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I walked into my creative writing class, not caring that I was several minutes late. "Emma Swan, how nice of you to join us." A sultry voice called out and i looked at the brunette who said it. Fuck the professor is sexy. "Sorry." I said, but I mean, I'm pretty much late for everything. "Bullshit. I was warned about you. Have a seat." She said and I took the only seat available. I leaned back in my desk and crossed my arms. "Oh act offended all you want, I don't care." She said and multiple people chuckled. Damn. She quieted them and cleared her throat. "Now that everyone is here," she started, giving me a pointed look, "I'm professor Mills. Your creative writing teacher. I'd suggest staying on my good side, since you're stuck with me the whole year, but obviously some of you can't do that." She said and people chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "Since this is a creative writing class, we're going to start with a writing assignment. It's easy enough, just tell me about yourselves. I expect good grammar and punctuation. I won't hesitate calling you out on these problems. You're in college, not grade school." She continued and i bit my lip. I didn't want to write about myself. "This will not be a grade, but if you don't do it, I will give you a zero. So I suggest you do it. You may begin." She said and i got out a notebook and a pen. What do I write about? The fact that both of my parents are dead? Or the fact that they thought their fortune would make up for putting me in the foster system until I was sixteen? I sighed as I began writing.

Two hours passed and she dismissed us, reminding us to turn in our papers on the way out. "Swan. Stay behind." She called out, causing me to sigh as i packed up. Everyone left and I walked up to her desk when everyone was gone. "Yes?" I asked and she looked at me. "I know this bad girl act works on everyone else. But I'm not stupid. I can tell when someone has a mask up and when they're deflecting. So keep that bullshit out of my class." She said and I looked away. I set my papers on her desk before leaving. She doesn't get it. No one gets it.


I was the last person to walk into class. I was on time. I sat at my desk, avoiding eye contact. Ms. Mills started talking almost immediately. "It's nice to see we're all on time today." She said, but I didn't look up. I didn't need to to know she was looking at me. "Now onto your papers... some of you have impressive writing skills. Others... not so much." She said and I focused on a crack in the resin on my desk. I wish I could just drop this class. But I have to have it to graduate and she's the only one who teaches it. I tuned out, which was really not a good choice. Because before I knew it, class was over and I wasted a whole day. "Swan. Stay behind please." She said and i sighed. Fuck can i not catch a break? I packed up and she looked at me. "Care to tell me why you zoned out in my class?" She asked and i sighed, shrugging. "Well I think I deserve an explanation. This bad girl act is just disrupting my class." She said and i rolled my eyes. "How is it disrupting your class? You're the one who called me out today even though I did absolutely nothing." I said and she chuckled. "I like that you just assumed I called you out. You weren't the only one who was late to my class." She said and I blushed. "Now. How about we talk about your paper?" She asked and i sighed. "No thanks." I said and she hummed. "Well I'm not going to take that for an answer. I'm sorry about last class. I understand I embarrassed you and that wasn't fair." She said and I nodded. "Thank you." I said and she smiled. "I don't want to be your enemy, Em-ma." She said, drawing out my name and i blushed. Why did she say my name like that? "Then what do you want to be?" i asked, not thinking about it. She smirked a little and i bit my lip. Boy this was gonna be tricky.

an: sorry it's short. tell me if you guys like the idea of it?

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