Chapter 12

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*Robin Douglas's POV:

Just when I thought Danny was just some crazy psychotic hobo, it turns out, he was just like us. He was an experi-baby whom was given psychic powers.

He could know all about a person without even knowing them personally.

He could tell what your name was without you saying it, and could even tell the future.

I was never the type to believe in something without proof of it's existence, especially when it came to conspiracy theories. I've always pictured conspiracy theorists as a bunch of older people still living with their parents, no job, no house, no purpose, but so quick to point out and overthink shit without solid proof.

But in only a matter of thirty minutes, my mindset was changed.

The things Danny told us was too frightening and too deep. It was too deep to be a lie and it all made sense, along with the amount of detail.

But what made me really believe him was the fact that he admitted to being an experi-baby. A psychic one. He even gave us specific evidence that he was, for example: knowing our names without us telling him, and knowing the term "experi-baby" without us tell him about it.

I know it sounds like petty reasons to believe him, but after a while, my gut finally told me that he was telling the truth.

When he said that the extermination of experi-babies will happen very soon, we knew we had to sprint home and tell our families and friends.

If you really want me to be honest, that was the first time I had ever been afraid for my life, well, the second really, if we are also including what happened at the sleepover. But at that time I didn't show it, I had to put on my "Robin Face" and act brave.

When we got to my house, Shimizu tried to tell everyone what happened, but our family members were so confused but also pissed off at the fact that we were blocking the television while they were watching the NBA game. Either way, he was talking too fast for anyone to understand him.

His parents had to sit him down, not only because he was blocking the television, but also because he was panicking.

Before he could explain the second time, the game was interrupted by an Emergency Broadcast System which showed U.S. President Jones sitting at a desk.

Me and others immediately, looked away from Shimizu and looked at the television.

We were silent as a mouse, preparing to listen to the U.S. president make his announcement.

"My fellow Americans, we have a problem. You may know about those who are experimented. They are well known to cause disarray, murder, thief and trouble across the globe. Some are your friends, some are your children, some are your cousins, some are even your coworkers. Because of how much destruction and chaos they cause, I am here to tell you that the U.S. government along with many nations across the globe has declared that these "Super Humans" are a danger to us and to the rest of the world. We have later found out that these "Super Humans" are secretly planing to wipe out and exterminate the people of the world who weren't experimented on. They see "Regular Humans" as inferior, bland and useless."

He then paused for a moment as he cleared his throat.

"With a lot of research, Scientist later found out that the chemicals that were injected into infants and young children did not only give them powers, but it also wired their brains into thinking that they were better than regular humans and that regular humans were in need of extermination. The number of experimented people has went up tremendously, there are an estimated to be about one billion worldwide. Two hundred million more since 2010. Most have minor to moderate level of powers, while none that we know of have powers that are world ending."

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