Night Time (Sneak Peek)

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Jatavia Dalia Williams

"Girl, I'm ready to go back to bed. I hate these damn parties." I said to Caresha as we sat on one of the couches at my dads party. Once a month he throws these parties at the house for his workers.

"JT stop being a stick in the mud. The party is bumping, it's fine niggas all around."

"Exactly, time to find a man who'll hand over his black card." My godsister Karma said coming next to me.

"You expect me to flirt with a coke dealer, nah I'm good."

"What about Priest? You know you like that man." Caresha said nodding over to Priest who sat down with his girls on his lap. He looked up at me and stared intently.

I rolled my eyes looking back at the girls

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I rolled my eyes looking back at the girls. "No the hell I don't. He works for my father, fuck I look like getting with him? On top of that, the nigga has like seven bitches. I ain't no damn sister-wife."

"You could be." Karma said laughing. I shook my head and looked down at my phone. Soon they left me to go be the hoes they are. I love my friends, don't get me wrong, but they themselves will let you know they only want a sugar daddy, not a boyfriend. I on the other hand am the more calm one who's still stuck on her boyfriend who's not her boyfriend that she recently broke up with. Dave played a lot of mind games and I was growing tired of it. Like nigga do you want me OR NO?!

"Why you over here alone princess?" I looked up seeing my dad with a drink in his hand.

"Just tired dad, that's all

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"Just tired dad, that's all."

He looked at me with a face letting me know he didn't believe me. "Well I'll have someone take you home. Priest?!" I heard him yell over the music and I looked up at him like nigga what? My father knows I'm not a fan of any of his employees. Priest, he just made me nervous. He never really spoke to me much except for the head nods he'd give when he came to see my father. I would've much preferred Eddie's ADHD having ass.

Priest came over and shook my dad's hand. "Aye man, can you take my babygirl home?" I rolled my eyes. My dad acts like I'm 2, like nigga I'm 19. I can call an Uber for myself.

He looked at me for a little before looking back at my dad. "No problem Scatter." He said with a smooth voice. This was honestly the first time I've heard him speak and I liked it– bitch huh? Shut up, you don't like shit but the Bible.

Priest motioned for me to follow him as he walked through the crowded mansion. We got outside to his G Wagon and he opened my door for me. I thanked him and in response he just closed the door. See? The nigga barely speaks, so explain to me why Caresha and Karma would think I like him?

The car ride was silent except for the low volume of the radio. My fathers home is about 45 minutes away from the mansion so I just stared out the window. I sighed thinking about my mom and how she's doing. My thoughts were cut off by Priest handing me a tissue from the glove compartment. I didn't notice I was crying until now.

He kept his eyes on the road and his face stayed hard. I admired his features, I'm not gonna lie he is fine as hell and surprisingly I don't mind his hair. I turned my head back to the direction of the window. I miss liberty city so much. Even though I'm glad my dad flew me out to live with him so I can attend my dream school, I still miss my mom and all my family back home.

We pulled up to the house and Priest came to open my door. I thanked him and he just nodded. Can't expect much else. He walked me to my door and walked inside with me to make sure everything in the house was good. Once he finished he walked towards the front door.

"Have a good night Priest, thanks for taking me home." I said walking up the stairs.

"Goodnight Jatavia." He said huskily as he closed the door behind him. I looked at the door shocked that he actually responded. This nigga literally never talks around me. He barely looks at me and if he does it's with an unreadable expression that makes me squirm in my seat. He had so much charm and wasn't even trying.

Girl what the hell are you saying?! Stop talking about his ass. You do not like him. The nigga doesn't even give you the time of day. Go to bed. I decided to listen to my second thought and took a shower before going to bed. Of course my thoughts went back to Priest, but I made sure to occupy it with something else as my eyes started to close.


Hope y'all like the sneak peek into the next story. It'll be called Night Time, if you haven't listened to Trevor Jackson's album Rough Drafts Part 1, GO LISTEN! It's booooooomb. Anyways, superfly will be ending in about 5 to 10 chapters so I wanted you guys to see how the next story is gonna be and what I meant by a completely different plot and different characters. The next update should be coming soon. Thank you all for 17k and thank you to those who sent their prayers and well wishes for my family. I appreciate you all.
- D

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