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I woke up and yawned. "Good morning beautiful. Sleep well?" Regina asked and i hummed. "Yeah." I said and sat up, stretching a little. "Good. I have to go. But I'll be home soon okay?" She asked and i frowned. "But it's like 6 am. And it's Christmas Eve..." I mumbled and she nodded. "I know darling. I'll be home soon and we can celebrate." She said and i shook my head. "Where are you going? Can't I come with you?" I asked and she kissed my head. "No beautiful. I'll be home soon." She said and i sighed. "Stop saying that and tell me where you're going?" I asked and she chuckled. "Babe. If you let me go, I'll be home much sooner." She said and i rolled my eyes and laid back down. "Fine. Whatever. Leave." I mumbled and she sighed. "Emma..." she started and i shook my head. "Go. Stress isn't good for the baby." I joked and I heard her breathing hitch. "Baby? What baby? Are you pregnant?" She asked and i furrowed my eyebrows. "No. I meant me. You call me a baby all the time." I said and she sighed. "Right. I'm leaving." She mumbled and left, not saying anything else. I frowned and rubbed my flat belly a little. A baby wouldn't be so bad... but i don't even know if regina wants kids. Why is she leaving me on Christmas Eve? And she wouldn't even tell me where she was going.

I woke up a few hours later in bed alone. Still. I checked the clock and saw it was 9 am. I got up and put on some leggings and a hoodie. I looked around upstairs and sighed not finding Regina. I went downstairs and to the living room. I turned the tv on before cuddling on the couch in a fluffy blanket. I got my phone and opened Instagram. I started scrolling through my feed but I stopped seeing several pictures Jeff posted of Regina and Zelena with their mom and Robyn. I looked at the caption and teared up a little. "The Mills women this morning." I mumbled. She left me here so she could go see her family? Great. So I still don't have a family. I wiped my tears but more came. This fucking sucks. I sniffled as I locked my phone and got up, going upstairs to change clothes. I changed into jeans and put some vans on before calling Ruby. "Hello?" "Hey did you stay in town?" "Yeah. Why? Are you okay?" "No. Can I come over?" "Of course em." "I-I'll see you in a few."


About two hours passed of me crying to Ruby. Then my phone started ringing. I answered it with a weak "Hello". "Emma! Where are you?" "Why does it matter. You have your family. Forget about me. Find someone you want to share your family with." "Emma what are you talking about? Where are you?" "I'm talking about you leaving me alone while you went and had Christmas with your family! Fuck you!" "Emma, darling, please come home so we can talk." "No." "Emma." "I don't want to come home. Because if I'm home, I'm going to want to cuddle because I'm sad. But you're the reason I'm sad." "Baby. Please come home. I promise you I can explain." "W-will you come get me? I took an Uber cause I was upset." "Yes. You're with ruby right?" "Y-Yeah." "Okay my love. I'll be right there."

About fifteen minutes passed before there was a knock on the door. Ruby went and answered it, then came back with Regina. "You're sure you want to go?" Ruby asked and i nodded. I got up and left, not even saying goodbye and Regina followed me. I got in her car and closed the door behind me. She got in on her side and started the car after we both had our seatbelts on. "Emma, I went to see them alone because I just had some things to talk about with them." She said and i shook my head. "What things?" I asked and she sighed. "I can't tell you." She said and i scoffed. "Yes you can." I said and she sighed. "Fine. I was going to ask how they'd feel if I proposed tomorrow at the family dinner." She said and my breathing hitched. I looked at her but she wasn't paying attention. "You.. want to propose? To me?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes. I know we haven't been dating long but I love you. I don't care about how long it's been. You're the love of my life and I don't want anyone else. I want you forever." She said and pulled over on the side of the road. She pulled something out of her pocket and unhooked her seatbelt. She turned in her seat so she could look at me and smiled a little. "I love you, Emma Marie Swan. This isn't the romantic, by the fire, snow falling outside proposal I had planned but now that I got started, it feels right. So.. will you give me the tremendous honor of becoming my wife?" She asked, holding up the gorgeous diamond ring. I looked at her and noticed how nervous she looked. I smiled softly and nodded, ignoring the tears pouring from my eyes. "Of course I will. I-I love you so much." I said and she smiled brightly. She gently grabbed my left hand, then slid it on my ring finger. I smiled at the pear-shaped ring and wiped my tears before pulling her into a deep kiss. She hummed and kissed me back happily. We pulled out of it after a bit and i leaned my head on hers. She smiled and nuzzled my nose. "The ring looks gorgeous on you." She said and i blushed. "Really? You don't think it's too big for my tiny hands?" I asked and she chuckled. "No my love it's perfect." She said and i smiled. "You really like it? I know you don't really like girly stuff and you're kind of like.. punk rock with all your tattoos and stuff I just.. started designing it and this just.. seemed perfect." She said softly and i sniffled, smiling again. "I love it baby. So much." I said and she smiled. "Come on. Now let's go get your nails done so we can take beautiful pictures cause everyone's gonna be looking at your hands for awhile." She said and i chuckled, nodding. "Okay." I said and she pecked my lips before sitting straight in her seat again and putting her seatbelt back on. She started driving again and drove to this cute little nail salon. We got out and went in, Regina grabbing my hand to hold. I smiled and squeezed her hand happily. We walked in and the woman behind the desk smiled at us. "Hi how can I help you?" She asked softly. "I want an ombré French manicure with acrylics please." I said and Regina looked at me, furrowing her eyebrows. I just smiled. "Alright. Come with me."


I laid on Reginas chest and panted. She held me tight, panting herself and I closed my eyes. "Fuck I love having sex with you." I mumbled and she chuckled. "Believe me baby girl. I love it too." She said and i smiled. "I know." I said and she kissed my head. "What time is it?" I asked and she hummed. "Five pm." She said and i nodded. "So i was thinking we could get up and have breakfast, then open presents here and spend some alone time together, then go to my moms house for the family stuff?" She asked and i nodded. "Perfect." I said and she kissed my head again. "Can we order sushi for dinner tonight?" I asked and she nodded. "Yay." I said happily and she chuckled. I love this so much..

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