SuperFly • XXV

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Youngblood Priest

"Damn.. so y'all really leaving huh?" Eddie asked looking around the house which had boxes all over.

I sighed. "Yeah man. Starting off everything new, especially since Stass is pregnant again."

"Wait... what?" He asked wide eyed.

I chuckled. "Yeah, but don't say nothing yet. We want to wait till she gets into her third trimester."

"Damn, I'm proud of you man. You did it, you said you was gonna leave the game and you did just that. You know I ain't never had no brothers, you my family. You've been looking out for me since we were young and I appreciate you man. You helped me to be a better and wiser me. You found a great woman who loves you even with your turtle shell exterior. I'm gonna miss you man." He said hugging me.

"You know you can always come with man."

"Nah, Ari and I belong here. We love the US, we even thought of moving to Chicago once Edward Priest Valentine gets here." He said smiling at me.

"You gave him my name as his middle name?"

He nodded. "You are his godfather right?"

I smiled wiping a tear. "You already know man. Even though you do a lot of dumb shit and you get on my nerves, you my brother for life. You never have to question if I got you, I'm riding with you forever."

"Same here bruh, I love you man."

"I love you too man." I sad hugging him once again. This move is the right decision not only for me, but for my family.


Nastassia Rowe

"Alright, stop crying before y'all make me mess up my makeup." I said to Ari and Natalia.

"Sorry bitch, we just gonna miss you so much." Ari said wiping her tears.

"Y'all can always visit, there's always FaceTime." I said packing up the stuff in the garage which is mostly Adia's toys and extra clothes. There was a knock on the door and we all walked inside.

"Stass, I invited someone I think you need to speak to so you can move on." Natalia said as she walked to the door. I questioned who and when the door opened, there stood my mother. I hadn't seen her is almost two years and now here she is on my doorstep.

"Why is she here?" I asked looking at Natalia.

"Because it's about time you guys spoke so you can get everything off your chest." Ari said making me sit.

Isabella, the woman I once called mom, sat across from me. I took in her appearance and she looked awful. As if she hadn't ate in a while. Ariana and Natalia left us to talk in private.

"I hear you have a baby and you're married now." She said smiling softly at me.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'.

"I'm sure she's beautiful. What's her name?"

"Adia, look why are you here? You stole over $3 million dollars from me and you were sleeping with my ex. I should call the cops."

"Nastassia I'm sorry, once your father cut me off I had nothing. I never meant to hurt you, I love you."

I chuckled. "Really? You love me? Stop with the lies Isabella. You never loved me, because if you did you wouldn't have let him touch me."

"I didn't know baby."

"Liar! I told you countless times. You cheated on my father numerous times and you let those men in our home. You let the man you were having an affair with violate me. He took away the one thing that was precious to me and what did you tell me? To be quiet, that this is how men are. I never even told my father the things I went through. I have a daughter now and I'm gonna give her the love you failed to give me. I'm gonna teach her about her worth. I'm gonna be a hell of a better mother than you ever were." I said getting up walking to the door. "Look I don't know why you came, but you need to leave."


"GET THE HELL OUT!" I screamed. She was taken back, but eventually left. I closed the door behind her and slid down to the floor crying. I let out a scream and put my head down.

I soon felt a presence over me and I looked to see Priest stooping to my level. He looked at me with hurt eyes, I guess he heard everything. He wrapped me in his arms and rubbed circles on my back.

"I'm so sorry Nastassia. No one deserves to go through what you did. But look how you didn't let it control your life. You don't have to forgive your mother for her, forgive her for you. If you never do, she'll continue to have a hold on you." He said as my crying calmed down.

"Thank you."

"For what?" He asked looking down at me.

"For teaching me how to love."

He chuckled. "I should be thanking you for that."

I spent hours in his arms just listening to his heartbeat, it was in such sync with mine I never wanted him to let go.


"Nastassia, look out the window and say hello to your new home." Priest said kissing my cheek. I looked out the window at the beautiful island of Anguilla. Though this is a scary move, Natalia is right:

Home isn't a place, it's a people.

And I have my wonderful people right beside me.


And that's SuperFly 😕 this is honestly so bittersweet cause this book flourished so fast. I didn't even think it'd get the response that it did. You guys are absolutely amazing, you guys have been so understanding to the times when I'm at my lowest and I just wanna say thank you. If it wasn't for you, there'd be no superfly. So thank you all. Make sure you check out the new superfly book Night Time which should be published the same time this chapter is. I love you guys. Remember you're all amazing.
- D

SuperFly (Trevor Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now