SuperFly • VII

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Nastassia Rowe

"Come on Stass, time is money." Priest said coming in the bathroom as I was straightening my hair.

"I'm almost done, give me 5 minutes."

He stared at me through the mirror and bit his lip. He came behind me and kissed my neck. "You look gorgeous." I smiled and then he smacked my butt. "Five minutes and I'm not playing with you Nastassia."

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Okay father."

He shook his head walking out the bathroom. Once I was done I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at myself in the mirror.

Priest picked out my outfit and at first I thought it was not my style but it looked great

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Priest picked out my outfit and at first I thought it was not my style but it looked great. Tonight he was taking me to see his night club in Buckhead. I was interested to see him in his element seeing as how he's so serious most of the time, but not like a stick in the mud, more of the about his business type.

I walked into the room and he was putting on his jacket. I grabbed my clutch and walked up behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and tip toed to kiss his cheek. He turned around looking down at me and smirked as he stared in my eyes.

"Let's head out." He said fixing my hair behind my ear. He grabbed my hand and helped me down the steps. When we got downstairs I saw his security guards. They walked close to us as we got in the car.

I looked out the window as Priest rested his hand on my thigh. "You like Atlanta so far?" He asked looking at me. One thing about him is he gives constant eye contact when he speaks to you.

I nodded. "It's a beautiful city. Just hot as hell."

He chuckled. "You're from Miami, you should be used to this."

I raised an eyebrow. "How'd you know that?"

"It's a lot I know about you Nastassia."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Your name is name is Nastassia Isabella Davita Rowe. You were born March 17, 1997 making you 21. You were born in Canada while your parents were on vacation and moved to Miami at 2. Your father is Devin Rowe an investor and judge for 25 years. Your mom was an English professor, but ended up being a housewife. You're the youngest of three. Your brother Devin Jr. died when you were 15 from cancer. You have a sister name Natalia and a niece name Davita after you. You're a junior executive at Teen Vogue and you hate anything that creeps and crawls."

I looked at him shocked. This man seems to be a lot more powerful than I thought. "You know all this about me, yet I don't know much about you."

"You can ask me whatever, I'm a very honest man."

"Is Priest your real name?"


"Last name?"





"August 30."

"Any children?"

"Hell no."

"Parents still alive?"

He shrugged. "I don't know them, I was raised by my mentor Scatter."

I nodded. "Ever been in love?"


"Believe in love?"



"If I truly care about that person, otherwise I see no problem with polygamy."

"What about marriage?"


"Ever killed anyone?"


"Regret it?"

"No." I nodded taking everything in. Soon the car stopped and we were here. Priest helped me out the car and held my hand as we walked in. Immediately I notice it's not only a night club, but a strip club. I blinked and kept walking. This is definitely not my type of scene. Priest looked back at me and squeezed my hand a little to comfort me. I smiled at him and we walked up some stairs to a section that overlooked the entire club.

"What up nigga?" A dark skin guy said dapping Priest.

His attention turned to me and he looked surprised

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His attention turned to me and he looked surprised. "This is the mystery girl, hello I'm Eddie. His best friend who I'm sure he hasn't told you about."

I giggled. "Nice to meet you, I'm Nastassia."

"Pleasure to meet you Nastassia. Don't let this drill sergeant keep you from having fun tonight."

I nodded as he walked away to a group of women. Priest led me to some couches and waited for me to sit. "You want a drink?"

"Nothing too strong." I said fixing my dress. He nodded and called over a bottle girl and of course guess who it is? Georgia and of course she stared me down. Like damn girl I know I'm fine but relax. I'm strictly dickly over here.

"Bring is a bottle of Ace and Henny." He ordered to Georgia. She nodded and walked away, giving me a dirty look first.

"She must really like you." I said looking over at him.

"Georgia had a chance and she ended up fucking Eddie so I feel nothing."

"Seem like you were upset?"

He shook his head. "Pussy ain't that hard to find for me to be upset over one."

I chuckled as the bottles were placed on the table in front of us. The rest of the night we spent talking and enjoying the music. I had my first lap dance and my first encounter with a stripper. It was interesting. Priest really makes me get out of my comfort zone, but it's never anything forced. It always just seems natural. I ended up getting a little drunk so he had to carry me to the car.

I laid in his lap as we drove to the house. "You gotta know how to handle your liquor Nastassia. Can't just be out here getting drunk. Makes you impaired and unable to protect yourself." I was in and out cause I just felt so sleepy. "You must always be cautious of people and be ten steps ahead. You don't put anything past anyone... not even me."

That was the last thing I heard before I let my drunken sleep take over.

SuperFly (Trevor Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now