SuperFly • XXIV

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Nastassia Rowe

"Anguilla?! Damn, does he have a brother?" My sister Natalia asked as she held Adia in her arms.

Today we decided for the girls to have a cute spa day. So my niece is getting her nails and hair done while Adia is living the life in her little robe getting a baby massage.

"No Nat, he's an only child."

"Damn... I'm trying to get like you."

"I don't even think I'm gonna go."

"What the hell? Why?"

"Cause.. it's not home. It's not–"

"What you're used to?" I nodded. "Girl you're just scared of change. You've been that way since we were kids. Home is not a place, home is the people."

"Nigga this is not Thor or Moana." We both started laughing.

"Nah, but seriously sis. Just think about it. It'll be a great experience for Adia. It's a great place to raise your children. You can't say you're far from us cause we can easily fly over and you guys can come as well. There's holiday breaks where you can be with family. But your new family is your husband and your daughter. You can't be thinking about the rest of us and what we think all the time. Your marriage comes first, even the Bible says that. That man is trying to help you see the world, don't fuck it up." She said looking at me seriously. I nodded and continued to enjoy our spa day.

Maybe I do need to consider the move. In this relationship Priest usually goes with whatever I'm comfortable with or what makes me happy. I need to think about his happiness as well and I know if he thinks this move is a great decision, I should hear his reasonings why. After all, he is a very reasoning human being, he doesn't just do things based off impulse. If he tells you something, he's been thinking about it for weeks even months. That's what I appreciate about him, he's balanced and particular about certain things.

I got home with Adia in her stroller babbling about whatever it is she thinks is important. When my child learns actual words I'm gonna be in for a ride. So far she knows mama, dada, geegee (my dad), woof (Cali), hi, bye, and huh. Just those be driving me crazy sometimes, but I love how much she's learning. I just wish she'd stop growing. Like damn sis I just gave birth to you and now you're almost 9 months old. Soon you'll be 1, oh God Why?

I saw Priest laying on the couch with Cali big self laying on top of him. She's almost two, but she swears she's still a puppy. He looked over at me and smiled brightly. Let me correct myself, he saw Adia and smiled brightly. My daughter stole my man from me, but it's cool.

He kissed my forehead and then picked up Adia. "How's daddy's little girl? Huh? How you doing mama?" He said in his baby voice while tickling her. Her laugh made my heart melt, I swear he's gonna make me have an Adia number two if he keep playing this dad role well.

After I took a nice hot shower I came downstairs seeing Priest, Adia, and Cali knocked out. "These lazy ass niggas." I mumbled as I continued down the stairs. I picked up Adia and Priest got up as if he was about to chop my throat but calmed down when he saw it was me. I breast fed Adia and gave her some organic mashed potatoes and gravy I made in the baby bullet. Thank you Ariana for blessing me with this. I washed her off and of course because my child is like me, she went straight to sleep. I checked the time that read 7:32PM, she won't be up again until 7:15 tomorrow morning. I walked downstairs to see Priest wasn't there so I went into his office to see him on his computer.

"You want some dinner now?" I asked standing by the door. He looked over at me and signaled for me to come to him.

I sat on his lap as he gave me his full attention. "What's on your mind baby?"

I chuckled. "Nothing, just wondering if you want dinner."

He gave me a stern look. "Don't lie to me Nastassia. What's wrong?"

"I've just been thinking about the whole Anguilla thing."

"What about it?"

"How can you easily up and leave everything you've worked for to go to another country."

"Because everything I worked for was by cocaine. But what I'm working for now is build off of love. The love I have for you and my daughter. I never want to lose this love, so I want to ensure our safety." I looked away from him but he turned my head back. "Hey, listen to me. I know change is scary for you but baby you aren't alone. You have me by your side. We will be okay, I promise you."

I nodded kissing his lips. "Okay."

"Do you trust me?" He asked holding my hands.


"Okay, so when you make the decision don't stress about the what if's, think about the good in each situation."

I sighed, this does not make my decision any easier.


One more chapter and then we're coming to the end of the road. Once again, I love you all. This has been such a thrilling experience. Hopefully you all enjoy the next superfly book as well. ❤️
- D

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