Chapter 5

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*Shimizu Hada's POV:

Me, Robin and Gaia ran upstairs to Beval's room. His room was pretty big in size. The walls were a navy blue color with gray curtains and bedsheets. The Mexican flag was on the wall beside his bed.

Beval took his book bag off, jumped on his bed and grabbed the remote control. Me (still holding the tortillas), Robin and Gaia placed our book bags down near the door and sat on the floor in front of the television. I placed the tortillas on a stool.

Suddenly, two of Beval's cats jumped over me and ran out the room, into the hallway.

Once Beval turned the TV on, it was set on Fox News, where a political debate was going on, and I am pretty sure you can guess what it was about.

"Wait...wait can I watch this really quick?" I asked him.

"Why? It's stupid, everybody knows....well everybody with common sense knows that this secret agency called W.E.A is a myth. It is the government's fault for giving us powers, because of them we are deemed as untrustworthy and dangerous, even those who have never hurt a fly or used their powers for evil are judged and discriminated. All because of this situation, we had five riots this whole week, one in Baltimore, one in Los Angeles, one in Chicago, and the other two in New York City and Detroit. There is no such thing as W.E.A, who even made up that name anyway?" Beval ranted as he waved the remote control around.

"You don't know that Beval, you don't have proof that W.E.A doesn't exist" Gaia argued, looking up at Beval from sitting on the carpet floor.

"Well you don't have proof that W.E.A does exist, sweetheart," Beval sneered at Gaia.

Gaia blushed a little from embarrassment and crossed her arms, looking away from him.

"Guys shhhhh!" Robin shushed angrily as she got up and snatched Beval's remote from him and turned up the volume.

"Really?!" Beval asked angrily.

They were announcing something, but I couldn't hear what they were saying because of Gaia and Beval's back and forth-ness. But then one of the politicians that were arguing said:

"Making up idiotic theories about something we have no proof of is ridiculous. There is no proof of the existence of W.E.A. If there is a W.E.A, then why has no one seen it? America needs to open their eyes and realize that the United Nations, especially our government made these people. There could be many reasons as to why they exist in the first place. Maybe the government is secretly getting ready for something extraterrestrial and need people to fight against them. Maybe they want to experiment on people to see how they will use their powers. There could be so many reasons, but the fact is that millions of people have powers, some powers are dangerous, some are not. But one thing is for certain, these PEOPLE are dangerous, and if we don't do something, humanity will destroy itself."

Me, Gaia and Robin stared blankly at the TV.

"I rest my case" Beval said as he laid down, folding his arms behind his head. "W.E.A doesn't exist."

"Well, looks like Beval was right," Robin laughed as she got up and gave the remote back to Beval.

"Why are they assuming that we are all terrible? Like, I mean, I've never used my powers against anyone, I'm a good person and-"

"Well Shimizu, sorry to break it to you, but not everyone has your heart, especially if they can do something that has always thought to be impossible" Robin interrupted me as she leaned back on the side of the bed.

"Hey, let's try to get our minds off of this and play a game. How about "Have I Ever"? That way we can ask Shimizu questions and get to know him better and he can get to know us," Beval insisted as he got off his bed unto the floor.

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