SuperFly • XIX

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Youngblood Priest

"What's she doing?" I asked Ari who just came out the guest room.

"She's just laying down reading." She said shrugging.

"She's still upset?"

She chuckled. "You think she's mad at you?" I nodded. I mean what else could it be. "She's upset at the situation not at you personally. You have to remember she's 8 months pregnant, she doesn't need extra stress and this situation is pretty stressful. She understands there's no choice but you also have to understand this is not what she's used to. No woman should have to worry if it's the last time they'll see their man. She can't even plan you guys wedding cause of everything going on. You two just need to talk and maybe you can give her a peace of mind."

"Yeah.. I'll go talk to her." I said standing from leaning on the counter and walking up the steps to the guest room. I knocked the door and heard her say come in. When I walked in she was on the bed reading a baby magazine with Cali laying on her leg. I sat next to her and kissed her forehead. "What you doing?"

"Looking at a bed for Adia, one that can go in the room for days I don't feel like walking to her nursery." She said circling a crib.

"That's nice."

"Wanna see what Ari and I have done so far?" I nodded helping her up. Of course Cali was hot on her trail. She doesn't let Stass be alone at any time. Even when she's in the shower, Cali is right there waiting.

We walked to the double doors that would be Adia's nursery and Nastassia opened the door. It was rose gold and pink, the perfect nursery for a babygirl.

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"My sister sent me some clothes she bought for her so I tried setting up her closet, of course Ari had to help me

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"My sister sent me some clothes she bought for her so I tried setting up her closet, of course Ari had to help me." She said rubbing her belly and smiling at everything. I can tell this baby makes her happy and honestly, I'm happy as well. I never thought I'd be a father and I never thought a daughter would be my first child. Now I got Stass, Cali, and Adia running me around.

"It looks beautiful baby." I said sitting in the chair. "Can we bring a black chair in here cause I'm not bout to be sitting in this pink ass chair all the time."

She laughed. "You better suck it up, it's not about you anymore."

"You're right... come here, I wanna talk to you." I said patting my lap for her to sit. "You know you're close to the end of your third trimester and she can come at any time. I just want you to know I love you and I'm here for you. I'm sorry that I got us in this situation babe, but believe me I have a plan. This is only temporary, I got us."

"I know Priest, I'm not mad at you. I just don't care to keep talking about something until it's backed by actions. At the end of the day, I'm just worried about baby girl being healthy and her safety. That's it."

"And I promise y'all gonna be good." She nodded. "You trust me?"

"Of course." She said kissing my lips. "I trust you. You're smart, I know we'll be okay."

"Aight cool. Now go get yourself looking pretty we got people coming." She laughed getting off of me.

Today I planned a surprise baby shower for Nastassia. She has no idea about it and Ari helped me out everything together. Once I made sure everything was good downstairs I walked into the room to see Nastassia fixing her hair. She looked gorgeous, I did a good job picking out an outfit for her.

"This dress is pretty baby, but what's the occasion?" She asked slipping on sandals

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"This dress is pretty baby, but what's the occasion?" She asked slipping on sandals. I had to check to make sure they were the same sandals cause she hasn't seen her feet since month 6.

"Don't worry about it babe. Just enjoy yourself. Let's go."

"I'm coming."

"Let's go now Nastassia. You got people waiting."

She rolled her eyes. "You would think since I'm carrying your baby you'd be nicer to me."

I smiled shaking my head as I helped her downstairs. We enter the living room and everyone yelled surprise. She looked at me shocked and started to cry.

"Oh Lord, babe stop crying

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"Oh Lord, babe stop crying."

"I can't help it." I held her and wiped some tears. I'm not the best with emotions. I hate when she cries cause I never know if I'm responding the right way.

We sat down and enjoyed the company of our guests. After a couple hours we started to open gifts. Most of my people gave monetary gifts and her family gave clothes, diapers, and other baby items. The night winded now and I can tell she was tired. Eddie, Ari, and I cleaned up downstairs while Stass went upstairs to get ready for bed.

"Thank y'all for helping out. I appreciate it."

"No problem. We'll see you tomorrow." Ari said walking to the door with Eddie. After I showed them out I went upstairs to see Stass putting on a silk robe. She doesn't sleep in anything else besides robes since she's been pregnant. I guess it's less work.

"Enjoyed your night?" I said watching her lay in bed.

"Yes, thank you babe. That was so sweet. I love you."

"I love you too babe." I kissed her forehead and turned off the lights for her to sleep. I went to my office and sat down think about everything. Scatters dead, because of lying but also because me going behind his back. Snow patrol is on my ass cause of Eddie's dumb ass and my fiancé is pregnant with my daughter.

I thought before Adia came that I'd be out the game, but now I'm stuck. Even though Stass says she's okay, I can tell she's not. I don't need her to worry about nothing, so for now I gotta do what I gotta do until I have a full proof plan.


Done posting for this week. See you guys next week.

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