SuperFly • III

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Nastassia Rowe

After little night cap with Priest I went back to my condo and took a shower. I called Aaron seeing if maybe he wanted to hang out but he didn't answer. His location showed that he was home so I got dressed and headed over there. I unlocked his door and looked down to see clothes all over the floor. Some his and some belonging to another woman. I took quiet steps towards the room and heard him talking.

"I'm tired of playing this game baby. When are you gonna drop her?" The mysterious woman asked.

"I can't yet, she's got major bank. I gotta sweet talk her to do this investment and then we're set. I gotta marry her first."

My mouth dropped in shock. This nigga think he's slick. Yes my family has money, that's why he's been stringing me along this whole time.

"That's so depressing babe." The woman responded. I nodded my head and walked out the apartment.

Soon as I got in my car I got a call from Priest. I answered as I pulled off and started driving around to cool off.

"I see you left without saying bye." His deep voice boomed through my speakers.

I smiled. "I'm sorry I didn't wanna wake you and I didn't know exactly how this whole thing was going."

"What you doing? You okay you sound down."

"I just found out some disturbing news, it's cool though."

"You should come unwind with me. The jet is ready to take us wherever you wanna go."

I thought about the offer. Maybe it's not a bad idea going with him. "Okay."

"Good, I'll send a car to your place in 20 minutes."

We got off the phone and I parked in my garage. When I got to my door I saw Aaron there. I rolled my eyes, bruh wasn't you just with another bitch. I walked pass him.

"What do you want Aaron?"

"I can't check on my gorgeous girlfriend." I hid my disgust and just walked into my kitchen.

"If you say so."

"I'm yours for the day baby." He said trying to wrap his arms around me.

"Is that right?" Just then a knock was at my door. I walked to it and was greeted with a large bouquet of calla-lilies once again. I already knew who it was from I smiled sniffing them then placing them on the counter.

"Who's sending you flowers?" Aaron asked with a confused face.

"A recent investor that's a part of Teen Vogue now. Look I'm actually busy, so maybe we can schedule something another time."

Another knock was on the door and I opened it seeing Priest standing there staring me up and down.

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