SuperFly • XI

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Youngblood Priest

I was training with Scatter since I didn't have any meetings today. Once we finished we hung out in his office to just talk to each other.

"So how's the wife?" He asked smirking.

I shook my head. "One step at a time please. She's doing well, right now she's at some meetings downtown."

"I'm glad to see you found someone. I thought you was gonna be with new females every week for the rest of your life."

"I'm not gonna lie, I've never been in a monogamous relationship. It's cool though, I love her."

He raised an eyebrow. "Like how I love you  like family love? Or you love her like marriage, kids, and a normal life love?"

"Come on now Scatter, which one you think?"

"I'm just shocked. In the 20 years I've known you I never thought this day would come."

"I've been in the game long enough. I think it's time I just get out, focus on the clubs, and settle down."

He nodded and looked proud. Scatter is right I always disliked relationships. Not that I don't believe in them, but people never take them seriously. I believe in love, I just don't believe love should be taken for granted. If I see a slight sign that a woman cannot offer all I expect in a relationship then I keep it at fucking. When I first saw Nastassia at my club in LA I just wanted to be in her presence. I could tell from a mile away that club life is not her scene. She came off very classy, not seeking attention. Most women were wearing skin tight dresses with heels as high as mountains, while Nastassia was wearing overalls with timbs and Calvin Klein's top.

She caught my attention soon as she walked through that door. Once I found out she was Aaron's girlfriend, I knew it wouldn't take long for her to drop him. When I want something, I get it by any means necessary.

By 5, I got to my house and I was greeted by Cali running up to me. I picked her up and went upstairs to change my attire. I walked back downstairs and saw Nastassia walking in with groceries and a bouquet of roses. She put the groceries in the kitchen and threw the roses in the trash.

I walked behind her as she started gathering pots to cook in.

"Someone doesn't seem happy." I said kissing her cheek.

"I was fine till I found those roses in my office & in my backseat."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How'd they get there?"

"Aaron, he's the only person who sends me roses because he never remembers calla-lilies. I fucking hate roses with a passion."

"How'd you know it was him?" She avoided my gaze. "Nastassia don't play with me... look at me now."

She looked up at me. "Because two days ago he popped up at my job with roses. He got upset when I told him I've moved on and he grabbed me."

"What the fuck you mean he grabbed you? Where?"

"He grabbed my wrists and when he saw my ring he almost hit me, but my assistant came out."

I grabbed her hands and pulled her sleeves back to see some bruises on her wrists. I nodded my head and walked away. I heard her following me upstairs.

"Priest?! What are you about to do?"

"What the fuck you think I'm gonna do? I'm not about to let no nigga put his hands on you and he's obviously able to get into your car. We're throwing that shit out and going to one of my other homes cause who knows what else he could've done to your car."

"Don't do nothing stupid."

"I don't have to. I have workers for that and Mr. Aaron is going to get a warning and if he doesn't listen then so be it."

"So be what? You're gonna kill him?" She asked silently.

"If I have to."

"I can't believe you. I understand you're upset, but death is not something that should be decided. You're not God Priest."

"DID I SAY I WAS?!" She stepped back in shock. "You need to understand the lifestyle you chose to be a part of. I didn't force you into shit, I let you decide and I was straight up about every fucking thing. Niggas like Aaron ain't people that deserve to live. That nigga been fucking your mother half your relationship and you don't even know cause you think everyone in this world is gonna give you the same love and loyalty you give them. I'm not like these other men you've been with, I don't tolerate disrespect at any level, when I told yo ass I love you, I meant that shit with every fiber of my being. So, I would advise you to stop defending this bitch nigga before you get on my bad side as well. Go pack your shit, we're leaving." I said walking out the bedroom slamming the door.

I put a few calls in and told my security to pay Aaron a visit. When one of the guards checked under Nastassia's car, sure enough there was a tracking device there. It's been over 4 months now, this nigga funds must be getting low. I made sure he has no access to her account by switching her money to a new bank. She doesn't even know he was robbing her ass for all this time. And her mother? Yeah that bitch is broke too. Her father cut her off soon as he found out she was sleeping around and even though that's Nastassia's mom, her father made sure she had no access to her money. So her mom has been using Aaron to extort money. In three years they took over $5 million from Nastassia, but she'll never know because I made sure to put triple the amount back into her account.

I'm not joking when I say I love this woman and I will kill any and everybody who tries to intervene.


I had an hour of free time from homework so enjoy. I'm not sure they'll be another update this week cause I have 4 essays to complete. Thank you for 3k though! ❤️

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