SuperFly • XXIII

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Nastassia Rowe

"Look at your little bump oh my God. I love it." I said to Ari as she walked in with Eddie.

"Girl shut up." She said giggling. Eddie was cheesing from ear to ear. That nigga is ecstatic that he's having a son. Yes, it's a boy and I'm happy but Ari and I low key wanted it to be a girl so Adia could have a best friend. But their son could be her best friend as well.

We were all having a party with all the workers to announce Eddie and Priests departure from being their leader. Everyone looked sad that they're going, but my ass was definitely doing a happy dance on the inside. Plus after this, we're having a nice vacation with just Priest and I. Let's just say when you have an 8 month old, it's hard to get some adult time.

"I thank all of y'all for having my back. The hard work you guys put in never goes unnoticed. It's a bittersweet moment, but I'm on to better things and one of them is being the best father I can to my daughter and the best husband to my wife. Cheers to us being superfly!" He said raising his glass.

"To superfly!" We all said in unison.

The party was fun, but honey my man was looking good enough to eat. So I'm trying to get my back broke right now. Ari was talking to me, but I kept looking at Priest. Once he looked in my direction he noticed the look in my eyes and smirked making his way over to me. I looked back at Ari to give her my full attention until I felt a hand wrap around my waistline.

"You look like you're trying to get pregnant again." He whispered in my ear. I chuckled and Ari stuck her tongue out leaving us alone.

I turned to face him and ran my hand down his chest. "I sure wouldn't mind practicing." I said biting my lip.

His eyes got low and I swear my panties were soaked. He always know how to make my body explode without even touching me. "I got an office upstairs, let me know."

"What's stopping us?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Say less." He said grabbing my hand leading me up the stairs to his office. When I closed the door I was immediately pressed against it. He picked me up allowing me to wrap my legs around him as our tongues battled for dominance.

He ripped my dress off of me and I pushed him back. "Seriously? I just got this dress." I said whining.

"Shut up." He demanded as he placed me on his desk. Within seconds he was in between my legs making me forget about the fact he ripped my $700 dress.

I was soon flipped over as he began pounding me from the back. Listen, doggy style is my favorite position with cowgirl coming in close. It's just something about the way he hits my spot every time that makes me go crazy. I mean the dick so good it'll make you have 10 babies.

As soon as I was about to reach my climax there was a knock on the door. Priest kept going with his hands around my mouth as he drilled me until I had no more strength to hold myself up. I came and collapsed on the desk.

The knock continued and Priest got himself together. I went into the closet to hide. I mean he ripped my dress, ain't shit else to do. I peeked through and saw that it was Eddie. This nigga always ruining moments. After they spoke for a minute, Priest closed the door and came to the closet.

"Why you in here?"

"Sir, you ripped my dress." I said pointing to my dress that was behind the door.

"I got you." He said reaching behind me and handing me a black dress.

"Who's clothes are these?"

"Backups in case we ever had a freaky night at the club and seems like I was right. Don't put it on now though, I ain't give you my babies yet." He said pulling me out the closet and throwing me on the couch.

This continued for a couple hours.


When we finally arrived home, I honestly don't know how I had enough strength to walk. Like my man really was in them guts tonight. I feel like I'm already pregnant, his sperm is that good.

"You know baby, I've been thinking." He said while I was changing into some pajamas.

"What's up?" I asked looking back at him as he undressed.

"I think we should move, leave Atlanta."

I looked at him confused. "And go to New York?" I asked since we had a home there.

"No, somewhere we can start new. A place where we don't have to worry."

I chuckled. "Like where babe?"


I blinked at him. "You wanna move our family to Anguilla?" He nodded. "What about our friends? What about my family? What about my job?"

He sighed. "Just promise me you'll think about it babe. I don't know who else could be out there, I want us to live a safe life. I have connections out there, we'll be good." He came up to me and kissed my forehead. "Think about it okay?"

He stared at me with those eyes and I rolled mine shaking my head. "Okay, I'll think about it."

Leave the US, the only place I know as home and go to another country? That's a lot.



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