SuperFly • XIV

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Nastassia Rowe

"You okay Stass?" My assistant Ari asked as I was fanning myself in my office.

"Yeah, just felt a wave of heat go over me

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"Yeah, just felt a wave of heat go over me. I'm okay though, don't worry."

"Have you gotten those migraines checked out?" She asked closing the door.

"No, I'm sure I'm fine Ariana, don't worry okay?"

"I think you should see a doctor. My aunt was having headaches for a while and one day it got so excruciating she passed out at work and ended up having an aneurysm."

I looked at her shocked. "Really?"

She nodded. "Yes girl and you're the best boss I've ever had and you pay well. You better get checked up."

"Okay, I'll schedule an appointment." I said rolling my eyes. She smiled brightly and just then a knock came on the door.

Two cops walked in, a male and female. "Hello, are you Nastassia Rowe?" The woman asked.

I nodded standing up from my desk. "Yes, how may I help you?"

She looked at Ari. "May we speak to you in private?"

I tilted my head a bit. "Sure, Ari can you give us a minute?" She nodded leaving and closing my office door.

"I'm detective Mason and this is detective Davenport. We would like to ask you some questions about Priest Winters?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What about him?"

"There's suspicions that he's drug trafficking." Detective Davenport explained.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Well, we have people who tell us you seem to be around him a lot."

"Yeah, he's my fiancé. Aren't couples normally around each other?" I asked getting annoyed. Like bitch I don't know nothing cause he don't tell me shit about his drug life. I only know the man I see at home.

"So you aren't aware of his dealings?"

"The only dealings I know about is his club franchise. He owns several, as for drugs I don't know anything about that. The man I know would never be involved in such a thing. First off that's dumb as hell and secondly, he isn't a statistic. So you two can excuse yourself out of my office. Have a wonderful day." I said opened the door for them.

Detective Mason stopped in front of me. "If you do find out anything, give us a call. It's a lot of money you can get for helping us." She said trying to hand me a card. I stared at her blankly.

"Your chump change can't do anything for me detective. It's temporary, have a great day." I said eyeing her as she walked out with a look of shock. I closed my door and sat at my desk.

SuperFly (Trevor Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now