SuperFly • IX

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Nastassia Rowe

I was laying on top of Priest when I got a phone call. I looked at my phone seeing it was my boss Elaine. Why the hell is she calling me at 6 in the morning?

"Hello?" I said sitting up. I walked into the closet and sat down on one of the benches in there.

"Hey Stass, sorry to call you so early but I got the best news for you. Are you ready?"

"Uh okay.. yeah."

"You have been promoted to the senior executive director for the Southern and Eastern region of Teen Vogue. YOU GOT THE PROMOTION SIS!"

I placed my hand over my mouth in shock. "Are you serious? Don't play with me E."


"Oh my God.. I'm so surprised. I mean I know I applied but I didn't actually think I would get it. Omg I gotta call my daddy.. wait so does that mean?"

"Yes girl, you don't have to live in Cali. You can live anywhere on the Eastern region. You get to stay with yo maaaaans. Speaking of him, how is he? Has he gotten you pregnant yet? When's the wedding? I NEED TO KNOW."

I chuckled. "He's good and no I am not pregnant. Why would you even ask me that? I'm not even sure if he wants children or if I want children as a matter of fact; I'm only 21."

"Yeah yeah yeah, you say that now. Next year you gonna call me and say you're pregnant. When's the wedding?"

"Slow down E, we haven't even established what we are and we've yet to say I love you."

"Well.. do you love him?"

"I'm starting to."

"Aweeeeee!!!! This is so cute. Omg let me go before I cry. I just wanted to give you the news."

"Well thanks." I hung up the phone and stood up doing a dance.

"I did it

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"I did it. I got the joooooob. I got the jooooob. I'm a boss ass bitch. Twerk! Twerk!" I was twerking when I felt someone come behind me. I stood up quickly seeing it was Priest looking at me like girl what the hell wrong with you? I chuckled embarrassed that he just saw me doing that.

"Well that's a way to say good morning. You seem excited." He said after kissing my forehead.

"Remember the job I told you about?"

He nodded leaning against his jewelry counter. "What about it?"

"Guess who's the youngest and first black woman to be senior executive director of the Eastern and southern region of Teen Vogue?"

He raised his eyebrows. "And who told the new senior executive director that she had the job in the bag?"

I smiled walking up to him. "You did."

SuperFly (Trevor Jackson)Where stories live. Discover now