Chapter 41

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*Thomas King's POV:

"Shit" Isabella mumbled. We were in deep trouble. Deep, deep trouble.

"Sir, I can assure you we were only here to see planes land and take off. Nothing more" I lied, trying to reason with the man as I walked up to him. This guy was almost a foot taller than me. Sadly, I was 5"9. He had to be around about 6"6. I couldn't really make out his features because it was so dark. But from what I could see, the man was wearing a pilot uniform, his skin was olive toned, and he was Caucasian.

"Then why were you trying to climb the gate, and trying to steal a plane to go to some Island?"

We paused in fear. Our mouths were open as we tried to think of something to say.

"Look, please don't call the police. We don't mean any harm at all. We just need to rescue our loved ones and-"

"And if that is the case, a public airport is not the way to do it. I think you forgot the fact that the system tracks where airplanes and jets go. You'll have to rent a private jet" the man explained.

"But we don't have any money to rent a private jet" I stated sadly in desperation.

"Well that's not my problem. Either save up or get a loan from a bank" The pilot said sternly as he shook his head. His eyes and his flashlight then turned to Noah. Immediately, his whole facial expression changed from stern and serious, to amazed and shocked.

"Noah? Is-is that you?" He asked, a small smile forming in his face.

"Do-do I know you?" Noah asked in confusion. The man turned the flashlight to himself.

I was able to make out more features, like how bulky he was. He was a brunette, and his cheeks and chin were covered by a thick but short beard. His left eye was permanently shut, and a scar went across the eyelid. His scar looked old, as if he was badly injured a long time ago.

"It's me, Trevor."

Noah's eyes grew big as a slight chuckle came from him. They grew teary as he slowly approached "Trevor".

"Trevor? Is that you? I thought you were dead. I thought they killed you."

Noah and Trevor began sharing a meaningful hug.

"They tried to torture me by slicing me to death, but I gladly escaped" Trevor sighed as he pulled away from the hug. He lifted his sleeve to reveal his scars that stretched across his right arm. Those scars were everywhere.

"They left me to bleed out and die in the wilderness. But lucky, I escaped before they could come back to check if I was dead. I don't go by Trevor anymore. I go by Jared now. I had to change my name. I must protect my true identity, otherwise, they will find me and kill me. I don't have any family to go to, so I started my life over, changed my look and became a pilot" he explained as he lowered his sleeve.

"Who will try to kill you?" Isabella asked with crossed arms.

Trevor looked Isabella and I up and down.

"Are these your kids?" Trevor asked.

"No, they are Danny's childhood friends, but yes they are with me. We need a plane to travel to Vulcan Island. Danny and several kids are there to destroy the headquarters. We're basically offering them a ride home" Noah explained.

"I'm sorry, they are where?! Do you realize how dangerous that Island is?! You better pray to God that they're still alive! Even W.E.A employees wouldn't dare step foot in that place. I should know, I used to be one."

"You worked for W.E.A?" I and Isabella yelled in surprise.

"Shh!" Noah and Trevor shushed loudly.

"Look, I know where you guys can find a small jet. There's a plane junkyard about a half an hour from here. We can find a decent one and go from there. They even have some fuel for the planes. I will take you to Vulcan Island and back, but just under one condition..." Trevor whispered as he looked around. "Meeting me never happened. This never happened. After this, do not speak of me or anything. Don't even mention me to strangers."

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