SuperFly • XVIII

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Nastassia Rowe

"Okay Adia, stop kicking me please. Mommy is trying to clean up." I said rubbing my stomach to calm her down. She's so active in the morning. In the afternoon she's great, but when that clock hits 2am all of a sudden she wants to do somersaults in my uterus.

"I don't even know why you're up cleaning. You know damn well if Priest was here he'd tell you to sit down." Ari said helping me organize.

"Well he isn't so boom." I said sticking my tongue out. She giggled and continued to help me clean up.

I got to Priest office and started cleaning, it's not usually messy but for some reason I'm in a cleaning mood. I organized the books and pens on his desk and was passing by to leave until his Mac lit up showing a message from Gonzalez telling him where to pick up the products. Now I'm not a slow bitch, products in his world is drugs. I know this nigga told me his ass was out, so I'm confused. I saw that it was from two weeks ago so I just decided to put it in the back of my head.

I left his office and finished cleaning. After I was done, Ari and took a walk with Cali. It was just nice to get out because I'm always cooped up in the house and I never truly go anywhere. In the middle of our walk I saw a group of guys in all white and heard Ari say shit.

"Stass we should hear back." She said stopping.

"Why? Who are they?"

"That's snow patrol." I was still confused. "They're a group of drug lords."

I nodded. "Uh, okay then. Why are they here instead of Atlanta?" We started walking back towards the condo.

"I don't know, maybe looking for Priest. One of their guys got shot."

"Damn." I said looking back making sure no one was following. We got in the building and headed to the penthouse. "What does that have to do with Priest? He doesn't kill unless he has a reason."

"Girl JuJu swears Priest is a problem. It's like he's obsessed with him. Always wants to be on his dick." She said rolling her eyes.

I chuckled. "I forgot y'all dated."

"'Never again will I get with a drug dealer. Like he's just a young and dumb kid and that's gonna cause his ass to get killed." I nodded agreeing. From what Ari has told me of him, he's very impulsive. Which is expected from someone his age, but at some point it's like grow the fuck up.

I couldn't help but think back to the messages I saw. I went to the room and laid down reading Maya Angelou's Letter to My Daughter with Billie Holiday Blue Moon playing low in the background. If you can't tell, I enjoy reading and old school music.

Soon the door opened and Priest came in the room with Cali right on his tail. She jumped on the bed laying next to me with her head resting on my stomach. Just then Adia did a soft kick, I guess saying hi and Cali licked my stomach. I smiled and looked over at Priest who just went into the restroom and started a shower.

After 30 minutes, I went to go check on him cause he never takes this long. I saw him leaning on the wall just staring at the ground. I knocked on the glass and he looked over at me.

"You okay?" He nodded. "Okay, well I'll be in the room then." I said walking out. I usually just let him have his alone time when he's super quiet cause I've learned from experience it's best not to bother him.

Eventually he came out the bathroom with some pajamas on. He came over to me and kissed my stomach. He stared at it intensely as he rubbed it and Adia started moving around like crazy. I looked at him and could tell something was wrong.

"Scatters dead." He said before I got a chance to ask. "Eddie and I are stuck until we figure something out. I'm sorry babe."

I sighed. "So you're still selling crack."

"If I don't, he'll kill us. He's powerful enough to do it, I just gotta figure out a plan."

"Why is scatter dead?"

"Because he lied."

I chuckled. "Seems like that's what goes on these days." I got up carrying the book with me.

"Where you going?" He asked behind me.

"Just give me time Priest... please." I said not looking back at him and going into the guest room locking the door behind me.

I knew some things were just too good to be true.


🙃 see you guys next chapter.

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