once we landed and got in the car on the way to the resort I began taking everything in. When Priest asked if I loved Aaron I was stuck because part of me does, due to the fact he's my first love and before he got this "fame" he was a great boyfriend. I don't know if all this was a stunt to get what he wanted but it was like once we got to LA he switched. I feel like an idiot for staying but he's all I got & my parents love him, well my mom loves him... My dad not so much. He always says "it's something about that boy I can't put my finger on it yet, but he's not the one."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to see Priest looking at me. "We're here babygirl." I smiled and got out the car after he opened my door.

He held my hand as we walked to the lobby to get the keys for our suite. I looked around at everything and it was beautiful. We were shown to our room and the security that I didn't even notice he had checked the room before we entered. Once it seemed "safe" we both walked in and I looked at the room in awe. I have never seen anything so nice. I mean I've traveled but only within the US & maybe the Bahamas.

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"I see you like it

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"I see you like it." Priest said in an amused tone as he took off his fur coat and placed it on a chair.

I nodded. "It's so beautiful. I've always wanted to go to Fiji, I just love islands in general."

"Well I'm glad you get to have a true Fijian experience. Now, it's 8am over here so I'll call for breakfast." He said walking out to the balcony.

I went into the bathroom and saw a nice black silk robe hanging along with undergarments. I smirked and took a quick shower to wake my body up. I put lotion on and let my hair hang since the steam from the shower made it curl up. I put on the black bra and panty set along with the robe then walked out the bathroom.

When I got to the bedroom I saw a shirtless Priest smoking a cigar as he looked over the balcony to the ocean. I walked up behind him and placed kisses on his back. He turned his head to look at me and smirked. When I was gonna walk back inside he grabbed my arm turning me around.

His eyes scanned over my body and he opened the robe to see what I had on underneath and smirked. "Perfect fit." He said in a husky voice. "Come on, the food is waiting."

We sat down and enjoyed breakfast together. Priest spoke few words about himself, he was more interested in me. I cleared my throat. "Priest?" He looked up from his plate. "You never really elaborated on the type of business you do."

He just stared at me with an unreadable expression. "I own night clubs and the biggest drug cartel in Atlanta, LA, & New York."

I looked at him shocked that he responded so bluntly. "Oh.. um okay." I nodded taking everything in.

"Listen, my life comes with danger, drugs, & women."

"So you have women?"

He looked me in my eyes. "I won't lie to you, I fuck women all the time. But you don't have to worry about that you're not like those other women. I don't know what it is about you but I can't seem to go a day without you on my mind and I've never dealt with that before." I blushed. "Now obviously you're still in a relationship so I'm free to have sex with who I want, but who I want is you. Now it's up to you what you gonna do about it."

"I just don't wanna upset my mother."

"Your mother isn't the one who has to deal with the relationship at the end of the day. Don't stay for other people, you and I both know you don't want to be in that relationship anymore. Do you?"

I shook my head. "No."

"So leave him. You're grown, you don't need a man to live your best life." He staring at me intensely.

I nodded sipping my drink taking in his words. I hate to say it, but he's right.

SuperFly (Trevor Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now