SuperFly • XV

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Nastassia Rowe

I sat in the tub staring out at the view in front of me.

I took a deep breath as I sank more in the tub

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I took a deep breath as I sank more in the tub. I stared at my growing belly and smiled. It wasn't that noticeable that I'm pregnant. Which I was happy with cause I haven't told anyone besides Priest that I'm pregnant. Speaking of him, when I asked him to give me space he did just that. I haven't seen him in almost two weeks, but he calls to see how the baby is doing and has his security make sure I'm okay. Thank God that the job I have, I don't have to be in my office. I can work from anywhere.

The soothing sounds of Sade's No Ordinary Love played throughout the bathroom. I heard the door open and when I looked back I saw Priest. He looked at me intensely as he walked to the chair and sat down. I turned back around and just enjoyed the rest of my bath. Once I started to feel hungry I drained the tub and got out with Priest handing me a towel. I wrapped it around my body and did my face routine. I saw him staring at me while I was putting on my moisturizer. Once I was done I put on some comfortable pajamas and walked out the closet seeing him sitting on the bed.

"You're not usually this quiet." I said looking down at my toes as I leaned on the wall.

"I think we should end things."

My head shot up. "What?" I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I don't want you and my child in danger because of me and I can't be with you knowing I broke our commitment." I stared at him feeling the tears forming in my eyes. "Nastassia please don't cry, you know I don't know how to deal with emotions that well."

"What'd you do?" I asked in a whisper because if I spoke any louder my voice would crack.

"The night you told me you needed space, I got head from Georgia."

I blinked trying to push the tears back. "Just head?" He looked me in the eyes and nodded. I know he wouldn't lie about something like this cause he's been blunt from the beginning. "Did you enjoy it?"

"I can't tell, my mind was just somewhere else."

"Was it just one time?"


"Do you love her?"

"No, Georgia is just a good time, that's it."

"And what am I?"

"The love of my life, but even I know I just lost your trust. You've made it clear you don't condone cheating and I will never try to convince you to stay knowing I haven't been the man I promised to be. I love you enough that if I have to let you go because of my actions so you can be happy and get the love you deserve, I will."

I took everything in. Even though he cheated, I still love him. I still want to be with him, marry him, and create a family together. But.. why? Why do I not hate him? Why do I not want to punch him? Instead I just want to be held in his arms.

He got up and kissed my forehead. "I will always take care of you and my child. You guys come first, end of story. You don't have to leave, I'll go."

He walked to the door, but I couldn't let him go. "Priest stop." He turned around and looked at me. "I can't let you walk out that door."


"Yes, I don't condone cheating.. but I believe in second chances and I know love isn't perfect and people make mistakes. I love you.. my trust is a little rocky but not that much because I know you're always honest. I respect that you respect me enough to tell me yourself." I walked up to him and kissed his lips. "I'm not going anywhere. That bitch got another thing coming if she think she smart. I want her fired."

He nodded his head. "Say less, it's done."

"And her sidekick." He nodded. "I want you out of this drug game Priest. Shit is starting to get sticky and you don't wanna be caught up in that."

"I'm trying baby, I really am."

"I want my child to have their father around. You keep doing this shit you'll either be dead or talking to your child through a glass window. The path is yours to decide. Choose wisely." I said kissing his cheek and walking to the kitchen to get a meal.

I don't feel stupid even though some might say I am. I know that monogamy is new to him and he's used to not being tied down. This man has been nothing, but amazing for the past 8 months and I'm damn sure not about to let him go. This is the first man that truly loves me for me. The first man that I'm comfortable around. He's taught me lessons about myself and helps me push past my comfort zone. It's too many good that outweighs the bad, so you're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm gonna leave my man cause some bitch who never had a title wanna try and come between. She's gonna understand I'm the captain of this ship and I have no problem throwing people overboard.


I'm not sure if I updated this week so I posted this cause I honestly can't remember. That's for 6K+ reads. I appreciate it so much. ❤️

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