Chapter 30

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*Gaia King's POV:

(Takes place the night of Chapter 29, a few hours before)

"Alright, this should be everything" Danny sighed as he zipped his book bag filled with equipment and medicine.

I was carrying a heavy book bag filled with food, just like the rest of my friends. We also dragged along a large black plastic bag filled with bottles of water.

"Everyone ready to go?" he asked us. We nodded.

"Don't forget to go to my parents' house and tell them that we are okay" Shimizu reminded Noah, walking up to him. He then gave Noah a note. That note was his address.

"I won't. I promise, I will head out tonight."

"Just be careful, and don't get caught. Stay low" Danny told Noah as he gave him money for a cab. Danny gave him a brief hug before turning to us.

"Alright kids, it's getting late. Let's head out."

We quietly made our way from underground into the outside world. It was about fourth degrees outside, so it was freezing. I hated winter. The only good thing about being out there was that there was no wind to make it feel colder, and we had on coats with hoods.

I looked up at the night sky. It was cloudy, but I could still somewhat see the millions of stars that were glowing brightly. Silence was all around us, except for Shimizu and Mohammed talking to each other. No animals were around at all. The moon was so big and bright, I didn't think we even needed flashlights.

Port Orford was only a half a mile away, but with the heavy book bag I was carrying on my back, and the heavy plastic bag I was trying not to drag on the rocky ground, it felt like forever.

Instead of using the side of the main road as a sidewalk, we decided to cut through the woods, that way, no one could see us. Another reason was because mine, Shimizu's, Beval's and Robin's eyes lit up in the dark, thanks to our elemental power. The shades of ocean blue, fiery orange, sparkling purple and forest deep green, shined gracefully. We would've been easily spotted as experi-babies.

We were only five minutes into our walking and Kimberly was already complaining.

"My back hurts from this heavy book bag" Kimberly groaned. "Are we almost there?"

"No, we should be there in another ten or fifteen minutes. Stay strong, I know this is a lot of stuff to carry, but you will be okay" Danny replied to Kimberly, not phased by her complaining.

"What boat are we going to use?" I asked Danny. He stroked his chin.

"A boat that is medium to large and doesn't rely on gas. We may need a sailboat. I know how to use a compass, so I know how to get us there."

"Wow, you're so smart Mr. Danny. It seems like you know everything" Katie smiled in awe.

"It's Danny, not Mr. Danny. I'm not that old yet, I'm almost twenty-two" Danny chuckled. We laughed along with him.

"Oh! I just remembered something!" Shimizu yelled out randomly.

"Yeah?" Robin asked.

"Hikari's sixth birthday is in four days. I almost forgot her birthday!"

"Are you really thinking about that at a time like this?!" Kimberly asked Shimizu in annoyance.

"Don't worry, you will be home to tell her happy belated birthday" Beval smiled at Shimizu as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Since we are going to be in the middle of the ocean, does anyone here not know how to swim?" Robin asked. Mohammed slowly raised his hand.

"I don't. But I wish I knew how to" he sighed, a little ashamed and embarrassed.

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