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(This article was written 8 years before the events of this story)

July 15th, 2010,

There have been rumors spreading around the world about a mysterious secret agency called W.E.A., which stands for: "Worldwide Experimental Agency".

The rumors state that this mysterious agency is responsible for the kidnapping of infants and young children all around the world, experimenting on them, then returning them to their parents the next day without being seen.

Since 1997, around 2 billion infants and around 2 billion young children estimated to be between the ages of seven months to six years old, all around the world have been affected. Half of them come from the Americas, both North and South.

There are approximately 90 million people in the U.S. who were experimented on out of the 327 million living there.

Many of the young children do not remember what they saw. The only way they would know of their experimentation is if their parents tell them, or if they find out by themselves by accidentally using their powers.

The existence of W.E.A is a rumor, but children being kidnapped and experimented on is a horrifying fact.

This situation that is still occurring has led to many riots and protests all over the United States.

Nobody knows who is really responsible for this, some say it's the U.S. government, while others say it's W.E.A.

Many people ask why or how did these children end up with powers, and how to get rid of them. Unfortunately, no solution to getting rid of these powers have been found yet.

The Experimented people, mainly teens and adults are considered to be the most evil and destructive people in America and the rest of the world. Many of them use their powers to cause mischief and burn down houses, rob banks and even kill people. Of course, there are those who use their powers for good, but many use their powers for criminal behavior.

Many people ask why wouldn't the government do something about these experimented people, and why has justice yet to be served for the violence and chaos that these people have caused the world. The globe is and has been for almost two decades in complete chaos and rage towards these people.

Police Officers and other Authorities do their best to keep their behavior under control by keeping an eye on neighborhoods and urban areas.

There have been debates of whether or not the W.E.A Agency exist. Some feel as though the U.S government or the United Nations are responsible for giving so many people of the world powers to see how they will react/use them. Others feel as though it is the W.E.A agency that is doing the wrongdoing. They believe they are the ones affecting so many lives of parents and their children around the world. Most don't know who is to blame.

Those who believe in the W.E.A agency do not think that it's the U.S. government's fault, nor do they think that they have anything to do with it. Those people question that if this was the U.S. government all along, then why are they stealing and experimenting on babies in other countries also, instead of just in the United States?

They also wonder that if the agency doesn't exist, then why are some of those who go out searching for the agency to see if it really does exist go missing without a trace?

The idea of W.E.A is considered to be a false rumor by many Americans. This is leading to many debates within politicians and the American people in general.

There are some people who ignored the claim as a false rumor and decided to go adventure out into deserted islands, jungles and other places where they believed the agency is, but some have not returned to tell of what they saw. The ones who do return find nothing.

About 10% of those who go out searching for the agency go missing without a trace.

Most have accepted the possible fact that those who never came back were either killed by a tribe or a wild animal.

The children that were affected now have inhuman abilities that they cannot get rid of, and they may live a more stressful life than a child who wasn't been experimented on.

Each person has a different power, some are similar to the other, but no one has the exact same.

To prevent kidnappings from happening, many parents have barred their windows, purchased guns, and decided to buy German shepherds as guard dogs. But still, this is not enough to stop them from kidnapping the children. Many parents can not sleep because of fear and anxiety.

All we can do is hope and pray that our children will not be next, but every parent knows that there's a possibility that their child will.

-The San Francisco Chronicle,

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