SuperFly • XXI

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Nastassia Rowe

"She is so beautiful." I said looking down at Adia. I can't believe I created this child and she's mine. I looked over at Priest who looked proud.

"Can I hold her?" He asked never taking his eyes off of her.

"She's yours babe, of course you can." I said handing her over to him.

As soon as she was in his arms I saw his eyes get watery. I've never seen him show true emotions before so this made my heart melt. As if on cue I watched Adia grab his finger to hold on her hand. She definitely knew that was her dad.

I took a picture of it and sent it to my father and sister.
Adia Nya Winters born August 30, 2018 weighing 8 lbs 12 oz.

"This is the best birthday gift I've ever received. Thank you so much Nastassia. Nothing in this world can ever match this moment you've given me. She's mine.. I finally have a family. We are a family." He said with his voice cracking at the end. He placed a kiss on my forehead and continued to look at Adia.

I smiled watching them, I love my little family and I can only hope I'm a great mom and example to Adia. I pray that I'll be more of a mother to her than mine was. I will support her dreams and I will love her endlessly. I want her to know she is beautiful, loved, and God is pleased with her.

After I got cleaned up and the midwife left our house I sat in the room with Adia. Priest walked in with Ari and Eddie who came baring gifts. Ari started to tear up when she saw Adia.

"Oh my god look at tt's baby. Look at those cheeks, yesssss Nya with all the melanin." Ari said holding Adia in her arms. "How you feeling sis?"

"Tired and raw." I said chuckling. "Natural birth is not a joke. Never again, next time I'm going to the hospital and getting a damn epidural."

"Damn.. that bad?"

"Girl it feels like someone is ripping your uterus out while a dinosaur is kicking you in the back and a crab is pinching your vagina all at the same time."

"I could've lived without that visual. Thanks Stass." Eddie said scrunching up his face.

I chuckled looking over at Priest who just stood in the corner quiet while watching Adia in Ari's arms. He hasn't stopped staring at her since she was born. This man is just obsessed.

"She's gorgeous man, you're gonna have problems with boys P. She's gonna be out here breaking hearts." Eddie said patting priests shoulder.

"No the hell she won't, I got a gun with any niggas name on it." They laughed but I knew he was serious. He's definitely a protective father already.

After everyone left, I took a shower. When I got out I didn't see Priest or Adia in the room. I didn't even see Cali. Where the hell these niggas went? I walked next door to Adia's nursery and saw Priest changing her diaper. He then sat in the rocking chair holding her while Cali sat at his foot.

"Hey pretty girl, time for bed now. I just wanna say thank you for being my birthday gift, I love you so much and I've only known you a couple of hours. I'm gonna let you know from now I'm not with all that crying mess, so don't try it. When I'm trying to get some from your mama, don't be fussing. Daddy has needs just like you okay? I love you so much, like I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now. I've just never felt a love this pure, except for the love I feel with your mom. She's an amazing woman, the fact she carried you for 9 long months and delivered you with no drugs, she's superwoman. Make sure you never disrespect her and obey her rules. She and I only want what's best for you. We are not perfect and we will never claim to be. I'm gonna get us out of this drug game shit, I love y'all too much to lose you guys. Look at you, already falling asleep when daddy is talking to you. I'll let you slide cause you was just born 8 hours ago. Alright then." He said getting up to put her in her crib. "Goodnight princess, daddy loves you." He kissed her cheek and turned off her lights. I walked back to the room waiting on him to come in.

He came in and looked at me as he changed into his pajamas. "I know you were listening."

"I know you do." I said chuckling. "Someone is happy."

He sat next to me and put me on his lap kissing my lips. "All I can say is thank you baby. For everything, I thank you. I didn't know Love like this until I met you and until you gave birth to our daughter. Thank you."

I smiled kissing his lips. The rest of the night he spent saying thank you until I fell asleep in his arms.


Hope you enjoyed.

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