Chapter 35

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*Gaia King's POV:

For a hidden, secret government island, it sure was beautiful.

Palm trees stood tall; some were coconut trees. The waves gracefully crashed on the golden sandy shore and seagulls could be heard squawking as they flew above us. The temperature was warmer, probably around eighty degrees.

It was paradise. It reminded me of my home country: the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The island was considered "small" by Danny, but it looked and felt way bigger.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Shimizu asked as he approached me from behind.

"Yes, it's amazing. You wouldn't been able to guess that this place is hiding something insidious" I replied, turning towards him.

It was starting to get hot, so I took off my thin khaki jacket and wrapped it around my waist.

"Let's be cautious. We'll never know when the killer-machines may strike" Shimizu replied with a sigh in nervousness. He placed his arm on my shoulder as we looked out into the jungle from the shore.

It felt as if someone was staring back at us.

"As long as we stick together, we will conquer this place" Danny said, walking up beside us.

"How are we going to find food and water?" Mohammed asked Danny, approaching us along with Katie, Kimberly and Beval.

"We're going to have to go into survival mode for the next few days. Anyone here know how to hunt?"

Silence surrounded us for a few moments until Robin spoke up.

"I do, but I only know how to hunt with a gun. Me and my parents love hunting."

"Welp, instead of a gun, you may want to use your powers" Danny suggested. That's when I had an idea.

"Hey, you know animals love me, maybe I can trick the fish into coming towards me so you guys can catch them!"

"Great idea Gaia!" Shimizu smiled.

"The best part about that is, there's a large pond on this island. We can catch some fish tonight" Danny said as while walking towards the jungle. He turned back towards us.

"Are you guys ready to go? This place isn't going to bomb itself."

"Do you still have the bomb?" Robin asked Shimizu.

"Yup!" Shimizu replied with confidence, showing them the disc-shaped bomb.

"Here, place it in here, that way you won't lose it" Danny insisted, giving Shimizu a cloth bag that he found yesterday in the water from the wreckage. "Alright kids, let's go, the sooner we leave and get this done, the sooner we can go home."

"Whoa, check out the writings on this tree" Mohammed pointed, running up to the tree.

"What does it say Mohammed?" Katie asked.

"It says "who enters this island has entered the gates of hell. Turn back now, for your life is at stake" Mohammed read. That writing gave me chills.

"Somebody was here before us?" Shimizu asked Danny, not taking his eyes off of the tree.

"Most likely an adventurer who found out the hard way what this island has in store" Danny answered as he watched his surrounds, not really caring for the writing. "Come on, let's keep moving."

Making our way into the jungle was rough. There were no pathways, so we constantly had to fight our way through bushes and leaves. The ground underneath my feet was a bit muddy and the plants were hydrated with dew.

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